Friday, September 07, 2012

Whispers of the Divine

The Soul is Exquisite and Beautiful. It is Who We Are and Who We Are meant to Be. Bring Peace and Comfort into your Life by Immersing yourself in the Miracle and Majesty of your Soul. Positively Impact Change by Embracing the Light from Heaven and setting Sail on a Journey to Greatness. It is once we Accept that we are part of the Sacredness of all Creation that our Lives become a Soul Nourishing Experience. Feed your Soul, Love your Life and Live your Truth. You are Exquisite and Beautiful.

The Whispers of the Divine guide us to Live and be Happy. All we have to do is say Yes and Dedicate our Lives to Feeling the Joy.

Walk a Path of Spirits and Angels. Pray with your Heart and you Delight the Gods. We are Beings of Light and by Embracing this Truth we bring Heaven to Earth and God into our Soul.

I have written a Letter of Intention to the Universe: I intend to be a Caretaker of Life and Love. I intend to Heal myself Now. I intend Immerse myself in the Kindness of others. I intend to Climb to the top of the Mountain and Sing. I intend to Teach with my Heart and Learn with my Soul. I intend to let Joy become my new Reality. I intend to Live, Laugh, Love and Learn. I intend to Be Free and I intend to be Me!

Harvest and Enjoy the Fruits of this fine Day. It is when we Fall in Love with Life that the Celebration begins.

In my Heart of Hearts I Seek to be a Light that guides your Way. In my Soul of Souls I Inspire a Growing Goodness. In my Spirit of Spirits I Ignite a Flame of Peace, Passion and Purpose. We are Living Poetry and I Love You.

Peace is a living Gift which Opens a Portal to Understanding. Give Peace and your Life will be a most Wonderful thing to Behold.

Create more Grace and gather Wisdom as you Seek to be of Service to Humanity. It is through Service that we Embrace the Magick of Spiritual Connectedness.

Be a constant Inspiration by planting Seeds of Possibility. Your Soul's Journey is Richly Robed by all the Love within. Make every Moment a Life Changing Experience. Moments of Prayer and Meditation. Moments of Joy and Empowerment. Moments of Dreams and Aspirations. Kindness to the Self will manifest a Plateau in your Life from which you can See clearly all the Beauty you have Created.

There are Karmic Consequences to every Choice we make. Choose Love and the Consequence will be endless Lifetimes of Joy, Happiness and Light.

Where Spirits Rise there can be found Love and Golden Light. There can be found Intuitive Guidance and Limitless Consciousness. Where Spirits Rise there is a Poetic Heart waiting for you to come Home.

God Bless the Children for they are the Heroes that Save us from ourselves and make us Realize that we are All made out of Love.

Let the Wind blow through your Heart and Free the Inner Moonlight of your Soul that you may Dance, Laugh and Sing your way to Heaven.

Your Soul already Knows where your personal Evolution will lead you. It can already Sense the Miraculous. Listen to your Soul.

Love has no Boundaries, no Prejudices, no Gender, no Religion and no Race. Love when it is Real is Simply Love. I Love You.

The Energy of the Universe brings us Closer to Heaven. Nurture your Higher Self by Walking through Metaphysical Fields of Radical Transformation. We are Crafted out of Love and when we Craft our every Moment out of Love we Claim our Birthright and Embody Wisdom, Timelessness and Awakening. A Life lived Faithfully and Beautifully is a Celestial Symphony which Manifests in Healing Communities of Light. Have a Love Affair with your Life by Embracing the Energy and Living in the Light.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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