Friday, July 14, 2017

Something Extraordinary happens to us when we Experience Bliss Together

something extraordinary happens to us when we experience bliss together. we create a haven for all that is sacred.

sacred acts of kindness revitalize the soul creating a transformative inner journey that inspires profound spiritual growth.

may yours be a purposeful mission of holistic healing that lifts you up to dimensional realities where you can truly see that your very existence is a sacred work of art.

you inspire a spiritual awakening when you embrace fully the essence of your being.

awareness is a beautiful thing for it allows us to feel each transformational breath as we see clearly the sunshine through the tree of life.

beautify and energise your life by embarking on a pilgrimage of love that celebrates your uniqueness.

life becomes an upwardly ascending journey of divine love when we use our personal power source to communicate beyond words the happiness and enlightenment within our heart and soul.

an ethereal place that soothes and calms is at the core of our being and every time we touch the world with an expression of love it raises our spirit to higher vibrational levels of light.

the intention to do those things that benefit the good of our whole being is a spiritual idea that blesses us with holistic wellness and a life of radiant joy.

the choice to love creates amazing encounters filled with life force energy that inspire us to live our ultimate destiny.

speak the truth and the waters of consciousness will guide you on an upward evolutionary path to sacred landscapes of spiritual freedom.

with courage and love harness the spiritual energy within and watch as the world around you evolves before your eyes.

a deeper relationship with spirit opens us to the tools of transformation within which give us divine spiritual insights that help us create a path to freedom.

a higher perspective that is metaphysical and spiritual enhances our life with a powerful healing energy that inspires and encourages love from the divine.

greatness and wholeness are the precious spiritual benefits we receive when we focus our energy on living a life of love.

live more vibrantly and yours will be a beautifully overwhelming path of profound lasting change that introduces you to a whole new world.

love and encouragement infuses the whole of our being with magnificent energy that fills our journey of spirit with experiences of divine ecstasy.

you awaken the soul when you move forward spiritually and make the choice to evolve in your own special way.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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