you can help heal your life by being who you are supposed to be which is someone who lives and loves freely and happily.
powers and forces of profound potential merge with the divine and manifest the positive in those moments of blessed silence when we open our heart, mind, spirit and soul to all that is good and glorious.
the beauty of life, the glory of life and the freedom of faith bring to me a sense of peace and sacred serenity that enriches my evolution.
walk your path with dignity, grace and a sincere desire to live and love your divine destiny.
I feel more alive when I shine my light brightly and share my love freely.
everything you do is an expression of who you are. express your light, express your love, express your joy and express your true sacred self.
every time I expand my perception I experience ethereal moments the enrich, empower and enlighten my existence.
practice gratitude and you will experience greatness which will guide you to goodness.
today I shall go where beauty, bliss and blessings happen and then I shall venture out into the world radiating goodness and shining the light of love.
I was sitting in the lap of buddha reading the book of life with angels turning the pages for me when I was surrounded by gods and goddesses from many different beliefs who each read a chapter to me which wrapped me in ecstasy from the heavens and inspired me to learn, live and love more.
self healing forces and sacred healing energies reside at the core of our true self and when we walk toward the light with the intention of cultivating compassion, kindness and love our experiences become ones of greater well being.
I was struggling a lot many years ago when I realized that for me the wheel of life was flat so I breathed new air into it and my heart opened, my spirits rose and my journey became one of profound benefits and sacred blessings.
when the soul feels at home the self feels happy. I am happy.
today I will engage in wellness activities that align with my true higher self and serve the greater good.
for me I am better able to spend quality time with others once I have spent quality time with myself.
there are spiritual forces at work all the time and once you realize and accept that they work for you the earth and sky will open and life for you will be filled with blessings.
the fabric of my destiny is such as to give me the opportunity to weave a future hope, harmony, happiness, peace and freedom if I so choose.
its been a disappointing few days but I am not deterred for I am determined and devoted to happiness and sacred well being.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
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