Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Bringing Joy To The World
I was bringing joy to world in an attempt to light up the lives of as many as I could when I realized that I also needed to show myself the same kindness and compassion that I bestowed upon others.
if depression is reading this I would like to ask if you could take the day off. I am need of a break and I am sure you could use one to. it must be hard for you to be constantly in the darkness poking at people. that must take its toll. do yourself a favour and just take the time today to leave others to their own devices while you take care of yourself. I will still be here tomorrow and we can resume our relationship. have a beautiful day. sending love and light.
I was contemplating living my sacredness when my true self whispered in my ear ways to enhance my life that have since made mine an illuminated path of joy and happiness.
in my youth I found it difficult to believe that love in any form was sincere. I separated myself from it with the belief that it was not real so it could never be part of my life. then one day I wasn't paying attention and it stood next to me and held my hand. without thinking about it I gave a little squeeze of acknowledgement and appreciation. the door was now open and I began to experience for the first time what life could be like when love is true. today I am a man of love in love who is loved.
when I am able to see clearly the beauty and inspiration in my life I feel the spirit of love and am moved to do my utmost to bring bliss to the world.
you empower yourself as wells others when you share the pure positive light of your soul.
through darkness and depression I have always been me. through pain and suffering I have always walked a path of truth and honesty. through turmoil and madness I have always lived with dignity and integrity. through hatefulness and hell I have always held high my head and heart. through anything and everything I have always been me.
if your heart is truly grateful you will know it for streams of light will flow from within and guide you along a path of higher consciousness to a place of greater good.
when we make it our intention to brighten somebodys world love arises from deep within and wraps us in a sacred blanket of light that warms the heart and soul.
I had an extension cord in my bag and was on my way to to the hotel to fill a bath and take my life. it was then that I heard a voice from above call my name and speak to me like we were old friends. it was a person but even though they said they knew me I had no memory of them. in fact to this day I do not know if they ever really existed. it matters not though because the strangeness of the meeting at this exact time shook me into a state of awareness that saved my life. I saw value in myself that I couldn't see before. I felt for the first time that I had a purpose and I began to believe that I deserved better. if you are reading this and you are suffering know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. know that I believe in you. know that I am sending you love, light and positive healing energy. you are beautiful. you are blessed. you are worthy. you are special. you are sacred. you are loved.
within you are pockets of true compassion which explode with love whenever you listen to the whispers of the heart and share your sacred blessings with the world.
have faith in yourself for you are a beautiful being of spirit who touches hearts in ways transform the soul.
if you feel a tingling sensation today that makes you feel a little bit better know that I have sent you hug of joy and that all I ask in return is that you share that feeling with the world.
because of the toxic world I came from I was child that craved attention and shunned affection. this made growing up awkward, isolating and depressing. it has taken me a lifetime to not overcome this truth but to better understand it. the knowledge of my madness and malady has led me to the bright side of truth which has opened me in a way that has allowed me to let people love me.
use your innate goodness and wondrous gift of life to nourish and support the love within yourself and others.
I decided one day to stop waiting for miracles and to start manifesting them. I made a conscious choice to be the master of my own fate. Simply by being more positive and proactive I have managed to survive the darkness and make my way into the light of a better today and a more beautiful tomorrow.
Once a long long time ago I was sleeping in a parking garage on the steps of a stairwell leading to the roof when I heard the spirits singing a sacred song of light which inspired me to do my best to empower and heal myself by cultivating kindness and compassion. Today I sleep in a beautiful house in a wonderful neighbourhood.
whatever it is you are doing today put your love into it because the more love we infuse into each moment we are alive the more blessed and beautiful our life will be.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Find Joy In Every Experience
if you can find joy in every experience then there is no darkness that will ever keep you from the light.
I was walking down the street yesterday when I saw integrity sitting alone on the curb. I sat down and asked what was wrong and was told a story of loneliness. I was told that people seemed to have no need for integrity these days and that the world seemed to be falling apart. I embraced integrity and together we decided that we would lead by example and live our truth lovingly. we got up and began to walk down the street when we saw respect sitting alone on the curb.
once I was creating an extraordinary life of pure bliss in my dreams when I was awakened by the joyful laughter of my wife and son which made me realize that the life I was dreaming was the life I was living.
your spirit has purpose and the moment you awaken to this truth and embrace if fully is the moment that your entire world transforms.
the madness that is mental health sometimes overwhelms me and I am immersed in a dark depression that tears at the very fiber of my being. I survive by embracing my sacred self and allowing its compassionate support to connect me with the truth that I am a being of light worthy of love.
the taste of divine goodness within the core of my being wholly and naturally nourishes the heart, soul and spirit of my true authentic self.
as a child I had any sense of happiness taken from me. as a child I had any sense of love removed from my psyche. it has taken me a lifetime not to find happiness and love but to believe that they really existed. I now know that they exist for I see them every day in the faces of my wife and son.
