Thursday, July 25, 2013
Gift your Loving Radiant Heart with Butterfly Wings that it may Soar to Places of Light and Heal the Souls of those in Need for You are at your Core a Sacred Healer and Divine Goddess.
A Playful Wind caresses my Soul and Whispers in my Ear that I am Unique and Gifted.
Open the Door to the Sacred and Communicate with Angels for it is when we Talk to the Heavens that Mother Earth Transforms.
Life is a Divine Experience for those who are Infinitely Aware of their own Magnificence.
Gift the Earth with those Special Qualities that are Uniquely Yours and you Heal Hearts and Souls for it is when we realize that we are not alone that we Transcend our Struggles and Ascend to a Place of Peace and Purpose.
Delightful and Wonderful are those Guided by Spirit who Choose to Share the Beauty of their Journey in ways that Enrich, Enlighten and Inspire.
We Experience Joy when we Embrace the Blessings in our Life for Gratitude is a Deeply Nurturing Expression of Comfort and Peace which makes each moment Divine.
In the Heart of Beauty deep inside the Soul there are Healing Waters of Light which open Portals of Growth for those who Believe that they are Worthy.
You are a Self Created Being of Light, Let your Radiance guide you to a place where Love is a way of Life that you may Journey into Wholeness where you Live your Passion and Create Beauty with every Thought.
Plant Seeds of Change, Plant Seeds of Kindness, Plant Seeds of Love and you Serve Divinity while Re-Engaging the Soul and Connecting with your Perfect Blueprint.
Draw Wisdom from all and Embrace the Essence of your True Self as you Open your Heart to Greater Love and Facilitate an Environment of Insight and Inspiration.
To be at peace with life we must find our souls purpose for by doing so we cultivate wholeness and create a world of pure spirit.
If we walk in balance and peace the divine creative energy of our soul will inspire others to journey into realms of sacred exploration.
If we identify with the soul we awaken the authentic self , inspire the spirit and fuel the fire of transformation.
A peaceful mind is a springboard to positive transformation , for by cleansing the mind we inspire the spirit and motivate the soul.
Make Life a Gospel of Inner Peace and Soulful Joy where you Find your own Beauty and Liberate your True Self.
Every day i rise with the sun, swim in an ocean of light and walk a path of beauty that elevates the soul to great things.
May Freedom Encourage You and Hope Embrace You! May Truth Inspire you and Kindness Enlighten you! May Life Engage you and Joy surround you. May you Live your higher self and blossom for you have within you the ability to manifest and create miracles.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Friday, July 19, 2013
We Are All Souls Of Light And Beauty
Be your own Guide, Manifest what you Wish and Share your Unique Gifts as you Speak your Truth and Journey to the Heart of the Divine. Embrace your gifts and leave a sacred imprint that awakens inner peace and connects with the human spirit. Let the light flow through you and the healing energy of the cosmos will transform your soul.
We are all souls of light and beauty who fire the eternal flame of love. Illuminate a path to a spiritual place where joy abides and you will positively impact the world.
Bring vitality to your life by embracing your passions and honouring the teacher within. Be a greater living presence in the universe by engaging the heart and making your environment an angelic kingdom of peace, freedom and joy. Create your reality as you Make your life a river of love flowing freely into an ocean of beauty and bliss.
Discover your souls purpose and yours will be a life of blessings and abundance. Go beyond perceptions on a transcendental journey to the purely divine where the universal language is love and bliss is your birthright.
Transform your world, Speak your passion, Create your vision and embrace the the wisdom of the gods and the sweetness of life will be yours. Keep a special place in your heart for your unique spirit and breathe in peace as you journey to he womb of love.
We are guardians of the earth connected by soul and spirit. Love the earth and you love yourself and all living things. Explore alternative lifestyles and ideas for every soul can teach us and every spirit can touch us in a way both positive and enlightening. When we live with a peaceful heart we create a joyful life of unique blossoming and illuminating insights.
Find the music within and let the symphony of your soul play a song of love, kindness and compassion where you Honour your innate gifts and live life joyfully.
Live your true nature, Celebrate Diversity, Orchestrate a Universal Dance of Love and let the Winds of God take you to a Garden in the Sun.
