Thursday, May 29, 2014

May we all be Lovers of Humankind

all would benefit greatly if the world had more humanity and dignity. may we all be lovers of humankind. may we all be lovers of sacred mother earth. let us all make it our purpose to feel and share limitless love.

honor yourself fully and you lighten the load. truly believe in yourself and you open gateways to opportunity. love yourself for the miracle of beauty that you are and you transform into the butterfly of spirit that is your destiny.

positive healthy beliefs illuminate the spirit and create a foundation of love from which we can accomplish great and wondrous things.

let today be a celebration of your divine beauty. let us gather together and rejoice in the light of your sacred self. you are truly a blessing. believe in your greatness and rest in the knowledge that you are loved.

smile and you make a difference. laugh and you make a difference. be caring and you make a difference. be kind and you make a difference. it is really quite easy to make a difference. know that your life is meaningful and significant for every day you make a difference.

we each have within us deep and extraordinary insights which when we shine a light on them will create infinite possibilities. journey to the core of your being and embrace your true self for it is there that you will become empowered and it is there you will find enlightenment.

love deeply from your heart. connect deeply with others. dive deeply into the waters of pure intention. know that no matter how shallow people get you can always reach deep within and embrace yourself more lovingly that you may in turn inspire awareness and show them all the depth of their beauty.

a profound experience is one which inspires heart and soul in a way that embraces the sacred love within. it is my sincere desire to make every moment a profound experience.

live with purpose. live with passion. live a positive and hopeful existence. live with joy. live with beauty. live an inspiring and imaginative. live with light. live with love. live.

a life lived well is heart infused with self discovery and growth for it is within the heart that dreams blossom and love blooms. all that is good in life happens first in the heart.

sharing your light with others and a sincere desire to serve the planet helps us grow and blossom as it creates unlimited possibilities for spiritual development and divine transformation.

if you are hurting know that within you is a reservoir of beautiful healing energy that is released by belief. to believe in ones own transformative power is to embrace the sacred self in a way that facilitates well being.

we ascend into greater joy when we live in meaningful ways. we raise our spirit to its highest purpose when we create a caring and nurturing environment. we reach into the heavens when we give our love unconditionally. we with our every thought and action make the choice of which direction our life will take.

be a spiritual seeker. venture into the open arms of mother nature and let her healing gifts guide you to a happier and healthier tomorrow. connect with others on a soul level. discover the divinity within. live the beauty of who you are in a way that makes the angels sing. being a spiritual seeker isn't about finding anything, its about realizing you are already there.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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