Thursday, April 06, 2017

Every Breath is a Blessing

every breath is a blessing and by sharing your sacred gifts you enrich the world with a message that inspires.

we are all rare and exceptional beings of light on a mystical journey who are worthy of love.

there is a place of spirit and evolving wisdom within us which empowers our lives when we embrace our divine existence with openness and authenticity.

loving yourself is a compassionate choice that opens you to experiences of healing, happiness and sacred wellness where you may share with the universe the fullest expression of who you truly are.

you are a great inspiration who is beyond amazing and by believing in yourself and loving who you are yours becomes a path in which you awaken to joy as you experience the miraculous and discover your life purpose.

make a difference today. be a heart opening beacon of love by using your sacred energies to uplift and inspire. today make a difference.

connect to your inner self by opening your mind, body and soul to the life force of the universe and yours will be a path of empathetic service where you experience the miraculous.

a positive inner spiritual life creates a profoundly sacred outer life where we love and live more fully our souls higher purpose.

come with me to a place where kindness prevails, where people vibrate at a different frequency, where healthy relationships heal the soul of humanity and love is our greatest life force energy. come with me.

love is the elixir of life and by nourishing our soul with its sacred beauty we cultivate and activate miraculous magickal gifts that inspire us to positively contribute to the world as we become our true self.

love and light surround us when we embrace self acceptance as this creates pure positive energy that guides us to our highest destiny and greater happiness.

live your spiritual values and yours will be a unique time on earth in which you ascend to a new reality of high vibrational beings and a more fulfilling life.

the heart of humanity is best served when we cultivate a life of love that awakens the spirit within.

a greater sense of awareness connects us with our sacred energy while releasing the gifts within and inspiring us to walk a positive spiritual path.

truly love yourself by celebrating each moment of your ethereal existence and a blessed unfolding of spirit will take place that helps you evolve in ways which create compassionate connections to all that is sacred.

a sincere smile is an expression of love which creates an inspiring atmosphere that nourishes our whole being.

there is inside of you a place of divine love and if you listen closely you will hear a voice echoing from its sacred center with messages that open magickal gateways to worlds where hopes, dreams and wishes come true.

open yourself to the spiritual by making yours a more choiceful life in which you unfold into deeply enriching manifestations of influence and impact where you blossom into beauty.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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