Thursday, April 28, 2022

Special and Sacred


the more we learn about ourselves the greater our appreciation for who we are, where we have been, why we are here, how we survived and what makes us special and sacred.

I have never been afraid to say no but there was a time in my life when I was afraid to say yes. I feared letting love into my life because part of me didnt believe it was real and part of me didnt believe I was worthy. the moment I started to change my mindset and said yes was the moment my heart opened and love entered.

enhance your perception of life by walking a positive path that fosters goodness and focuses on the happiness you deserve.

I am a reactionary and when I learned to react to the struggles of life in a positive productive way the world for me became a better place.

to be cherished and loved is a blessing both beautiful and ethereal whose life force energy raises us to higher truths which shine a light on the miracle of who we are.

peace in my heart and soul became a reality when I began to truly believe that I was deserving of happiness and worthy of love.

sacred is each and every breath we take for they are the breath of joy, the breath of hope, the breath of bliss, the breath of love, the breath of spirit, the breath of soul and the breath of life.

the more authentic we are the greater our ability to nurture the spirit and create for ourselves a lasting loving peace.

I once discovered my purpose playing with my passion in a place of positive perspective where their actions produced profound peace.

I am meeting with the deeper meaning of life later today to discuss establishing harmony and embarking on a spiritual journey of health and happiness.

covid came for a visit a recently and caught us in its grip one at a time. first my son, then me and then my wife. we stayed strong, weathered the storm and moved on. we are now past this challenge and are happy healthy and ready to greet the day with grace and gratitude.

in fertile fields of peace and freedom I walk in kindness toward to a sacred source of energy that will awaken my soul with light and embrace my spirit with love.

live your highest truth and the light of your countenance will awaken the world to the sacred blessing that you are.

I once painted a picture on the canvas of time that expressed beautifully the divine within and resurrected my consciousness.

I shall with positive purpose activate my spiritual gifts and use their transforming powers to help myself and those I love to connect with pure loves light.

for me the current reality while difficult has fostered a spiritual emergence. it has shown me whats truly important in life. it has given me greater clarity and life changing insights. it has been a truly transforming experience.

the arts have always been a part of my path. it was what helped me rise from the ashes of my existence. the written word and spoken word were blessings that gave me hope and brought me joy. the arts helped me express myself authentically and honestly. they were my mirror and my miracle. from creativity came consciousness, compassion and courage. we are all works of art. be the masterpiece you were born to be.

bring forth the love from within and be warmed by its sacred light as you create a path of bliss, balance and happiness.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Pursuing, Practicing and Preaching Loving Kindness


with open hearted awareness and unwavering faith in yourself set out upon this day with the intention of pursuing, practicing and preaching loving kindness.

the deeper our level of spirit the greater our ability to connect and communicate in transformational ways that honor our passions and purpose.

I was at home one day with my sacred self discussing how to make the world a better place when I was embraced by spirit who reminded me that I was filled with blessings that benefit myself and others which when shared contribute positively to making the world a better place.

my home office is a sacred healing place filled with books, vinyl albums, pictures, poems and memories overflowing with love which connect me to people and places that expand my compassion and awaken my spirit.

use your sacred abilities to explore infinite possibilities that awaken your spirit and make your life extraordinary.

may yours be an exhilarating, energizing, empowering and evolving path of spirit which connects you to ethereal gardens of light where your blessings may blossom into beauty and bliss.

kindness and compassion open hearts and minds to the true beauty of life which moves and motivates us to build a better world.

I am at a place in my life where I am loved more than I could have ever imagined.

the truth, beauty and goodness of both my wife and son are blessings that bring me great joy and make my dreams and desires come to life.

my hearts desire and my souls purpose embrace my sacredness and give me the courage and strength to spread my wings and fly into the love and light of the miracle of life.

we are unique sparks of light and when we help others awaken to the truth of who they are we bring peace, balance and harmony to their lives and ours.

boundless is the energy I receive fro an all embracing love for it opens within me a sacred space of purity that shows me the truth and moves me to make my life healthier and happier.

the determination to be a better man helped me be a better man. the commitment to living a better life helped me live a better life. the desire to love and be loved helped me to love and be loved. determination, commitment and desire when acted upon fills our life with countless blessings.

I was walking toward my true self while being followed by my sacred self and together we decided to take care of and love ourselves.

I hope you know you are a blessing. I hope you know you are light that shines. I hope you know that you are worthy. I hope you know that you are loved.

I was in my office trying to create happiness and higher levels of growth when I was visited by a group of angels who said thank you for the intention of doing something good because the effort taken to do something good has a positive impact that influences and inspires.

