Thursday, June 14, 2018

Release The Spirit of Love That Resides Within

release the spirit of love that resides within and it will enrich your life and the lives of others with positive, profound and healing waters of love and light.

it was when I decided to shine a light on the darkness of my depression that I began to see certain truths which when removed opened me to the true nature and beauty of my sacred self.

you are a rare treasure of truth and beauty whose very essence is an expression of love that enlivens the heart and soul.

enjoy your existence for it is a blessing of light and you are an extraordinary being.

kindness awakens and uplifts the soul by illuminating our life with wonderful gifts which embrace us with a greater sense of happiness.

a smile is a sacred force and an expression of beauty that nurtures our world with goodness.

life changes for the better when we make beautifully thoughtful choices that illuminate and purify our path and purpose in positive ways.

I was building a destiny of light by weaving love into the fiber of my being when I stopped to listen to the sound of my true self growing spiritually.

with loving intent and an open heart I greet this day.

a tree stands in the nature of my love from which grows sacred fruit that nourish the mind, body, spirit and soul of my true sacred self.

at the core of my being is a place of wholeness where the spirit sings a song of miracles which when listened to inspire goodness and greatness.

mine is a path blanketed by love which I share freely with the intention of benefiting and blessing each soul I meet along the way.

your true spiritual calling is to be a doer of miracles.

while following my passions I ventured deep within my spirit where happiness blooms and discovered that I am truly blessed in many ways.

today let us ride the waves of kindness to places of light where together we can serve and enlighten our universe by creating more joy.

profoundly inspiring is the radiant beauty of your heart, soul and spirit.

call forth the wholeness, beauty and love in each moment for they are divine blessings that will deeply connect you to your true purpose in life.

life is transformed when we embrace the true nature of our being and share its sacred loving wisdom with the world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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