Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Sacred Energy of the Universe Resonates Within


the sacred energy of the universe resonates within us and when we show people kindness and compassion it flows freely out into our world embracing all we come in contact with.

I have never tried to capture the beauty of life because I like you am part of lifes beauty and know that it was never meant to be captured it was meant to be set free.

lyrically loving and poetically passionate are the sacred choices I make to not just get me through the day but also to help me help others improve the quality of life.

while I may walk many roads my destination is always has been the same for mine is a journey of loving spirit that leads home to me. the real me, the true me, the authentic me, the natural me and the sacred me.

logic and intuition are but two of the blessings that I use to get me through the day.

I like to promote happiness and harmony for when I do it manifests positive change which helps me to rise above my struggles and see more clearly all the blessings in my life.

anxiety takes my breath away but I am strong and I fight to get it back and breathe again for anxiety neither owns or defines me and it knows that I am stronger than it will ever be.

embrace fully the truth of who you for doing so will bring positive changes into your life which will make yours a sacred dance of growth and blessings where dreams come true.

when you take action make sure its loving action as this will initiate a reality of pure positive energy which will expand the spirit and cultivate higher consciousness.

poetic and profound was my immersion in the sacred for it made my song of life one of self discovery and divine blessings that inspired me to life fully from the heart.

immense is the value of our compassion for it is a blessing which when shared freely and authentically can change lives for the better.

playfully I wander in hope and wonder through fields of spiritual growth planting seeds of happiness that emerge from sacred ground as trees of transformation.

if you are reading this know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. know that I am sending you blessings. know that I am sharing with you positive healing energy. know that I am wishing you all the joy life has to offer. know that I am giving you the goodness in me. if you are reading this know that you are loved.

mine is a pure positive spiritual evolution that gives voice to my heart which speaks a sacred language of light and love.

live and love each day with positive intentions and a sacred perspective as this will give joy to each moment and happiness to every step along the way.

be at peace with yourself and yours will be a passionate and compassionate life in which love flows authentically, unconditionally and freely.

I began living the life of my dreams once I started dreaming of a life worth living for.

sacred is the earth when it is in harmony with the heavens and divine are we when we are in harmony with each other.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Sometimes I Think I Will And Then I Do


sometimes I think I will and then I do for my thoughts are tools that I use to inspire within me the power to forge through any darkness into a light of my own creation which awakens me to realities of healing, happiness and wholeness.

when my thoughts and feelings are those of love the creator within begins to fashion days, weeks, months and years of joy and happiness.

I carry within my heart a picture of my soul kneeling at the altar of my spirit thanking the heavens, earth, gods and goddesses for the divine blessing that is life.

let us for a moment live more joyously and then let us join as one and manifest moments that transform into millennia and millennia that transforms into eternity.

what will you contribute to the earth today? I will contribute honesty, decency, compassion, kindness, common sense, understanding, hope, healing, happiness and love. what will you contribute to the earth today?

when I look in the mirror with purpose and positivity I see with focused clarity who I truly am which opens my loving heart to this world and beyond.

on a day of hope be a ray of hope who makes hopes and dreams come true.

you have within you tools for transformation and if you align with the desires of your heart and soul you will be able to access those tools and use them to make the changes necessary to make your dreams and aspirations come true.

step through the doorway of spirit and into a world of your own creation in which your days are filled with singing, dancing, laughing, rejoicing, living and loving.

as a psychic counselor and consultant I have had many people from the arts come to see me. many would say things like I am having trouble getting noticed... I would say if you want to be noticed do something noticeable. if you want to stand out on a crowd place yourself in the center of that crowd and do something to stand out. there is an old saying that goes - believe in god but tether your camel. this means that we can believe in god but if we dont tether our camel it will wander away. we are in control of our actions. we make choices and those choices impact our lives in ways positive and negative. believe in yourself but make the effort to show yourself and the world just how gifted, glorious, beautiful and miraculous you are. believe in god but be yourself. believe in god but free yourself. believe in yourself. believe. be.

if you could would you and when. if you can will you and when. you could and you can as soon as you are ready. are you ready yet.

approach each day with a pure open heart and a sincere desire to create a better future as this simple act of positive intention will help heal and harmonize your life in a unique sacred manner that serves the highest greatest good.

I dove into the depths of my soul and discovered a higher purpose that embraced me with a sacred wholeness which opened doorways to spirit that brought light to my world.

I find that the more I love and accept myself the more peaceful my reality is and the greater the contribution I make to my life and the lives of others.

you are capable of great things. you have the ability to make choices that activate your gifts. you are a being of higher spiritual growth whose very essence is sacred. you are one whose presence ignites hope and inspires happiness. know this, feel this, believe this and live this for this is who you are.

life for me is a portrait of peaceful living and a state of gratitude that expresses beautifully a radiantly clear vision of a higher truth and reality.

miraculous is the journey guided by peace in which the true natural sacred beauty of the soul lights the world with love.

spiritual awareness and awakening give me a positive outlook on life which makes mine a healthier happier home.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Pure in Thought and Positive in Action


pure in thought and positive in action I let my sacred energy flow into every aspect of my existence which elevates my humanity and empowers my divinity.

