Sunday, January 20, 2013

Waiting For Our Turn To Fly

Life is a Shamanic Dance of Magick and Miracles where Faeries and Unicorns frolic in Enchanted Forests with Elves and Aliens in a Cosmic Celebration of God, Goddess, Grace and Glory.

Earth is our Sacred Mother and We are but Birds in a Nest of Love waiting for our turn to Fly.

Arise those who are Aware and Awakened. A new Reality is upon us and We are the Mystics and Masters who are meant to Share the Message of Love and Elevate Humanity to its Rightful Place in the Heavens.

Pure Thought and Good Intentions are the Blessings of Life which Free the Spirit and Light the Universe with Love and Kindness. Think of a much Better World and let your Intention be to Shape the World in ways which make every Moment a Joy to be Alive.

Children are the Glory of all Humanity for through them One can see the Playground of Bliss that is Heaven.

The Glory of Positive Intention is that it leads to a Godly Life of Sacredness and Spiritual Evolution.

My Body is a Canvas where the Heavens Paint the Masterpiece that is my True Self.

Come Home to your Celestial Mother that she may Empower your Spirit and take your Life to a place Beyond Imagination where Love lights the Whole Sky.

Wonderful Messages of Spiritual Inspiration are within the Heart and Soul of those who Follow their Dreams and Visions through the Darkness and into the Light.

Blessings of Peace and Love await those whose Thoughts and Actions give the Soul Nourishment and Contribute to a more Divine World.

Their is a Message of Happiness waiting to Bloom in your Heart the Moment you Realize that You are the Universe.

May your Love have Wings to Soar into Rainbows of Spirit where it can Liberate Reality and Create a Life of Great Joy and Good Intentions.

You are a Beautiful Pearl in the Ocean of Life and all are Blessed who Discover your Magnificence.

Kissed by the Beauty of Goodness are they who Wear their Heart on their Sleeve and give People the Shirt off of their Back.

Children are Small Miracles that Teach us how to Love and Show us how to Enjoy Life.

There is a Place inside the eyes of Nature where Love and Peace reside. Let us Gather there in our Dreams and Celebrate the Miracle that is Mother Earth.

Live a Life that Uplifts in ways Poetic. Touched by the Winds of Love and Caressed by the Whispers of Ancient Spirits.

Making others Happy is a Way of Worship. Embracing the Light of others is a Form of Prayer. When we Listen to the call of Greater Service and Dedicate our Life to Helping others we Experience the Beauty and Magick of Enlightenment and Oneness.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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