Thursday, November 30, 2017

My Soul Purpose is to Uplift Humanity

my soul purpose is to uplift humanity and by doing so raise myself to a place of celestial beauty where I may love who I am more completely as I blossom into being.

walk in light toward love and yours will be a life of meaning and purpose guided by spirit where joy and happiness flow freely.

make yourself happy. explore compassion. make yourself happy. give wings to your prayers. make yourself happy. live with grace and dignity. make yourself happy. embrace deeper self awareness. make yourself happy. open your eyes to the beauty of your true sacred essence. make yourself happy. love, love, love, love. make yourself happy.

touch with me a future of gentle kindness and personal freedom where the sunshine of the soul cradles the heart of who we truly and inspires us to explore and experience all that is love.

today forge a new path in which you open yourself to warm loving embrace of spirit as you walk through sacred doorways into a world of hope, harmony and happiness.

awaken to the light and walk toward the beam of love that embraces the entire universe and you will be blessed with rich mystical experiences that empower the heart and soul.

liberation and freedom are the blessings we receive when we embrace the essence of love that resonates within us and then share its beauty with the world.

live each moment for the greater good and you align your mind, body, spirit and soul with the wonders of the universe and beyond.

uplifting intentions help the spirit evolve which makes our every step a miracle of epic proportions.

when we are driven by love our path is one of transformational experiences and our destination is a sacred place of ethereal beauty.

sacred is the dance called life and blessed are we who hear the symphony of the soul and with joyous abandon set out each and every day to trip the light fantastic.

there is within us a light of awareness and by looking deeply into its soul we can see just how extraordinary we are and how miraculous our life really is.

I awoke my well being this morning and once it wiped the sleep from its eyes we shared a warm embrace and began our day with a positive perspective and a happier healthier approach to life.

I experience the purity and power of sacred wisdom when I not only hear the words I love you but I invite them into my life unconditionally.

it was when I allowed my heart to soar that I saw with clarity the light in humanity and was awakened to my blessings.

yours is a life worth living for you have resonating within you forces of good which when believed in and embraced will transform your world into something wonderful and amazing.

open the door to higher levels of kindness and you awaken the spirit which reveals a path of love that shines a light on your true nature and sacred beauty.

live more meaningfully in service to the sacred as this will enrich your life with miraculous blessings filled with love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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