Wednesday, February 13, 2019

See the light within the soul of humanity and embrace its beauty with pure joy.

it is my sacredness that makes me willing to look beyond societies prejudices that I may see the light within the soul of humanity and embrace its beauty with pure joy.

even though others have marked me with their prejudices, biases and misconceptions I have always carried on for I know that I am remarkable.

I don't care how good the economy is. I care what kind of person you are. I don't care what god you pray to. I care what kind of person you are. I don't care how you identify. I care what kind of person you are. I don't care if you are rich or poor. I care what kind of person you are. I care about goodness. I care about happiness. I care about kindness. I don't care what mistakes you have made. I care what kind of person you are. I care what kind of person I am. I care.

do those things that touch you deeply and you create realities in which you grow spiritually.

with pure intent I open doorways into the heart of humanity end enter into worlds of spirit where I feel and experience the love that is my birthright.

I begin each day with balance and wholeness for they are blessings that connect me to my dreams and inspire me to use my sacred abilities in nurturing caring ways.

there are secrets within each soul which when opened reveal blessings of divine beauty beyond the imagination that help us heal and transform.

I have lived the majority of my life battling with a brain that processes information differently than others. its hard enough for me to understand myself sometimes let alone have others figure me out. however my saving grace has always been the ability to frame my days in ways that satisfy my mind. I have found what works for me and by doing so have managed to manifest the life that I have always deserved. if you are reading this know that you are stronger than you think. you are not alone and you too can overcome your obstacles and create for yourself a better life. you are loved. bless you.

I thrive and flourish when I open myself to the light and energy of those simple loving moments in life that have the ability to transform.

at my darkest times in life I have always been blessed with serendipitous encounters that gave me hope and inspired me to not give up and to continue to live my extraordinary story.

it was while working with my higher self that I discovered the infinite light and love within the core of my being waiting to be released into the world.

deepen your relationship with spirit by fully loving who you are and yours will be a beautifully overwhelming journey of abundant blessings.

may the light in your heart illuminate your world that you may see the true sacred beauty of your inner and outer self as you live a peaceful positive life.

I remember things from my childhood that are troubling but its those things that I am not sure if they actually happened that haunt me. those things that I hope were not real. those things that are too disturbing yet in my heart I know happened. it is those glimpses of dark reality that trigger the most negative responses in me. I handle this not by trying to wash them from my memory but by making an effort to look at the divine beauty of my life at this moment. I am a survivor and my struggles do not define me. I am alive and I am loved.

love and believe in yourself as doing so will help you heal and grow in ways that manifest a destiny of miracles.

love when genuine and sincere has a life changing impact that richly harmonizes every aspect of our existence.

weave a thread of spirit throughout your life and yours will be a profound karmic path of reverence and revelation that raises you to higher levels of being.

without knowing it we receive gifts from the heavens every day that strengthen our energy and stimulate our spirit. it is by removing obstacles such as self doubt and stress that we begin to see clearly the beauty and blessings of each moment.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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