Thursday, January 26, 2012
A New Generation of Loving is Here
The Soul has Aspirations for a New World of Grace, Gratitude and Guiding Wisdom. A World of Joy filled Lives and Spiritual Treasures. A World where we Greet each day with a Smile on our Face and Love in our Heart. The Spirit has Aspirations for a New Global Community of Transcendence and Transformation. A Community of Unity and Harmony where we all Seek the Highest Good and Purpose. A Community where we Greet each day with Inspiration in our Eyes and Glorious Visions in our Thoughts. Aspire to Greatness and the Heavens will Honour you with a Better World and a Brighter tomorrow.
Ignite the Light within for you were Born with a Greatness bathed in Cosmic Essence and Infinite Imagination.
Love is a Divinely Human experience which Creates a Culture of Appreciation and fills your Heart with Light.
You are a Gift to the World. You are Beauty itself. You are an Ancient Spirituality that Cleanses the Soul. Rekindle your Dreams and you make your Dreams come True. Share your Inner Visions and you Better the Human condition. Work Together for Good and every Moment becomes a Rewarding and Enlightening Experience. You are the Vibration of Love and Joy. You are the Light and You take my Breath away.
Appreciate the Sacred and fill your Heart with Uplifting and Affirmative Prayers. The Words - Thank You - open the Gates of Heaven and the Words - I Love You - ensure they will remain open for Eternity.
Life is meant to be Enjoyed. Dance with your Heart, Sing with your Spirit and Celebrate the Beauty of Who You Are with your Soul.
Divinity and Humanity unite for those who Strive to Serve All. Share your Soul and Miracles of Joy will Bless every Breath.
This is a Healing Prayer. A Prayer which Communicates Love and fosters Connectedness. A prayer of Infinite Bliss that Expands Divinity. A Prayer that Reaches across the Heavens and Touches the Face of God. This is an Angelic Offering. An Offering of Awakening Splendor. An Offering of Joy and Purpose which Kindles a Flame of Love. An Offering of Whispered Endearments which Guide you to a Brighter World. This is a Prayer and an Offering for You are Worthy and You are Loved.
The House of Exploration is open for those who Visualize their Dreams and Live their Destiny. Explore, Experience and Evoke the Lightness of your Being. True Freedom and Happiness comes to those who are active Participants in their own Evolution.
The World when seen through eyes both Pure and Innocent is a Paradise of Beauty and Light.
He who has a Peaceful Heart will Live a Life Divine and make a Profound difference in the World.
Basic Goodness creates a Nurturing Community and Inspires Great Planetary Change.
A New Generation of Loving is here. With Joy and Gratitude let us give Thanks to the Beauty of Existence and the Heartbeat of Mother Earth. Ours is an Esoteric Quest where Lessons of Light Inspire us to Flower into Bliss. Experience the Sacred in every Breath, Live a Life of Joy and Gift everyone you meet with Kindness. Be a Generous Teacher, a Voracious Student and Aspire to Manifest the World you Truly desire. The Future isnt something you Envision, its something you Create. Create a Smile, Create a Hug, Create a Kiss and Create a Community of Love.
( by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
We are the Earth and We are Sacred
Spread a little Happiness. Orchestrate a Loving Life which Touches other Souls and Creates a Transformative Atmosphere. Walk a Good Life and make yours a Path of Beauty where Heaven and Earth meet. Every Experience is Visionary for those who Embrace their Natural Beauty and Power. You can Live more Joyfully if you Engage and Illuminate your Journey with a Light that Rises and a Love that Transcends. You are Free to Be yourself so set yourself Free.
We are Connected to our Past Lives. Every Existence has been but a stepping stone leading to True and lasting Happiness. Each Life brings with it a Glimpse of the Divine. Search your Soul, Follow your Heart and Find your Inner Bliss. The People you once were are Calling you to Step into Awareness for Heaven is at your Door. With you in each Incarnation there have been Angels of Light speaking in the Transcendent Language of Love and directing you to an Enchanted Land where Heart and Mind Bloom into Eternal Joy. You are the Past, Present and Future. Welcome Home!
