the more we learn about ourselves the greater our appreciation for who we are, where we have been, why we are here, how we survived and what makes us special and sacred.
I have never been afraid to say no but there was a time in my life when I was afraid to say yes. I feared letting love into my life because part of me didnt believe it was real and part of me didnt believe I was worthy. the moment I started to change my mindset and said yes was the moment my heart opened and love entered.
enhance your perception of life by walking a positive path that fosters goodness and focuses on the happiness you deserve.
I am a reactionary and when I learned to react to the struggles of life in a positive productive way the world for me became a better place.
to be cherished and loved is a blessing both beautiful and ethereal whose life force energy raises us to higher truths which shine a light on the miracle of who we are.
peace in my heart and soul became a reality when I began to truly believe that I was deserving of happiness and worthy of love.
sacred is each and every breath we take for they are the breath of joy, the breath of hope, the breath of bliss, the breath of love, the breath of spirit, the breath of soul and the breath of life.
the more authentic we are the greater our ability to nurture the spirit and create for ourselves a lasting loving peace.
I once discovered my purpose playing with my passion in a place of positive perspective where their actions produced profound peace.
I am meeting with the deeper meaning of life later today to discuss establishing harmony and embarking on a spiritual journey of health and happiness.
covid came for a visit a recently and caught us in its grip one at a time. first my son, then me and then my wife. we stayed strong, weathered the storm and moved on. we are now past this challenge and are happy healthy and ready to greet the day with grace and gratitude.
in fertile fields of peace and freedom I walk in kindness toward to a sacred source of energy that will awaken my soul with light and embrace my spirit with love.
live your highest truth and the light of your countenance will awaken the world to the sacred blessing that you are.
I once painted a picture on the canvas of time that expressed beautifully the divine within and resurrected my consciousness.
I shall with positive purpose activate my spiritual gifts and use their transforming powers to help myself and those I love to connect with pure loves light.
for me the current reality while difficult has fostered a spiritual emergence. it has shown me whats truly important in life. it has given me greater clarity and life changing insights. it has been a truly transforming experience.
the arts have always been a part of my path. it was what helped me rise from the ashes of my existence. the written word and spoken word were blessings that gave me hope and brought me joy. the arts helped me express myself authentically and honestly. they were my mirror and my miracle. from creativity came consciousness, compassion and courage. we are all works of art. be the masterpiece you were born to be.
bring forth the love from within and be warmed by its sacred light as you create a path of bliss, balance and happiness.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One