You are a divine gift. The sun and moon are within you. Explore human nature and the joy of spirit. Find and live your purpose as you inspire to create change. Elevate your imagination to new heights and seek to make a difference in the world. Rejoice in your gifts for they are many and you were born to share the magnificence of your being.
The divine essence within you is one of beauty that will inspire your soul and bring you closer to heaven. Let your heart be a watering hole for the spirit and let love be the drink that quenches its thirst.
Make yours an inspirational garden where you live in harmony with the natural landscape and you will experience radiant bliss beyond words. Make every moment a choice, every breath a prayer and joy will envelope you like raindrops from heaven. Be a source of light and beauty by cultivating higher values and dreaming your world into being. Yours is an evolutionary path of light and a sacred cycle of transformation. Allow your souls compass to lead you to love.
Lift your voice and let your soul dance for life is a celebration and happiness is a song. Unleash your unique essence and walk a path of spiritual transformation as you manifest a life of meaning, purpose and joy. Be a painter of thoughts and make yours a masterpiece of love.
Hope sparkles in every heart. Walk a path of peace, beauty and relaxation where the waters of love run deep for the evolving human spirit is in bloom and with each blossom we manifest planetary oneness.
Let the Winding Pathway of your Soul lead you to a Lush Garden of Peace and Tranquility where the Heart Blooms and the Spirit Dances. Live in Harmony with the Higher Spirit and Shine a Light upon your Inward Path as you Live your Life with your Greatest Joy! Begin the day with Love!
May the great spirit walk with you always and may the holy grail within your soul nourish you that you may taste heaven.
Miracles happen every day if we listen to the Heart and Live in a constant state of LovingKindness! You have divinely gifted abilities that are blessings of love and light. Share them and yours will be a liberated life of spirit and soul. Let your Inner Child Sing for there is Enlightenment Within You!
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Friday, July 12, 2013
Dance Upon The Earth
Live your true nature, Celebrate Diversity, Orchestrate a Universal Dance of Love and let the Winds of God take you to a Garden in the Sun where you Speak your Truth, Transcend the Ordinary, Dance upon the Earth and Cultivate a lifetime of Joy!
May yours be a path of truth where the divine spark of inspiration guides you to a kingdom of infinite possibilities where joy is everywhere and May you Illuminate the path to awareness and awaken the peace within as you open yourself to enlightened living. For the dawning of a newborn sun is upon us and we are given the task of casting rainbows and sharing sacred knowledge.
Plant seeds of new possibilities and yours will be a path to revelation where visions of hope and beauty inspire the soul. Embrace all paths, Discover diversity, Rejoice in the Light and seek to encompass the spiritual heritage of humankind. The universe is one song. Make earth friendly choices and the voice of your heart will tell tales of love that make the spirit sing.
Embrace your essence and celebrate the beauty of the human imagination as you Inspire the purpose within by transcending limitations and achieving self mastery. See your life clearly for you are a breath of inspiration and yours is a soul flowering from within guided by the divine.
Live profoundly in esoteric significance as you swim through the waters of hope to the shores of love unbound. Liberate your talents and let the creative expression of your uniqueness be a beacon of inspiration for all humankind. Our souls adventure is one of purposeful intention guided by the divine. It is your destiny to thrive and blossom. Be a garment of illumination that clothes the soul in beauty and truth.
The blueprint of your being is heaven blessed and ready for you to build a foundation of peace, beauty, bliss and love! Allow the fruit of your soul to project loving thoughts that welcome enchantment and inspire greatness as you Walk in peace where the grass is green and plant seeds of lovingkindness.
Make your life a meaningful prayer of hope and peace where all beings are vessels of love sailing on seas of happiness to a place of bliss. Your true path in life is to embrace your own experience and cultivate acceptance as you plant seeds of change and serve your divinity. The magic of this and all moments is that we have the choice to love. Feel Love, See Love, Touch Love, Share Love, Hold Love and Be Love!
The road to a happy destiny is inspired by angels of love, peace, freedom and joy. Live in complete truth and trust your own intuition and you will leave a cosmic footprint that will guide believers to a place of bliss.
The radiant essence of your being serves as a beacon that all may see the glory and majesty of your soul. Enrich the world by cultivating awareness and using your creative vision to shine a light on the beauty of spirit. Be your own Guide, Manifest what you Wish and Share your Unique Gifts as you Speak your Truth and Journey to the Heart of the Divine. Embrace your gifts and leave a sacred imprint that awakens inner peace and connects with the essence of Humanity.