Connect to your Guardians, Guides, Angels and Spirit Helpers. Be a Keeper of the Light, Know the Light and Create a Landscape of Beauty and Bliss within your Soul. Plant a Garden in your Heart where Love can Grow and Joy can Blossom. Stand before the Altar of Truth and give Thanks for the Journey. Communicate Peacefully and Create a Community of Like Minded People of Caring, Compassion and Inspired Consciousness. You are a Guardian, You are a Guide, You are an Angel on Earth and this is your moment to Free your Spirit and help Heal Humankind.
We are of the Earth and We are Sacred. We are Beings of Light walking the Lands of the Ancestors. We are Miracles of Spiritual Evolution connecting with our Souls purpose. You are the Earth and You are Sacred. You are Pure Awareness and True Beauty. You are One with all that Is. I am the Earth and I am Sacred. I am the Voice of the People and a Messenger of Planetary Healing. I am a Song of Peace and a Symphony of Love. We are the Earth and We are Sacred!
Tune your ears to the Voice of Spirit and Hear its Wisdom. Enchant, Embrace and Celebrate your Spirit. Elevate every Experience and you Contribute to the Collective Happiness of all Humankind. Fall in Love with the Light and let its Beauty guide you through Fields of Wonder into a Garden of Contemplation where Thoughts are a Shared Dream of Love. We are a Beautiful Bouquet of Wonder and Curiosity on the Altar of the Soul. Close your Eyes and Lift your Face to the Heavens and wait, for when the Wind Dances you will Feel the Love of God and Goddess.
Smile with your Heart and Emerge into a New World. The Sacredness of Mother Earth is calling you to bring Enrichment and Balance into your Life. When we Heal ourselves we generate Positivity and and embrace Mankind and Womankind in a way that betters their Existence. Create Well-being and you Create a thrillingly Poetic and Joyful Life. Joy is the Fruit of Love and the Universe expands when we Share our Blessings.
Dream with me of Light and Love. Dream with me of a Sacred Environment of Peace and Freedom. Pray with me for Infinite Joy and Limitless Opportunity. Pray with me for Transformation and Inspiration. Dance with me in the Suns warm Loving Embrace. Dance with me under the Moons radiant Beauty. Live with me in Hope and Harmony. Live with me in Shared Humanity. Dream, Pray, Dance and Live the Life you were Born to Live. A Life of Love.
The Sacredness of all Creation is beckoning us to Liberate the Divine within and Live a Life of Beauty and Joy. The Essence of Love is a Field of Infinite Possibilities where Messengers of Kindness foretell of Bright New Days where Angelic Voices guide us to Metaphysical Understanding and a Deep sense of Inner Knowing. Together We are Divine. Together We are a Community of Light and Together we are the Future of Humankind and that Future is LOVE!
I Pray for a Brighter Tomorrow. I Pray that the Dreams of the Heart become the Realities of the Spirit. I Pray that the Poetic Soul will Seek refuge in the Womb of Inspiration and create Transformative Experiences which Elevate Thoughts and Actions. I Pray that all may Love and Live their Lives to the fullest. I Pray for Open Minds and Open Hearts that sail on Angel Wings to places of Spiritual Evolution. I Pray for Light, I Pray for Love and I Pray for You. Amen.
Plant Seeds of Intention and you will Bloom like a Flower. Your Garden will be a place of Calmness, Blessings and Healing Light. Open the Book of your Soul for it is filled with Dreams of Love. Cast Light upon the Darkness that all may see the Magick and Beauty of Nature and Life. Explore Higher Realities, Engage your Spirit Guides and be a Sweet Messenger of Love. Life is Precious and anything is Possible when you make your Life one that promotes Love unto all Beings.
I call upon your Soul to join me in acts of Love and Kindness. I call upon Angelic Spirits and Beloved Friends to gather in Harmony and Share the Gift of a Smile. We are Children of the Sun and Moon born of Light and Love. We are Ambassadors of Hope and Messengers of Peace. Let us wash away our worries in the Fountain of Truth that we may begin this day Refreshed, Rejuvenated and Ready to Change the World.
