we all have a divine spark within which reveals itself in those moments when our love is pure, positive, innocent, inspiring, transformational and transcendent.
I wake up each day with honesty, integrity, dignity, morality, positivity, sincerity, and divinity as my intentions and inspiration which feeds my hungry heart and expands my holistic horizons.
kind words and deeds create simple sincere moments that awaken the consciousness, accelerate transformation and activate your true sacred self.
embrace life with courage, compassion and confidence as you cultivate a deep respect for all that is sacred and the source of happiness within will emerge and empower your dreams and visions.
when I see the eyes of a child glowing with happiness I also see my reflection and my soul begins to smile which embraces and transforms me.
may yours be a joyful peaceful existence filled with wholeness and happiness in which you live your higher purpose in the lightness of love.
I heard stress and anxiety arguing with anguish the other day and I asked them if we couldnt all just get along. when they said no I said piss off and went on my way free of stress, anxiety and anguish. what a beautiful day it was.
in body and breath I seek to create peace in my life by opening my heart to others and my life to spirit.
to make a difference in the world we need to do more things that make a world of difference.
I like to explore esoteric depths because it is there that I sometimes discover higher experiences of love.
take charge of you life by honoring, appreciating, believing in and loving who you are.
do those things that bring out the best in you that others may see your true beauty and experience your divine blessings.
I was reaching beyond my limits when I asked myself why do you have so many limitations which inspired me to began to remove one by one self and society imposed obstacles to my growth and happiness. These days I am free man centered in spirit and immersed in love.
somewhere out towards the greater good is where I found a happy fulfilling life of deeper meaning which connected me in faith and friendship to earthly and angelic people and places.
positively shape every aspect of your day and you will experience greater levels of awareness that will awaken within you powers which will give you the strength and courage to live and love in ways that beautifully serve yourself and humanity.
with things starting to open up now its like getting out of prison, part of you wants to run around like a crazy person doing as much as you can and another part of you is wary of a world that has changed since you've been gone. I think that I will walk slowly into this new reality embracing simple pleasures in appreciation of the strength and courage that we have all shown through this. I will breathe the fresh air, walk barefoot on the earth and dance in the sunlight of peace and contentment.
we come alive in the moment and manifest profound happiness and healing when we express our true self in ways that open the heart and inspire the spirit.
mine became an authentic life of spiritual self discovery when I set my heart free to connect compassionately with the earth, the heavens and all that resides beyond my imagination.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
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