Thursday, May 30, 2019

Today I Will Truly Love, Honor And Respect Who I Am

today I will achieve spiritual freedom for today I will truly love, honor and respect who I am.

the intention and devotion to manifesting our dreams and desires fuels within us healing and wholeness which helps us to create great joy in our lives.

we were taught in school etiquette and ethics. we were taught to be polite and respectful. we were taught to be loving and kind. I may have forgotten algebra but I have remembered to hold doors open and greet people with a kind word and a smile.

we have within the core of our being evolutionary assets which touch our lives with sacred light when we immerse ourselves in deeply empowering experiences.

the heart, spirit and soul serve our deepest intentions when we as beings of light believe in and love who we are.

devote your energy to making your life extraordinary and the true beauty of the world will reveal itself to you.

I am here to help humanity. you are here to help humanity. we are here to help humanity. I am human. you are human. we are human. help humanity and you help yourself. help yourself and you help humanity. I am here to love humanity...

we are each of us divine creations who by listening and following the spiritual life force within can live a meaningful inspiring life of profound loving purpose.

true self compassion is a gift we give ourselves which helps us make ours a joyfully fulfilling and extraordinary life.

I improved the quality of my life when I stopped letting my struggles define me and began to live the truth and beauty of who I am.

nurture connections that contribute to your happiness and sweet sacred beauty will sprout forth from the soul which will raise your vibration and elevate your existence.

let your loving spiritual energy guide you along a path of good intentions where you help yourself and others grow as you bring forth the sacred.

the spirit emerges and the soul flourishes when we touch the heart of humanity with positive intent and sacred purpose.

mine is a kind heart and a welcoming spirit which I share with the world with the hope that people will be inspired to step fully into the light of their own greatness and sacredness.

the darkness and depression of the mental health issues that have followed me throughout my life do not define me. they are but a part of who I am and over time I have come not only to understand them but to use them to frame my life in a way that my brain can accept. knowledge of self for me has been a healing tool which expanded my reality and opened doors to happiness. look within, learn what makes you the way you are and use that information to walk toward the light.

with the truest of intentions I walk my path for it is my sacred desire to touch people in positive life affirming ways that enchant, illuminate and inspire.

we journey through life more freely and happily when we embrace what we truly love and live who we truly are.

there is wholeness within you. there is happiness within you. there is love within you. there is light within you. open yourself to the beauty within and share your magnificence with the world. there is greatness within you.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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