I hear whispers of spirit which inspire me to engage in activities that generate light and wrap my life in the arms of love.
may this be a day of miracles where dreams come true and life becomes a sacred reality of truth and beauty in which the heart of compassion awakens each and every one of us to the happiness that is our destiny.
we are ethereal beings and the heavens within us unfold into our lives when we spread our wings and embrace humanity with blessings of light that impact our world in a positive way.
there is an old saying that goes if you have nothing good to say then say nothing at all. it seems that many people on the internet like to criticize, attack, demean, degrade and intentionally hurt and slander others. the thing that upsets me is a lot of them do so in response to something nice. you could write have a wonderful day and some would respond - who the hell are you to say that. when did you become the king of nice days... this madness needs to stop. how about we try just for a day, a week or maybe a lifetime to infuse life with kind words that uplift and inspire. let us make an effort to fill cyberspace with light and love. let us do our best to be good people who say nice things. have a beautiful day. I love you.
I like to explore my inner world as doing so gives me a greater sense of self which releases a positive flow of energy that fills my world with blessings beyond belief.
no matter what day of the week it is when I put my nine year old son to bed or drop him off at school he says the same thing to me - love you dad see you Thursday to which I reply love you Darwin pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. its a quirky little nonsensical ritual we have that solidifies our bond by beginning and ending each day with a love that is sacred and sincere.
it is becoming more difficult each day to find the good in humanity so I have chosen instead to find the good in myself and share it with the world.
a kind word is a uniquely loving spiritual gift which when shared creates within us a harmonious state of being that heals and transforms.
when you are centered in anger I am centered in compassion. when you are immersed in hatred I am immersed in kindness. when you are overflowing with evil I am overflowing with love. we are masters of our fate and we can at any time choose to change our destiny. when you are sharing the worst of you I am sharing the best of me...
it is with loving positive energy that I seek to make an impact that illuminates a path of healing and transformation for myself and every soul I meet on my journey to happiness.
through life affirming actions I am liberated which inspires me to bathe in the beauty of my heavenly family whose infinite love helps me to blossom into a being of light.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Small acts of kindness and simple gestures of love.
the most powerful spiritual experiences I have ever had began with small acts of kindness and simple gestures of love.
I fell awake one morning and day dreamed about focusing all my energies on walking a positive path of purpose which I then set out to do on that day and ever day after.
as a child it was difficult to move forward because broken people were holding me back. as an adult it was hard to move forward because my response to that situation was to remove myself from it and isolate myself from the world. as a mature man I have opened my heart and soul, ventured out into the world and surrounded myself with loving caring people. we improve our lives not only by learning from our mistakes but also by learning from the mistakes of others.
we do not find a better tomorrow. we create it by doing our utmost to make things better today.
I began to change my life when I started to remove self imposed burdens as doing so allowed me to grow more easily into the true sacred being that I am today.
more than once in my life I have risen from the grave not fully realizing that maybe if I stopped hanging out at the cemetery this wouldn't be necessary. be sure that the choices you make aren't the reason for your problems you have and if they are then do your best to choose better next time.
I opened the doorway to destiny only to see a negative news report so I closed the door and set out on a path of good intentions where I created positive moments that contributed to our world in ways that made the news better and the future brighter.
positive life choices create profound moments that increase our sacred awareness and awaken us to the unique beauty of our existence.
sometimes the absurdity of life is a reminder that our time here is limited and we should embrace every moment for the gift that it is. I was in a tattoo parlour downtown years ago when we heard a Big Bang. we walked outside and a car had smashed into a street pole. the driver was elderly and while driving his axle broke and he couldn't steer the car properly. the stress of this strained his heart which caused him to have a heart attack and die. we checked on him and waited til the ambulance got there and took him away. once that happened the car was still there with both doors open and smashed against a pole. it was then the the parking officer came up and started writing a ticket. we said you know the guys dead right. they continued writing, placed the ticket on the window and walked away. it was absurd. no matter how crazy life is we are simply parked here for a short time and I choose to embrace each moment with love and light before I am towed away.
joyousness is a gift we give ourselves by serving the greatest good with happiness for all as our goal.
