Thursday, March 26, 2015
Hear Your Angels And Let Them Guide You
hear your angels and let them guide you with the pure light of love to a place of spiritual abundance where you can change your life for the better as you make heartfelt connections and step into the sacred.
live your best life by clearing and cleansing for it is by removing the negatives in our life that we create a garden filled with love where truth and beauty grow.
i celebrate those blessedly human beings of light whose lives are dedicated to loving service for they are the ones who create positive change and gift the world with hope and inspiration.
mine is an evolving world committed to spiritual growth and thought provoking perspective. i am a holistic traveler on a journey of greater understanding where i live my own truth and create my own magick. i am an infinite being of compassionate tenderness and i love you.
extraordinary is the voice of spirit and if we truly listen ours will become a life of balance and harmony in which we empower and heal ourself as we create new possibilities and divinely unfold.
align with your purpose and you will create a rich inner life of triumphant spirit. embrace the fullness of your being and you will change your energy and fill your days with extraordinary experiences. positive transformation comes from positive choices. let yours be a divine reality of your choosing.
when we make positive life choices we infuse our mind, body and soul with positive pure energy that lights a new path as it fills our very essence with deep joy and gratitude.
within you is a beneficial place of compassionate spirit where great love and respect blossom. look within and set free the beauty of your true and sacred self.
the way you see your life dictates the way you live your life. think positive and your thoughts will manifest actions that inspire growth and lead you along a path of self discovery. see your life as a beautiful gift and yours will be a heartfelt exploration of spirit where every moment is a transformative experience.
may we all come together as one on an inspirational voyage through life in which we touch the world in profound and positive ways as we transform lives and fill our hearts and souls with sunbeams.
look with clarity at the world and see all of the possibilities and opportunities. open your heart and soul to your greatness and glory and yours will be a profound awakening of insight and understanding. our world and our being transform when we truly see, accept and love who we are.
your life is a beautiful mosaic of experiences to remember. look back at the beauty of those moments that made you smile, laugh, sing, dance, live and love for they are the gifts that made you the magnificent being you are today.
positive life choices spark the energy within creating a light of truth that guides and empowers. stand in the light of your greatness and watch as you connect with spirit and your whole world transforms.
to achieve spiritual growth one need only help others move forward for it is through kindness that the soul shines, through compassion that the spirit soars and through love that the heart embraces the heavens.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Passionate Positive Change
passionate positive changes are made by people of clear intent who feel the goodness within and make it their purpose to set it free that it may inspire souls and transform lives.
enlightened and transformative are those journeys which inspire greater self love for the more one is able to love who they are the more likely they are to live a creative life of spirit that leads to higher levels of transcendence.
i invite positive energy into my life. i embrace blessings of inspiration. i immerse myself in experiences that awaken and enrich. i believe in something greater. i make choices that manifest miracles and i release the spirit within. this is who i am and this is how i live my life. i am micheal. i am the ancient one.
live and love in a sacred way for you are made of miracles and everything you touch is blessed by the beauty of who you are.
to love is a life affirming change. to laugh is a life affirming change. to smile is a life affirming change. to live is a life affirming change. make life affirming changes and yours will be a world of deep abiding joy compelled by passion and positive intent.
evolve into a place of positivity where the soul and spirit live together in harmony as guiding lights which inspire you to become fully alive that you may feel the beauty of the love that flows within and share it with the universe.
focus on the positive and with clear intention set your sights on a higher reality in which with divine guidance you evolve in a way that makes your life a soul healing prayer of love where your heart blossoms and your spirit sings.
every time you inspire a heart you create beauty and joy within yourself and as those gifts accumulate you manifest a flow of positive energy that heals and transforms. to touch a heart in a meaningful way is to serve humanity in a manner which makes the world a better place.
i bring healing with me wherever i go. i carry it in my heart and when needed i share it with those whose life needs some light and love.
blessings of enchantment to every kind and generous soul who has ever shared a smile with me for it is simple gestures like that which enrich lives and change worlds. beauty begins with a smile. joy begins with a hug. its just that easy. hold me with your smile and let its beauty hug me til i am happy.
every soul is gifted and if you look deep within you will discover just how miraculous you are.
uplift and empower your life by loving yourself in a way that expands your mind and enriches your spirit for it is by showing ourself great kindness and compassion that we begin to live our magnificence and transform our world into something beautiful.
live your life as a blessing. live every moment as a miracle. live with courage and gratitude. live in service to others. live with the knowledge that you are a vessel of divine love. live a spirit filled life. live, live, live!
we heal the heart with every smile. we heal the spirit with every loving embrace. we heal the mind with every positive thought and we heal the world with every kind and compassionate action. sing with me, dance with me, heal with me.
this and every moment are transformative opportunities. they are moments of infinite possibilities in which we can create miracles. they are steps along a path that we can shape however we so choose. this is your moment.
