Thursday, August 03, 2017

Walk a Path of Pure Integrity as you Liberate your Sacred Voice

walk a path of pure integrity as you liberate your sacred voice and yours will be a spiritually inspired life of elevated consciousness and rewarding relationships that satisfy mind, body and soul.

energized and euphoric are we who enrich our days with the power of love.

it is the intent to strive for wellness and create for ourselves a unique path of wholeness that touches the spirit of who we are with grace and fills our lives with greater degrees of joy.

positive healing thoughts that engage the spirit are blessings that enhance self esteem while creating deep soul experiences of beauty and wonder.

every choice we make is an opportunity to evolve for we are the masters of our fate and once we accept this truth we open gateways of possibility that lead to destiny changing worlds of wonder.

believe in yourself and your life will be filled with spiritual revelations which help you give birth to a more glorious future.

touch the earth in spiritually minded ways and yours will be a highly transformational path of extraordinary events and experiences that are joyously fulfilling.

conscious loving and deeper spiritual practices are destiny changing choices we can make which will guide and inspire us in enormously generous ways.

every moment is a moment of inspiration waiting to be noticed and embraced.

etched within the soul are words of wisdom which reveal themselves to us when we live more authentically.

let your intent be to connect with the divine as this simple act is a blessing that will raise your vibration to a place of heartful awareness where you see clearly the brilliant radiance of the infinite possibilities alive in the universe.

walk the way of kindness with open hearted awareness and yours will be a remarkable adventure of love where with every step you find yourself growing spiritually.

we are immortal souls and beautiful beings of light whose sacred purpose is to help each other evolve spiritually.

it is by nourishing our relationships with light and love that we experience divine moments of deep compassion which lead us to higher levels of being.

positive core beliefs stimulate the spiritual which reveals to us a sacred mission of inspired adventures and enthralling authentic connections that nourish love and acceptance.

today i have chosen to awaken my spirit by making this day a celebration of love whose karmic impact creates momentous events that change lives for the better.

a richly harmonized path of life changing impact is one in which we walk through fields of sacred vision as we plant seeds of love that blossom into gardens of bliss.

read between the lines in the book of your soul and you will discover truths about your divine existence that will give you a deep reverence and love for who you truly are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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