I feel more alive when I live my truth with deep love and gratitude for all the blessings in my life.

cherish every step along your path, every encounter, journey, adventure, gift, kindness, song, dance, change, choice, blessing, miracle and love. cherish every moment of your life.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Walk on Sacred Ground through the Darkness into the Light


even though I have struggled with life and life has struggled with me I have managed to walk on sacred ground through the darkness into the light of a love worthy of worship.

the bonds of friendship are a tremendous blessing that embrace the nature of spirituality and the energies of the heavens while weaving love and light into the heart and soul.

woven into the fabric of my faith in myself is a sense of wonder that has over the years given birth to many thoughts, intentions, actions and adventures that have been a catalyst for transformation and transcendence.

give thanks with every breath and you will be better for it because thanks is a message of love and hope born of spirit.

once we accept and embrace the truth that there is love within our heart we reach the light of a new reality that transforms our lives in positive empowering ways which fill us with bliss.

I was born a spiritual seeker with a passion for connecting to the universe by shaping my life with blessings and my world with love.

I at my lowest point in life began to serve and save myself which lifted me into the light and gave me the courage to try in my own simple way to serve and save mankind.

I live in a sacred circle of transformation surrounded by the fire of love and filled with truth and light in which I experience the grace and glory of friendship, faith and family.

believe that you can expand your spirit. believe that you can bring people together. believe that you can create your own happiness. believe that you can benefit future generations. believe that you can accomplish great things, believe that you can live a life of love. the world becomes a better place when you believe.

I take time each morning to think thoughts the enhance the quality of life, emit a peaceful positive vibration and bring me beauty, balance and blessings. Then I venture out into the world with the intention of making those thoughts my reality.

the stronger my connection to the earth the greater my gratitude for those moments of peace and comfort along my spiritual path that bring me joy.

the soul resuscitates, regenerates and rejuvenates the heart of humanity when we do our best to live in harmony, truth and love.

I have sailed from the dark waters of depression to the sacred light of love to the blessed beautiful embrace of a family most sacred.

today I will focus my energies on the stunning grace and beauty of my wife and son for it is their positive energy that raises my spirits and embraces me with love each and every day.

positive changes that greatly benefit ourselves and others are the result of positive choices made from the heart and soul.

we grow in spirit when we nurture and foster the goodness within for it is that goodness which will raise us to a pure peaceful place of heavenly happiness.

immerse yourself in acts of loving kindness and your spirit will be revitalized, your soul will be refreshed and all things sacred will be rejuvenated.

I become a better me when I am being exactly who I am supposed to be which is a being of limitless compassion, kindness and love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, April 07, 2022

A Positive Future Springs Forth


positive actions create positive outcomes from which a positive future springs forth.

in groves of inspiration I pick fruit of liberation which nourish me as I venture along a sacred path of transformation.

the more I embraced and accepted the beauty of my own soul the happier my journey of spirit became.

I have faith in myself but its something I had to fight for because people were always trying to take it from me but my belief was stronger than their brutality. I have faith in my family...

we had a nice day yesterday which I needed after a rough week. my wife made chocolate banana caramel pancakes for breakfast. we then went to the thistle bookstore cafe in port dalhousie for hot chocolate, coffee and a treat. after that it was chapters and from their farm boy. finally back home to relax and enjoy the rest of the day and night. simple yet satisfying.

I make clear and positive decisions that improve the quality of life when I am in harmony with soul and spirit.

when darwin was little I would take him out everyday to the park, the early childhood center and the university to visit mom. we would also go to a cafeteria or a timmys. when at the timmys he would at two or three years old walk up to a strangers table pull out a chair, climb up on it and say hi I'm darwin. people would look around and see me with my hand in the air. darwin would tell them his life story then climb down and wander back to me. it was his innocence and honesty that inspired me to be a better husband, father and man.

a reality based in love is the beginning of a happier life where miracles happen and blessings are commonplace.

I remember thinking as a child I dont know what I will be when I grow up but I won't be that or that or that or that or that or that or that or that... I remember thinking as an adult I do know what I will be today, tomorrow and forever I will be this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this...

I like to gather with friends in cafes and talk of nothing, something and everything as this is a truly special activity that impacts my existence in profoundly positive ways.

dreams start to come true when nightmares begin to fade and we start to propel ourselves forward into actions, intentions, insights and activities that help us live better.

we liberate ourselves and experience life on a soul healing level when we serve humankind in gentle loving ways.

I remember back when I was a member of three poets collectives, had my own cable tv show, wrote for a number of magazines and wandered the streets downtown giving advice, doing tarot readings and hanging out in cafes with people of many different paths.

the greatest opportunities come our way when we connect with our true self and align with our sacred self.

I am having breakfast with my past self and future self this morning to discuss things my present self can do to bring forth deeper healing and divine happiness.

may today be a day of pure bliss where you create from love powerfully beautiful moments that bring joy and light to one and all.

you are here for a purpose and that purpose is to be a being of pure heart and compassionate spirit who lives and loves life with a sincere sacred desire to help and heal.

the healing power of love is a blessing that lives at the core of my being and embraces me in moments of struggle giving me the guidance to go forward and the strength to carry on.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One