for me true lasting peace is a place deep within the heart created with love by those who showed me that love was real and that I was worthy.
my wife, son and I went for a peaceful walk yesterday morning down by the lake. from there we went and picked up some ice cream, sat on a bench and enjoyed the summer sun caressing our souls. it was a simple sacred morning where you could feel the love in every breath.
pure powerful butterflies of spirit flitter around my sacred garden filling it with subtle sacred energies that make it an oasis of growth and transformation where I may truly enjoy the miracle of living.
my intuition is stimulated by thoughts and actions that express my true self and embrace my sacred gifts for I am a psychic sentient soul whose destiny is simply to be who was born to be.
my son who is eleven wanted to see some fireworks last night so we set out at nine thirty wandering the streets and got home about ten thirty. we were going to give up at one point then we heard something and we followed the sound all the way to the canal. There we got displays from two different directions. Behind us over the houses was a large very colourful display. In front of us on the other side of the canal was a beautiful display which was spectacular because you not only saw it in the air but you also saw its reflection in the water at the same time. it was a lovely bonding moment for us. it was also good reminder that no matter the current struggles there are blessings all around us.
may yours be a heartfelt mission in harmony with the heavens and firmly rooted in love where you live your sacred spiritual calling in awe inspiring ways that soothe and nourish the soul.
I woke up one day with a higher knowing which embraced me with the realization that we are all mystics, messengers, mentors and miracle workers with the power to manifest all that is sacred and meaningful.
the first vaccine we are ever given is love and it is the one if honoured and appreciated which will always make us the happiest and healthiest.
my goal during times of struggle and strife is the same goal I have during times of beauty and bliss which is to make mine a path of greater purpose that touches the heart of humanity in ways which serve the highest greatest good.
profoundly intuitive and intuitively profound are we who see clearly the blessings in our lives and share them freely that we and others may be healed, uplifted, inspired and transformed.
I was rooting around in the attic of my soul one day when I discovered a box of blessings which when opened gave me the courage and compassion to go forward into a beautiful new world of my own creation.
may yours be a purposeful life of heartfelt devotion to self in which with grace and beauty you embody the divine as you share the great gift and blessing you are with the world.
mindful and focused I approach each day with a message of freedom and a song of peace which embrace each moment with profound healing energies that create well being and rejuvenate the spirit.
I feel more alive when I live with more feeling and I live with more feeling when I feel more alive.
today focus on who you truly and direct all your energies to loving and respecting the beauty of your being by doing your best to find peace and happiness in every breath.
one day while looking for a deeper meaning I stopped to look back at all my struggles in life and realized what madness I had made my way through and how truly blessed I was to be where I was at that moment in my life. the deeper meaning I was looking for was always there just waiting for the day that I would see it, know it, appreciate it and love it. one day I was searching for a higher purpose...
even in isolation we can help each other. a kind word crafted beautifully with love and blessings can lift the spirit and awaken the divine.
I was reaching beyond myself when I felt vibrations of love from spirits and angels embrace my entire being with waves of pure positive energy that caressed my soul and connected me to the divine.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One