you dont have to try to make a difference because every day you make a difference. with every kind word you make a difference. just to be alive and sharing the beauty of who you are makes a difference. your actions, intentions, hopes, wishes and dreams make a difference. thank you for touching my life in such a positive way. you have truly made a difference.

life was happening to me the other day in a way I didnt enjoy so with care and kindness I opened my heart and began to bit by bit change my reality into something special that freed me from the darkness and lifted me into the light.

you create who you are. you shape your world. you are the author of your own existence. you are the master of your fate. this is who you are. be who you are. believe in who you are. love who you are.

today and for that matter every day is a day of cultivation in which I do my best to cultivate kindness, compassion, happiness, generosity, integrity, honor, mindfulness and miracles.

natural and beautiful is the sacredness of your being. it is a pure positive light that inspires. it is a generous blessing of grace and glory. it is garden of caring and compassion. spiritual and bountiful is the greatness of your being.

today I will do things that satisfy spirit and soul which will embrace me with positive healing thoughts that liberate my sacred voice and inspire my sacred self.

I am inspired by my sons enthusiasm and my wifes intelligence. I am motivated by my sons humour and my wifes humanity. I am joyously fulfilled by my sons spirit and my wifes soul. I am divinely blessed by my sons and my wifes love. I am who I am because they are who they are and together we are family.

with pure integrity connect to the divine and you will be touched by grace which will give birth to blessings that will help you create a better tomorrow.

the more we enjoy living the happier our life will be for bliss begins with the belief that we are worthy and deserving of peace, freedom and love.

I was awakened today by my true nature who reminded me that I was a force for good on a path of glory to a place of greatness and spiritual growth.

kindness and compassion are blessings of light that bring peace and harmony into the lives of both those who give and those who receive.

today celebrate life by believing in and loving who you are for you are a blessing and you are deserving of the same love and light you share with others.

you are a beautiful being with a beautiful spirit whose sacred beauty is a beautiful blessing that brings great beauty to the world.

whether dreaming or waking my thoughts are always a force for good that are authentic, alchemical and altruistic.

healing energy from the core of my being overflows into my everyday life when with clarity, caring and compassion I look to help others in clear effective ways that enrich, empower and enlighten.

I was having a rough day so I immersed myself in and surrounded myself with positive things like music, aromas, pictures and people which helped me feel better. how I reacted to my malaise turned my darkness into light.

with grateful compassion I walk a path of spirit that awakens the good within me which I then share freely with the world for I am a being of light on a journey of love and so are you.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 04, 2021

My Thoughts and Prayers are With You


to be alive today is to be courageous for we have mountains to climb and battles to be won. know that you are not alone and that my thoughts and prayers are with you. you can do this. yes you can.

for other people I have kindness, for other people I have compassion, for other people I have generosity, for other people I have understanding and for other people I have love. what do you have for me today?

it was nice yesterday to see all the children out laughing and playing. its amazing how something so simple could be so inspiring as to rejuvenate the spirit. in these difficult times children are for me a message of hope that helps me believe we can all move forward toward a better future.

sometimes the answers we seek are already there. when we are at peace we radiate a peaceful energy that elevates and inspires those around us. this is why every day I do my best to bring peace to my life.

I live my life like a poem filled with loving lyrical moments that awaken wisdom and evoke happiness.

I find that when I dream of things attainable its easier to make dreams come true which fill my life with possibilities and opportunities that nourish the heart and soul.

I bathe in the glory of the universe and am cleansed of all confusion which allows me to see with greater clarity all the blessings in my life.

I assist humanity by being genuine, grateful, glorious and good which also assists me by illuminating my soul and spirit.

I find peace within when I listen to the song of the soul for it is a song that gives voice to truth as it eases the mind and spirit.

today I will cultivate blessings that increase happiness and well being which I will then share with everyone I meet.

may the beauty within me and the beauty within you join together and help others to see the beauty in themselves thereby making this a more beautiful world.

I got a celestial hug this morning which has awakened the sweetness in my heart and inspired me to share and shine my light with the world today.

mine is a world of diverse divinity that embraces many beliefs, ideas and philosophies. it as an ever changing world where joy comes from meeting new people and learning new things. it is a world in which while embracing our differences I am also embracing those things that we have in common. mine is a world of diverse divinity.

a gentle stream of love washes over me when I see my child enjoying life for it is then that I realize life isnt about me its about all of us.

I like people who make a positive lasting impression. I do my best to be a person who makes a positive lasting impression. I have an idea. you impress me and I will impress you and together we will do our best to not only share it but also to make it last.

have you ever had one of those days, one of those weeks, one of those years or one of those lives. well I have had them all and am still here. I realized a long time ago that life happens no matter what else is going on. during this pandemic life has continued to happen. what does that mean. it means that even though this crisis is the focus for many the truth is that people still die of cancer, people still struggle with finances, people still have problems with relationships... life still happens. I am still here because I learned that no matter the darkness to always not only seek the light but also see the light. so while life is happening I am able to see, hear, feel and experience happiness. so when I am having one of those days, weeks, years and lives I can see, hear, feel and experience my blessings. life happens. how we react to it is our choice.

the more we discover about ourselves the greater becomes our passion to serve others and transform lives.

when I am shown kindness and compassion I react with a heartfelt appreciation that expresses my gratitude and inspires my spirit.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One