Thursday, August 31, 2017

Embrace the Essence of the Earth

embrace the essence of the earth with radiant expressions of divinity and yours will be a path of deep mystical experiences that shower you with love.

a grateful heart revives and rejuvenates higher forms of love which gift us with inner peace and harmony.

with conscious intention lift yourself up so that you can see the soul awaken and reveal the treasures of spirit within.

it is when you feel the flow of cosmic energy dancing in harmony with your true spiritual self that your life is changed forever.

make the choice to journey into wellness and positive transmissions of natural healing energy will bless your life with sacred gifts of genuine truth that make you free and happy.

you are a miraculous masterpiece of spirit. that you exist is a gift.

you are a spiritually attuned and joyful creation with miraculous powers who by loving yourself each and every day create a flow of blessings that positively impact the world.

the deeper the understanding of who we are the more we attract what it is that we desire in life for we are beings of light whose destiny is one of glory and greatness.

in fields of energy and authentic inspiration i gather joyful miracles of profound healing that i release into the atmosphere with the knowledge that they will make their way to those who need them most.

yours is a life truly worth living and by treating yourself lovingly you gain greater insight into what a deeply mystical and wondrous universe this is and how sacred and celestial a being you are.

a happy and peaceful path of pure living comes our way when we embrace new ways of being and choose to live a life of spirit.

give to the world all your beauty that they may discover your magnificence and embrace the divine reality of your true sacred self.

celebrate being alive and the spirit flowing through you will take you on a journey of pure light and love where each day is a blessing of bliss.

your soul has a tale to tell. it is a beautiful natural story of holistic harmony and heavenly blessings where the world embraces the miracle of who you are.

spiritual diversity creates for us a greater reality of magickal possibilities and rejuvenating experiences that make life more meaningful.

a place of wholeness reveals itself to us when we express our divine nature in empathetic caring ways that shine a light on our positive life purpose.

abundant gardens of greater understanding and infinite wisdom reside within the soul and by greeting each day with gratitude and generosity those blessings unfold into our world.

sing a song of spirit as you dance in splendor to the rhythm of your vibrant loving heartbeat for you are a sacred being touched by love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The True Beauty and Miracle of your Sacred Self

it is by closing your eyes to the madness of the world and opening them to the true beauty and miracle of your sacred self that you see inspiring spiritual visions of all the amazing opportunities an d exceptional experiences waiting for you.

we manifest a fulfilling life where blessings come alive when we journey down a spiritual pathway of immortal light on which our essential nature unfolds joyously into the world.

present moment awareness of your unique spiritual gifts will reveal to the world your profound beauty and true divine nature.

positive values and a love for humanity bring us deep spiritual encounters which inspire us to create an enlightened community of balance, beauty and harmony.

may ours be a soul expanding journey of mystical experiences through uplifting landscapes to sacred destinations where love lives happily.

you cultivate inner peace by having greater compassion for yourself.

journey to the heart of who you are and you will discover a reservoir of intuitive guidance that will take you on a journey of adventures and experiences where you rise in love.

step into your true power by living a highly vibrational life of spiritual expansion that nourishes the whole soul.

true reverence for life opens the heart and soul to a divinely gratifying world of happiness, healing and sacred self discovery.

we create an empowered lifestyle when our thoughts, actions and intentions are to make a positive difference by spreading joy, light and love.

we are born strong of heart with tremendous gifts of spirit and by letting love be the truth we speak those blessings are released into the universe in a way that helps us and others blossom into bliss.

when you love and support yourself the sacred light within shines brightly creating an illuminating path of glorious opportunities and significant spiritual breakthroughs.

vessel of love sail with me to a higher truth where we may live in unity as torchbearers for peace and freedom.

sympathetic and empathetic actions are blessings of sacred motivation and divine inspiration that create loving lasting change.

embrace and express your extraordinary beauty in a manner that touches people at a soul level and yours will be a glorious journey of light in which you live in love.

positive sacred experiences that are highly beneficial come our way when we embrace the world we live in with the pure loving spirit of our divine self.

call upon your angels and open your heart to their loving guidance and they will shower you with opportunities and blessings that have a profoundly positive impact on your sacred journey.

we are all beautiful beings of divine loving wisdom who are given sacred gifts which when bestowed upon others bring us profound contentment while raising us to higher levels of spirit.


MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Energy Within Us Is Filled With Wisdom

the energy within us is filled with wisdom grounded in love which when allowed to flow easily into our lives creates a beauty that surrounds us with spiritual goodness.

join me out beyond the ordinary in a sacred glen of holistic living where kindness grows and souls blossom.

angelic worlds reveal themselves to us when we cultivate an open heart by sharing our love and affection with every soul we encounter along the way.

follow your souls purpose by embracing the ethereal and loving your life more for it is through positive thought and action that we rise to higher levels of divine love.

luminous light seeker yours is an evolving journey of happiness and harmony which spreads love and light when you bless the world with the pure natural joy of your heart and soul.

be gentle with yourself for you are a sacred flower in a garden of light whose beauty blossoms when nurtured with love.

you are the embodiment of divinity and by sharing your sacred beauty with the world you invite spirituality into your life which creates a beautiful path of love and happiness.

all things are beautiful and once you accept this truth into your life you begin to love yourself fully with a clarity that illuminates the true glory of who you are.

make profound changes in your life for it is when transformation is our intention that positive energy rises from within and leads us to breathtaking vistas of sacred beauty where we can live in the light of greater joy and happiness.

every time i plant seeds of love in the garden of the soul i am blessed positive evocative experiences of spiritual aliveness that are truly remarkable.

fortify your energy field with the deep timeless beauty of your authentic self by being true to your dreams and living your destiny in a manner that makes the heart and soul smile.

completely embrace who you are and yours will be an open path to healing and sacred wellness immersed in spirit that touches the soul of the universe.

immerse yourself in a rich natural environment of spiritual intelligence that is overflowing with happiness by empowering every thought and action with love.

we awaken and activate the higher self by cultivating loving relationships that embrace the joy of being.

may yours be a powerful personal journey of empowering alternatives whose healing forces soothe the heart and enrich the soul.

seek a better way and remarkable new horizons will appear that shine a light on beautiful glens where freedom flowers and love blooms.

there is within us a sacred energizing space where our true self waits to be discovered so it can show the world just how amazing and beautiful we are.

embrace each day with passionate purpose and new possibilities will emerge lead to a happier more balanced life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Walk a Path of Pure Integrity as you Liberate your Sacred Voice

walk a path of pure integrity as you liberate your sacred voice and yours will be a spiritually inspired life of elevated consciousness and rewarding relationships that satisfy mind, body and soul.

energized and euphoric are we who enrich our days with the power of love.

it is the intent to strive for wellness and create for ourselves a unique path of wholeness that touches the spirit of who we are with grace and fills our lives with greater degrees of joy.

positive healing thoughts that engage the spirit are blessings that enhance self esteem while creating deep soul experiences of beauty and wonder.

every choice we make is an opportunity to evolve for we are the masters of our fate and once we accept this truth we open gateways of possibility that lead to destiny changing worlds of wonder.

believe in yourself and your life will be filled with spiritual revelations which help you give birth to a more glorious future.

touch the earth in spiritually minded ways and yours will be a highly transformational path of extraordinary events and experiences that are joyously fulfilling.

conscious loving and deeper spiritual practices are destiny changing choices we can make which will guide and inspire us in enormously generous ways.

every moment is a moment of inspiration waiting to be noticed and embraced.

etched within the soul are words of wisdom which reveal themselves to us when we live more authentically.

let your intent be to connect with the divine as this simple act is a blessing that will raise your vibration to a place of heartful awareness where you see clearly the brilliant radiance of the infinite possibilities alive in the universe.

walk the way of kindness with open hearted awareness and yours will be a remarkable adventure of love where with every step you find yourself growing spiritually.

we are immortal souls and beautiful beings of light whose sacred purpose is to help each other evolve spiritually.

it is by nourishing our relationships with light and love that we experience divine moments of deep compassion which lead us to higher levels of being.

positive core beliefs stimulate the spiritual which reveals to us a sacred mission of inspired adventures and enthralling authentic connections that nourish love and acceptance.

today i have chosen to awaken my spirit by making this day a celebration of love whose karmic impact creates momentous events that change lives for the better.

a richly harmonized path of life changing impact is one in which we walk through fields of sacred vision as we plant seeds of love that blossom into gardens of bliss.

read between the lines in the book of your soul and you will discover truths about your divine existence that will give you a deep reverence and love for who you truly are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One