Thursday, August 24, 2017

The True Beauty and Miracle of your Sacred Self

it is by closing your eyes to the madness of the world and opening them to the true beauty and miracle of your sacred self that you see inspiring spiritual visions of all the amazing opportunities an d exceptional experiences waiting for you.

we manifest a fulfilling life where blessings come alive when we journey down a spiritual pathway of immortal light on which our essential nature unfolds joyously into the world.

present moment awareness of your unique spiritual gifts will reveal to the world your profound beauty and true divine nature.

positive values and a love for humanity bring us deep spiritual encounters which inspire us to create an enlightened community of balance, beauty and harmony.

may ours be a soul expanding journey of mystical experiences through uplifting landscapes to sacred destinations where love lives happily.

you cultivate inner peace by having greater compassion for yourself.

journey to the heart of who you are and you will discover a reservoir of intuitive guidance that will take you on a journey of adventures and experiences where you rise in love.

step into your true power by living a highly vibrational life of spiritual expansion that nourishes the whole soul.

true reverence for life opens the heart and soul to a divinely gratifying world of happiness, healing and sacred self discovery.

we create an empowered lifestyle when our thoughts, actions and intentions are to make a positive difference by spreading joy, light and love.

we are born strong of heart with tremendous gifts of spirit and by letting love be the truth we speak those blessings are released into the universe in a way that helps us and others blossom into bliss.

when you love and support yourself the sacred light within shines brightly creating an illuminating path of glorious opportunities and significant spiritual breakthroughs.

vessel of love sail with me to a higher truth where we may live in unity as torchbearers for peace and freedom.

sympathetic and empathetic actions are blessings of sacred motivation and divine inspiration that create loving lasting change.

embrace and express your extraordinary beauty in a manner that touches people at a soul level and yours will be a glorious journey of light in which you live in love.

positive sacred experiences that are highly beneficial come our way when we embrace the world we live in with the pure loving spirit of our divine self.

call upon your angels and open your heart to their loving guidance and they will shower you with opportunities and blessings that have a profoundly positive impact on your sacred journey.

we are all beautiful beings of divine loving wisdom who are given sacred gifts which when bestowed upon others bring us profound contentment while raising us to higher levels of spirit.


MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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