Thursday, February 07, 2019

A Map Of The Universe

I was looking at a map the universe the other day when I saw within the stars a path of light to a place of love which inspired me to begin my journey home.

my scars and bruises were reminiscing about suffering one day when they happened upon the sacred realization that they had survived their trauma by using their pain as a platform for transformation.

even in the worst of times when all hope was lost there would be within the darkness whispers of inspiration that spoke directly to my spirit and led me into the light.

thank you - what do you mean by that. have a nice day - what do you want. I wish you well - why would you say that. may all your days be happy ones - get lost. we have become cold, callous and uncaring. let us not continuously question peoples sincerity. let us not mock their positive intentions. let us simply acknowledge their gesture of kindness with one of our own. I love you.

we are beautifully inspiring gods and goddesses placed on earth to spread the spirit of love.

the beam of light that emanates from within is one of great love and when we express our true essence that loving light embraces our entire being and the world around us.

I change my destiny for the better every day by making positive choices that engage the spirit, enrich the soul and embrace the heart with a love most divine.

something sacred and profound happens when we truly love and respect who we are.

my intention is to walk my path in ways that touch the earth with love and by doing so raise my spirit to the heavens where they may embrace my soul with light.

it has become harder to be kind these days for their are those who find kindness generic. it has become difficult to be compassionate these days for there are those who say compassion is not genuine. it has become painful to be loving these days for there are those who see love as a fake gesture. it has become a seemingly insurmountable task to help and heal others yet still I am kind, still I am compassionate and still I am loving. my humanity is stronger than your inhumanity. bless you all.

may yours be a passionate life of remarkable adventures that satisfy the spirit and liberate the soul.

walk with me a unique path of pure integrity to a place of deeper spirit where we are touched by glory as we connect to the divine.

why does someones pain have to be visible. why do we struggle with helping those whose illnesses we cannot see. why do we blame those with broken minds for their maladies. we all have scars that are not visible. we all have pains that are hidden from the pubic eye. let us not shame each other. let us show each other the kindness, compassion and love we all deserve.

mine is a loving universe inspired by light where every thought radiates positive energy and every action embraces life with infinite love.

wholeness, happiness, beauty and bliss should all be steps we take on our journey through life that raise us to our place in the heavens.

kindness directed towards ones self creates a loving state of awareness which connects positively to our natural sacred beauty.

each and every day I make the time to take a memory of something that has hurt me and release it into the universe. this simple act of self love makes room in my mind, body, heart and soul for new memories that help and heal me.

make it your purpose to create positive change as doing so will manifest vibrations of love which will awaken and cleanse your spirit and soul.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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