Thursday, July 25, 2013


Gift your Loving Radiant Heart with Butterfly Wings that it may Soar to Places of Light and Heal the Souls of those in Need for You are at your Core a Sacred Healer and Divine Goddess.

A Playful Wind caresses my Soul and Whispers in my Ear that I am Unique and Gifted.

Open the Door to the Sacred and Communicate with Angels for it is when we Talk to the Heavens that Mother Earth Transforms.

Life is a Divine Experience for those who are Infinitely Aware of their own Magnificence.

Gift the Earth with those Special Qualities that are Uniquely Yours and you Heal Hearts and Souls for it is when we realize that we are not alone that we Transcend our Struggles and Ascend to a Place of Peace and Purpose.

Delightful and Wonderful are those Guided by Spirit who Choose to Share the Beauty of their Journey in ways that Enrich, Enlighten and Inspire.

We Experience Joy when we Embrace the Blessings in our Life for Gratitude is a Deeply Nurturing Expression of Comfort and Peace which makes each moment Divine.

In the Heart of Beauty deep inside the Soul there are Healing Waters of Light which open Portals of Growth for those who Believe that they are Worthy.

You are a Self Created Being of Light, Let your Radiance guide you to a place where Love is a way of Life that you may Journey into Wholeness where you Live your Passion and Create Beauty with every Thought.

Plant Seeds of Change, Plant Seeds of Kindness, Plant Seeds of Love and you Serve Divinity while Re-Engaging the Soul and Connecting with your Perfect Blueprint.

Draw Wisdom from all and Embrace the Essence of your True Self as you Open your Heart to Greater Love and Facilitate an Environment of Insight and Inspiration.

To be at peace with life we must find our souls purpose for by doing so we cultivate wholeness and create a world of pure spirit.

If we walk in balance and peace the divine creative energy of our soul will inspire others to journey into realms of sacred exploration.

If we identify with the soul we awaken the authentic self , inspire the spirit and fuel the fire of transformation.

A peaceful mind is a springboard to positive transformation , for by cleansing the mind we inspire the spirit and motivate the soul.

Make Life a Gospel of Inner Peace and Soulful Joy where you Find your own Beauty and Liberate your True Self.

Every day i rise with the sun, swim in an ocean of light and walk a path of beauty that elevates the soul to great things.

May Freedom Encourage You and Hope Embrace You! May Truth Inspire you and Kindness Enlighten you! May Life Engage you and Joy surround you. May you Live your higher self and blossom for you have within you the ability to manifest and create miracles.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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