( by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
Monday, January 09, 2012
Angelic Beings of the Highest Inspiration
Life Blesses us with a multitude of Miraculous ways to Inspire. Share your Love, Believe in your Dreams, Connect with your Guides and Connect to your Higher Consciousness as all these things will lead you and others to Greatness. Nurture Purpose and Passion, Embrace Wholeness in everything you do, Let your Spirit touch the Earth and Awaken to a new Paradigm for these are Gifts that Enrich and Uplift. You are a Blessing and Seekers will be drawn to your Light. You are the Miracle and the Inspiration. The Heavens Thank You.
There is a place where Dreams live. A place Inspired by Grace that Celebrates the Sacredness of all Life. It is a place of Profound Spiritual Experiences and Actions which open the Heart. It is there that Transformation begins. It is there that the Seeds of Truth and Hope are Planted. It is there that Life itself Breathes. There is a place where Ideas live. A place of Alchemical Wisdom where Love is the Universal Blueprint. That place is your Soul. Welcome Home!
Help Unite the World. You are a Gift to Humanity and a Treasure of the Universe. Live from a Spiritual Perspective and Evolve yourself to the point where Love and Light are not just what you Dream, they are what You do and who You are. By Living your Truth, Exploring who You are and Awakening to a Higher Realization, You become a Conduit for Love and that makes a Real difference and a Positive Impact on Humanity. Love Yourself, Love Me and Love Life for it is through Love the we will Heal, Help and Unite the World.
There is a Wonder that unfolds when we Teach from Love and Joy. When we Share our Wisdom in a Spirit of Light we Transform those whose Souls we touch. Live Consciously in the World and Give Freely of your Knowledge and Experience. We are a Learning Community and when are Lessons are based in Love we Transcend and Connect to a Higher Purpose. Class is in and todays Lesson is Give, Receive, Feel and Teach - LOVE!
Love is a Gift to us all and it is a Gift to be Shared. Dance in a Circle of Love for today is a Beautiful day to be Alive. Converse with the Earth and assure it that Change is here and a New World of Kindness will be our Reward. Immerse yourself in a Life Transforming Pilgrimage to both Inner and Outer Worlds. Love can and will Guide your Life. Be Aware of your Soul, Be Cognizant of your Spirit and Be Mindful of your Heart for You are a Gift and that Gift is Love.
Happy Transformation Day. I give to you the Gift of Grace and Gratitude. I honour you with the Gift of Joy and Divine Possibilities. Let us Celebrate the Spirit of Universal Love. Let us Dance in the Light of Peace and Blessings. We are Angelic Beings of the Highest Inspiration. We are people of Beauty, Truth and Light. I present you on this day with the Consciousness of Humanity. I present you on this day with Love for all Living things. Happy Transformation Day.
I awoke this morn to the Voice of my Soul urging me to Live a better Life and Help the World. To that end I am Vowing to Live from Inspiration as I let my Love to Flow like a River. I have arisen on this day to the Vision of my Spirit guiding me to fall in Love with myself and Wear my Hopes and Dreams like a Flower. I have heard and seen the Truth and my answer is to make Positive Changes, Cultivate Loving Kindness and Live in a Unique and Beautiful way. Arise, Awake and Live the Miracles within your Soul and Spirit.
You are Truly Loved. You are Extraordinary and Gifted. You are Destined to Live a Life of Beauty and Guide people towards Enlightenment. Life is a Labyrinth of undiscovered Opportunities. The coming Changes will bring Richer Experiences and a more Open Spirituality. Ours is a Multidimensional Sphere of Unity imbued with Magick and filled with Wonder. Make your inner Landscape one of Kindness and Cooperation that Flows Freely and Touches all Life. You are Beautiful. Share your Beauty, Live your Truth and Rejoice in the High Vibration of Love.
Monday, January 02, 2012
Light the Path of Love
There is Love within us all. Step into Greatness by Birthing what you need in Life. Channel your Passion and Create a Temple of Light where all your Prayers can be answered. By Caring and Sharing you access Ancient Wisdom and manifest Enlightening alternatives. Discover your Truth. Communicate Magickally and Transform into Love. Believe in the Beauty of your Soul and the Universe will Believe in You!
Look within and See the Path to Ascension. Share the Beauty of your Spiritual core and make your Vision of Life one of Joy, Glory, Peace and Wellness. We as Beings of Light are a Transforming Force with the Tools to Help people ingrained in our Soul. We are Pure Consciousness and Love. Be a Prayer of Hope and Happiness. Live the Truth of Who You Are and every Moment of every day - LOVE!
