Friday, January 04, 2013

See with Spiritual Eyes

Within each and every Face you will find a Healing Prayer and a Heavenly Message. See with Spiritual Eyes the Beauty of Humankind.

To Live a Happier Life we must first Love ourself and Embrace the Light of our Soul. The more we Love and Accept the Beauty of Who We are the more able we will be to Generously Give to others in ways that will Inspire the Highest Good Possible.

Let us Build a House of Miracles where we may Cultivate our Spiritual Gifts and Awaken to our Beauty. Let us make our Home a Temple of Light where ever Message is one of Love and every Prayer connects us with our Sacredness. Let us build a Community of Peace and Freedom...

I see Harmony and Beauty in the night Sky. The Heavens have a Face that Smiles down upon us and Uplifts the whole World.

Awaken with Gratitude for the Blessings in your Life. Awaken with Sacred Integrity and have a Grand Love Affair with your Life. Awaken to the Knowledge that your Soul is Alive. Awaken.

Our Hearts are made of Love for Love is the Essence of Who We Are. Love creates a Flow of Positive Energy which Manifests Miracles. Know that when you Reach the Mountaintop there will be no Great Surprise but there will be Love. Reach into your Heart and Embrace the Beauty that is Love.

Start your day with a Small Kindness for a simple Act of Kindness can Transform a Life and Change the World.

Whenever I encounter the Spirit it Inspires me to explore Beauty and Diversity with Clarity and Intention. Thusly my Life has become a Heavenly Balance and a Healing Celebration where Guides and Angels Dance along Avenues of Positive Thought and Peaceful Action.

alternative realities have become a profound influence which drives me to ride my sanity like a surfer rides a wave, not seeking the shore but challenging the self to reach for and expect more.

Live Spiritually and Actively Seek Positive Change and yours will be a World of Bliss where Dreams are Thoughts made Real.

The Path of Self Discovery leads to a Magickal World of Miracles when we Live our Wholeness and Communicate with Angels.

You are Divinely Created to be a Source of Great Happiness. Honour your Creator by Living your Destiny.

Change begins Within. Create a Sanctified Atmosphere where your Soul may roam Free and you will be a Magnet for Happiness.

Good Thoughts weave together Words that I Share in the Hope of Touching Souls in ways Profound and Changing Lives for the Better.

When we Love someone Life Smiles for it Knows that Bathing on the Shores of the Ocean of Infinity are those who Realized that the only Truth is Love.

In Pure Gratitude I Share my Prayer of an Earthly Existence of Great Happiness and Joyful Serenity. Thankful are We who count our Blessings not on our Fingers but on the Smiling Faces of those we Love.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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