p.t.s.d has on one hand been a burden that has surrounded me with darkness while on the other hand being a reminder of what I have overcome and inspiring me to walk a path in harmony with my higher self.
the beauty and wonder of our true spirit is something which when shared manifests miracles.
beyond the imagination you will find higher intuitive realities that if believed in and embraced will fill you with the power of enlightenment which will infuse your life with bliss and beauty.
we manifest magnificence when we use the purity of our heart to light the world with love.
my purpose is unshakable for it is my sacred destiny.
let your life flow naturally and it will facilitate a deep transformation which will guide you along a positive personal path of universal love, light, kindness and compassion.
there is death in the air. every day I hear of another passing. every day I hear of another persons battle with heart failure, cancer and suicidal thoughts. I choose as I have through the dark depressing days of my journey to rise above life challenges and breathe in inspiration from the heavens that I share with those suffering who are still with us. if you are reading this know that you are loved. know that I am sending you divine healing light. know that I am wrapping you in energy from the heart and soul of the universe. know that there is life in the air.
the voice of my soul whispers to me words of wisdom about walking a path of beauty that embraces the highest quality of life. I listen with love and I am transformed.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, March 07, 2019
My Life Is A Song Of Love
my life is a song of love, my path is a poem of sacred service and my journey is a prayer of peace and freedom.
when I was at my worst I was raised up by those moments where I was not expecting to smile but simple acts of kindness opened my heart which manifested as a joyful expression that would in time save my soul.
I stopped asking very young why is that person in our house because I realized that I came from broken people who attracted broken people and it was my destiny to be broken. it took me half a lifetime to realize that while I was destined to be broken I had the choice of whether or not I wanted to remain that way or to heal. today the scars remain but they are only reminders of where I have been and how I have used my memories to manifest healing.
let today be one of good deeds that lead to higher states where joy radiates and love resonates as we bask in the beauty of our innate happiness.
drink with me the elixir of life that we may unite as one as we blossom into beings of spirit whose path and purpose are to live and love.
the life force within takes wing and lifts us to places of grace and glory when we use our gifts to serve humanity in ways positive and profound.
love yourself, love me, love all people, love life and love the world for you are a being of love born to love and be loved.
you are a sacred vision of celestial beauty born to walk a path of awakening and awareness in which you embrace the world with the loving radiance of your being.
I am a creation of love and I choose on this day and every day to bring forth the kindness and compassion of my true sacred self and share it with the universe.
something transformative is in the air these days. it seems that positive profound opportunities reveal themselves and at the same time somebody I know is very ill. it happens constantly that exciting possibilities present themselves while simultaneously somebody I know has died. darkness and light are sharing the same space and my emotions are vying for their attention. I have chosen to see this cycle as one of wisdom and knowledge where the positive is letting me know that the negative is but one reality and that I always have the choice to wallow in it or rise up into the light of a better more beautiful tomorrow.
in realms of magick I see mystical visions of loving realities where we all live as one in an angelic community of light.
sparkle in the light of your true sacred beauty as you take rainbow steps to a place of pure natural joy where every experience is mystical and miraculous.
I see you hurting but I know that you are strong. I know that healing is possible because I have seen you shine your light and share your love in ways that have helped others heal. look in the mirror with the same eyes that see hope for others and let yourself be inspired. the same energy you use to help people rise from the ashes can also help and heal you.
when I feel hurt I generate new possibilities. when I feel betrayed I create new opportunities. when I feel battered I manifest miracles. my response to the anger, hatred and madness of others is always to build a bridge to a better more beautiful world.
greater freedom and aliveness are blessings we bestow upon ourselves when we truly love, honor, respect and believe in who we are.
a simple smile on the face of a child can refresh the spirit and rejuvenate the soul.
it was when I was hurt, unhappy and homeless that I begin to see the light. for even though I was in darkness and depression I was able to see with clarity the truth necessary to heal. the saving grace about losing everything was the sense of freedom. when you have nothing to live for and don't care if you die the everyday stresses of life are meaningless. you begin to gain a perspective that gives you hope. I was one of the lucky ones who saw this truth and embraced it soon enough that I was saved. be sure that no matter your pain or suffering that you see with clarity your divine truth. I am sending you love, light and positive healing energy.
a strange cycle of positive and negative energy is at play right now. on one hand opportunities and possibilities fill the air. good things are within reach and the future is filled with positive potential. on the other hand every time I answer the phone or talk to people in person I hear that somebody is either deathly ill or dead. I wish good fortune for all. I wish peace for all. I wish happiness for all. I wish healing for all. I wish love for all.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
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