Thursday, May 03, 2018

Live Your Life With Compassion

live your life with compassion as this will nurture goodness and cultivate sacred self worth by radiating positive energy outward and attracting divine love inward.

how your life unfolds is up to you so make powerful choices and beneficial connections that inspire your spirit and beautify your world.

a deeper understanding of self is a fulfilling and healing blessing which guides us into corners of the universe where miracles can be found.

you are a wonderful gift carefully composed of enhanced beauty and transformative possibilities whose sacred essence makes the heart of humanity flourish.

with compassionate purpose and generosity of spirit shine your sacred light by speaking with a truthful tongue of the magnificence and miracle of your ethereal existence.

seek deep spiritual experiences that make yours a soulful journey and yours will be a bountiful life of bliss in which you create your own change.

enhance your every experience by communicating with spirits and harnessing their power to embark on an authentic, fulfilling and soul changing exploration of your ethereal essence.

venture outside your comfort zone and you will discover limitless possibilities, personal freedom and a fullness of life that reveals what happiness truly means.

embrace fully the essence of who you are and the importance of your existence for you are a joyous creation to be loved and cherished.

actively help others find spiritual meaning in their lives and yours will be a purposeful path of heartfelt communication where wisdom arises and love abounds.

we are soul beings on a journey of enlightenment. we are divine emissaries of a higher vibration on a path of light and love. we are the powers of the universe and glories of the heavens on a quest for bliss and beauty. we are enlightened beings on a journey of the soul.

communicate with yourself in a way that elevates the heart as you take charge of your destiny by creating a life you love.

if we truly love ourselves our inner and outer realities are immersed in a bottomless well of positive energies and amazing beauty that cleanse the mind, body, spirit and soul.

open yourself to the lightness of your being and your path will be one of eye opening experiences and positive nurturing encounters that fill your life with spiritual treasures.

we are showered with light when we celebrate who we are in joyful vibrant ways that make us more loving.

awaken your unique essence with sacred self acceptance and you will be swept away in waves of consciousness and compassion that will guide you to the source of love.

focus on happiness and you will see the beauty in everyonel as your souls essence celebrates your positive personal intention.

with healing intentions open up your heart to your spiritual needs as this will bring you inner peace and well being as you live your highest destiny.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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