Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Beauty and Miracle of Life

great love and respect for yourself and others shines a glorious light on the beauty and miracle of life which improves its quality while embracing its heart and soul.

you re a beautiful natural and truly magnificent angel on earth walking a path of sacred self growth, empowerment and spiritual alchemy.

every moment is an opportunity to love. seize the moment by giving and receiving love. first to and from yourself and then to and from the world.

with the souls guidance we can make our way to a life of great blessings, energetic healing and spiritual maturation that embraces the divine.

follow your own wisdom and you will discover within you a shining essence of life changing light and infinite energy that will help you evolve and grow.

share your gifts freely that others may reap the benefits of your divine wisdom and sacred beauty.

every breath is a breath of spirit that aligns you with your destiny and once you accept and celebrate this sacred truth you give birth to changes that improve the quality of your life.

your heart is your sacred power. its beautiful, uplifting and loving energies are priceless gifts which when bestowed upon others will take you to a higher level of being where you may bathe in the waters of pure love.

open your mind, open your heart, open your spirit and open your soul to the miracles of life and yours will be a loving, caring, nurturing world of profoundly beautiful and sacred experiences.

a passionate commitment in which you devote your life to helping others is a magickal and magnificent blessing that leads to where love begins.

celebrate your existence by connecting fully with your heart for within its sacred glory is a beautiful light that embraces and enhances the path you are on when you truly love yourself.

be true to yourself for by doing so you evolve as a spiritual being and life becomes a wonderfully beautiful journey to the sacred healing light of the greatness within.

look at your life in a clearer light and you will see that you have spiritual insights and transformative abilities which awaken intentions of love that bring forth happiness.

there is within us all a radiant sacred space and it is when we find our way there that we begin to experience a positive personal freedom which leads to a happier healthier life.

compassion and kindness fuel the vital life force within which creates around us a welcoming atmosphere that honors and celebrates the sacred beauty of all people.

we inch closer to infinite bliss when we embrace self acceptance for it is by fully believing in ourselves that we become the source of love that is our destiny.

extraordinarily enlightening is a life well lived for when we immerse ourselves completely in the miracle of our existence we we serve our sacred needs and every step we take creates a path to a greater purpose.

live purely with sacred intent and the universe will shine down upon you a healing spiritual light which will show you the way to wholeness and transformation.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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