Thursday, May 19, 2022

Kind Words and Positive Actions


the universal life forces and the positive healing energies of the people on earth have saved me once again through their kind words and positive actions. thank you.

I am so blessed. my wife was brilliant during my heart attack on wednesday. calmly and compassionately she gave me everything I needed to survive this ordeal. the presence of my wife karen and son darwin has been my saving grace. they are my light. they keep me alive. I am so blessed.

to fulfill your purpose you must first have a purpose and to have a purpose you must have a sense of purpose that nurtures positive change. live your purpose. embrace your purpose. love your purpose and do it on purpose.

simple sacred wisdom is the foundation of well being that has throughout my life helped me rise from the darkness into the light.

the heart and soul open wide and our whole being expands when in thoughtful reflection we embrace and celebrate the beauty and blessings of who we truly are.

thank you to all who sent loving messages to me yesterday. know that your thoughts and words are healing. I appreciate your kindness and compassion. you are a blessing. you are loved.

If any of you are wondering where I have been the last four days I have been in the hospital. I had a heart attack on wednesday. they sent me to hamilton to one of the hospitals there. it was scary and it was a rough four days. I am home and healing now. I have to take it easy and change a lot of things in my life. I am okay but I have many bumps and bruises. however my blessings outnumber them. thank you all for being in my life. take care of yourself. you are loved.

I saw insight and inspiration walking hand in hand and when I said hello they hugged me and asked me to join them. sometimes a sincere warm hello can make a profound difference that impacts life in a positive way.

its hard to have a heart centered journey when your heart is broken so make sure you do whatever you can to heal your heart because by doing so it will also heal you.

I believed my life was being taken from me which inspired me to take charge of my own existence by living in the joy of love.

transcendent are the thoughts I awaken to each morning for they are thoughts of you.

be a flower that bears sacred fruit in a garden that nourishes the best most beautiful beings of light and love. be yourself.

when I approach anything in life I first have to first ask myself what can I do to make my brain accept this situation and then I do it unapologetically with the knowledge that to have peace in life I must first have peace of mind.

alive and free are we who connect with life in focused ways that cultivate compassion, foster faith and activate profound enlightenment.

profound self reflection blesses one with deep spiritual insight that helps shape a destiny of pure positive experiences and limitless loving encounters.

personal well being improves when we engage the world in ways that bring forth the light and bring forth the love.

mine is a soulful story that begins on a path to inner peace where the forces of change give me the tools to transform and transcend as I turn my desires into destiny.

its easier to embrace others when you embrace your true self first.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

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