Stimulate your Soul, Engage your Goals, Walk in Harmony and Create a Path of light as you manifest a World of Angelic Love and Happiness. Recognize the truly divine and integrate spirit into everyday life as you Engage the heart and let the full bloom of lifes magnificence lead you to your unique soul purpose.
When the rose of love blooms then the gardens of life will provide a harvest that nurtures the spirit and nourishes the soul. Live with positive thoughts and embrace the divine presence within as you Journey into the Light, Deepen your Spiritual Knowledge and Live your Higher Self.
Ours is a great and wondrous universe of creative uniqueness and holistic inspiration. Connect to your spirits wisdom and embrace positive change as you establish harmony and further your souls development. Reach across the heavens and discover your limitless potential, by doing so you become the unique light is this world you were meant to be. Explore the deeper meaning of life by engaging the spirit that lives within you and by being a divine source of energy and love.
Life is a celebration of love and joy that inspires the spirit. Let the fire of your intention be a beacon that guides all to lovingkindness. Inhabit awareness and serve humanity angelic offerings that will lead all you communicate with to a place of celestial awakening. The dance of creation is one of omnipresent energy where if you allow your soul the freedom it deserves you will find your piece of heaven.
Let your life be a healing prayer that nurtures the spiritual. Communicate with love and the music of life will be a symphony of joy where you Access your inner guidance and journey to transformation as you discover your purpose.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Friday, July 05, 2013
The Sacred Heart Is A Profound Gift
The Sacred Heart is a Profound Gift which Uplifts and Empowers as it Blossoms. Live within the Beauty of your Sacred Heart and you will Experience the Light of who You are in ways that are Liberating and Insightful.
We Experience a Miracle every time a Child Laughs. We Experience a Miracle every time a Stranger Smiles. We Experience a Miracle every time someone Holds us Close. Life is a Miracle and the Moment we truly understand that We Experience a Miracle.
release the beauty of your inspiring soul that it may move others to change and evolve in ways that reach deep within to a different realm of existence where you realize your true magnificence and say yes to yourself.
A Fresh Perspective and a Positive Message leave a Unique Imprint on the Soul which Inspires and Compels others to Heal, Grow and Transform.
The Heart is a Sacred Temple of Illuminated Truth that brings forth Love. Live within your Heart and and the Energy of Love will take you to Higher Dimensions where you Experience the Wonder and Beauty of your Earthly and Heavenly Existence.
There is a Light Guiding you at all times. It matters not whether it is the Sun, the Moon or the Light inside for We are Beings of Light, from Light we are Born and to Light we will Return.
Life is a Beautiful Story of Positive Experiences when yours is a Purposeful Path of Holistic Transformation. Live Authentically and Gracefully and yours will be a Life of Manifested Dreams. We earn our Wings by Living our Truth, Loving our Life and Believing in Ourself.
Sail with me on an Ocean of Change and we will go to a place of Self Discovery and Enlightenment where Dreams are Born and Miracles are Experienced with every Breath.
If you Follow your Heart you will live Joyously and Enhance your Whole Life with the Healing Power of Love.
There is a place Deep Inside where Joyful Magnificence Dances with Playful Spirit as Love Smiles Knowingly at the Beauty of it All.
i am a free spirited explorer of profound insight on a path of deeper meaning. i seek the highest truth and i embrace an inner joy that dwells in the heart. i am a practitioner of spirit with wondrous gifts that i wish to share with all humanity. every day is a blessed day for every day is an opportunity to touch a soul and change a life. i am the ancient one.
Be True to Yourself and show Gratitude for Life as doing so opens the Portal of Love within and makes yours a Path to Sacredness and Positive Transformation.
Take the Time to Relax and Connect to your Essence for it is when we Breathe in the Beauty of our Sacred Self that we find the Highest Truth and Live the Highest Life.
It is when we Open the Gateway to Discovery that Miracles happen for it is at that Moment the Spirit Awakens and the Sacred Dance of Transformation begins.
Your Beauty makes me Feel more Alive. Your Loving Heart replenishes my Spirit. The Inherent Goodness within your Soul fills me with Grace and Gratitude. You are an Unfolding Miracle. You are Positive Loving Energy. Believe it. Embrace it. Accept it and Love it for it is You and it is True.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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