The Gates of Heaven are adorned with but one Sign that reads - Leave your Religion at the Door. The time has come to end war, poverty, hunger, ignorance and prejudice. We are all Brothers and Sisters of Light and Love. We are a Global Family of Inspired Destiny. Love is our Birthright and now is the Time to claim it. Connect with your Guides, Harness the Powers of your Spirit, Embrace your Sacred Soul and Enhance the Quality of Life by Creating a New You. The Answers to all Life's great questions are the same - Love, Love, Love, Love.............
Invest in your Soul. Open your Heart that it may receive Divine Gifts and Embrace the Forces of Light. Love is Food for Life and when we make Love the Key component to our Blueprint for Wellness we Create a daily Life that is Sacred. Manifest the Dreams of your Heart and Dance upon the Earth for you are Divine. Life is a Shared Experience of Spiritual Realization and We are Messengers of Truth. Invest in your Soul and you will reap Benefits of Kindness, Compassion and Joy.
A Doorway to Heaven has opened and We all may pass through once we Free ourselves from hate, anger, anxiety, ignorance and prejudice. We need only Live the Love that is our Destiny to Cross the Threshold into Paradise. Allow your Gifts to Flow. Share the Beauty of your Soul. Live your Light and Love your Life. You are Special. You are a Miracle and You are a Messenger of Hope. Embrace the Art of Being You and Live in a World of Peace. A Bridge to Bliss is before us and We may cross over by making Gratitude, Goodness and Grace a way of Life. Welcome to the New Paradigm. I Love You.
A New Dawn is upon us and I am Alive. A New Day is here and I am Awake and Aware. I will Greet this day with Joy. I will Venture out in the Spirit of Kindness. I will Reach out to all Humankind with Caring and Compassion. A New World is here and I am Inspired. A New Universe has opened up and I am Free to soar with the Angels. I will Live a Life of Peace and Harmony. I will Gift the World with my Love. I will Smile and Embrace the Miracle of it all. A New Reality is here and it is Beautiful.
I am an Interpreter of the Human Spirit. I am a Multi Dimensional Being of Light on a Quest for Joy. I am a Mystical Messenger in Contact with Higher Realms. It is my Desire Celebrate the Sacred and Dance in the Clouds. It is my Wish to make Self Honoring Choices which are Guided by Angels. It is my Destiny to Live in Harmony with the Soul. I am the Divine Breath of Life. I am a Portal of Discovery and I am the Light within that Connects all to the Sacred. My name is Micheal. I am The Ancient One.
The Ocean of all Life is Endowed with Glory. A Heaven of Bliss is on the Horizon and to Reach it we need only fulfill our Destiny. A Destiny of Peace, Freedom and Love. A Destiny of Hope and Happiness where all People from all Walks of Life live Hand in Hand. A Destiny where every Encounter is Divine and every word Spoken is Kind. As we enter a New Reality make every day Sacred. The Future is Here and it is Beautiful.
Light the Path of Love by Living a Spiritual Life today. Every Soul is Divine and by Living in Harmony with Mother Earth we facilitate Planetary Transformation. All Dreams and Wishes are Possible for those Courageous enough to anticipate Triumph. Believe you are a Master of Light, Believe you are a Teacher of Truth and Believe that you are Born of Love. The biggest Discovery one can make is that of their own Greatness. Experience the Beauty of your Soul and the Joy of your Spirit. Live the Purity, Pleasure, Beauty and Truth of Who You Are! The Transformation we all are waiting for begins this very Moment.
Each New Horizon brings with it a new Opportunity to Love. The Dawn of each day brings with it the Opportunity to Shine like Stars and Radiate Joy. Be a Spiritual Revolutionary. Celebrate Mother Nature and Embrace the Wealth of Mystical Knowledge within your Soul. Life is the Unfolding of the True Self. You are a Gift. A Gift meant to be Shared. Hear the Voices of the Ancients and allow them to Positively Guide you to Complete Spiritual Freedom. The Sun is Rising and with it comes Opportunity and Possibilities of Love and Light.
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