live with good intention and let love be your passion, purpose and highest calling for you are a sacred light meant to guide in ways powerful and profound.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Friday, March 13, 2015
We Are Spiritual Seekers
we are spiritual seekers, sacred messengers, ancient sages, divine storytellers and beautiful beings of light. let us live our truth and share our treasures that we may manifest a world we can be proud of.
you are unique in a way that beautifies this world for you are an enchanted soul on an empowering journey to happiness and every time your express your unique essence you move one step closer to bliss.
come alive, be aware, open your heart, explore your soul, live your truth and love your life.
yours is a sacred birthright rooted in love and light, for you are born of goodness and it is the beauty of that truth which if embraced that will guide you to a greater tomorrow.
pray with love as your sacred influence and release each prayer like a rainbow in the sky that it may brighten the world of others as it beckons angels and spirits to dance together to the sweet song of life.
the heart is a teacher and if you listen with love as your guide you will learn to generate happiness and have a kinship with all living things as you make your world a warm and welcoming place.
i dreamed myself awake and became aware of the blessings of the sacred and for that i am thankful for there is joy in knowing.
plant seeds of positive intention that yours may be a garden that nourishes the soul by allowing people to taste the richness and goodness of life.
i looked out the window this morning and saw life smiling back at me. it was then i realized that for life to be smiling back at me i must be smiling. sometimes joy sneaks up on us. such is life.
close your eyes and feel the miracle. feel the positive energy flowing within you. feel the divine within. you are an extraordinary soul and if you believe in the beauty of who you are a new world will open itself to you and you will feel the magnificence of your heavenly self.
there is joy in the discovery of our sacred self for when we realize that we are angels here on earth our life becomes a thing of beauty to be celebrated.
you make a better world whenever you smile. you transform lives whenever you open your arms in kindness. you are a shining light to be treasured. believe in the beauty of who you are.
goodness gladdens the heart and embraces the deepest part of the soul as it unites mind and spirit in love and kindness. be good for it is the greatest thing you will ever do.
use your spiritual gifts to help yourself, others and the earth for it is by making every act an act of love that we create a life we can truly treasure and be thankful for.
nurture others with love. nourish others with love. enrich others with love. empower others with love. inspire others with love. transform others with love. whatever you do in life do it with love. nurture yourself with love...
to live a better life is to share more deeply. to live your higher self is to love more sacredly. let your intention be one that empowers for those who reach the greatest heights are those who choose to fly.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Embrace The Purity Of Love
be true to who you are. celebrate your magnificence. live a positive life of higher spiritual understanding. expand your consciousness. embrace the purity of love. align with your destiny as you manifest a life of meaning. believe in the miracle of your existence. life is yours to shape as you like and with every thought, action and choice you have the opportunity to create something beautiful.
you are an infinite being glowing with radiant beauty whose heart is filled with kindness, compassion and love. open your heart that the entire universe may experience the glory and greatness of who you are.
advice from spirit: love what is, improve the way you think, embrace your humanity, discover your bliss, journey inward, nourish the soul, appreciate your worth, touch people with your wisdom, make life changing connections, dare to be you and love yourself happy.
when we live our passions our life becomes a most beautiful thing for by dedicating ourself to manifesting our dreams and visions we create a magickal existence in which ours is an inspired spirit that dances in celebration of the glory and greatness of who we are.
live life fully with a wonderful purpose and a heart full of light and you will feel your soul open as you awaken to your own magnificence.
you are the flower of life and every time you smile you blossom in a way that embraces the world with a light that sends out a message of love.
let me embrace the wholeness of your being that i may truly experience the sacredness of life for yours is a light that flowers from within and radiates a love that enriches and enlightens.
transform your thoughts and you will transform your actions. transform your actions and you will transform your thoughts. we are ever evolving and transforming. fear not change embrace it with an attitude of hope and optimism for you are capable of great things.
every experience is a transforming experience and we as beautiful beings of light have the choice of whether to make it a positive experience.
there is a path within which leads to positive vibrations that when discovered will inspire you with a spirit nourishing truth that will change your world forever.
live your passion with a purpose. live your purpose with a passion. love the life you live. live the life you love. to live is to love and to love is to live. let this be the day when love and life become one.
deep within your soul is a place of possibility where dreams come true and miracles manifest. your purpose on this earth is to go within and release those dreams and miracles that all the world may experience your true and sacred beauty.
we blossom within when we wrap our lives in love. let your every thought and action be ones that are shaped by love and yours will be a path of great beauty that changes lives in ways miraculous.
make heart centered choices. make soul centered choices. make spirit centered choices. make choices that inspire and enrich. make choices that empower and enlighten. make choices that transform and transcend. life is about choices and when we make choices of meaning and purpose we shape a reality we can be proud of.
every experience is an experience that inspires when we look at life through the eyes of spirit for it is when we see the truth of our existence that we appreciate how truly beautiful we are and how amazingly miraculous life is.
in the garden of your soul plant seeds of love and yours will be a sacred harvest that nourishes the spirit as it enriches the lives of all blessed to experience your goodness.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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