Friday, September 27, 2013

Move Into Bliss

make your life vision a reality. move into bliss and embrace your true power. create a caring community where the richness of love is shared freely and joyously. if we envision it we can create it. let us come together and make this world the oasis of beauty and happiness it is meant to be.

evolutionary and revolutionary change comes from touching the heart of humanity with generosity of spirit and the light of love. beautiful are they who realize that a life of greater meaning is a life of greater love.

We enjoy Greater Harmony when we Acknowledge and Serve the Feelings and Needs of Others. The more Passionate and Caring we are the more Love and Light we bring into our Lives.

be kind to yourself and you become more fully alive for love of self creates a spiritual portal that leads to bliss.

there is a place of deep connection within where the whispers of ancestral spirits create a rhythm for life that when truly listened to awakens the heart and embraces mind, body and soul with powerful healing energy. listen!

We have within us the ability to Dive Deeply into Love and Create a Vibrant Community of Kindness and Compassion where we Cultivate what brings Joy and Live our Highest Purpose.

the purifying flow of love and the unity of all existence are eternal and infinite. to cultivate lasting transformation we must live our eternity and love our infinity with happiness as our companion and joy as our intent.

if we approach the journey of self discovery playfully and poetically we acquire a greater awareness and inner sense of knowing which will lead us to illuminating power and emotional well being.

It is when we become more Compassionate toward Ourself that the Breath of Love guides us to Moments of Awakening that foster Spiritual Growth.

cleanse the heart and your life becomes more empowered and purposeful. open the heart and you create miracles that lovingly embrace mind, body and soul.

experiment and explore the transformative healing powers of love. we are empathically connected and by embracing the innate wisdom of the heart we experience divine blessings in life transforming ways. we are the embodiment of love and when we live our true self life becomes and eternal love affair of ecstasy and bliss.

open the doorway to spirit and step into love. wonders await those brave enough to live an authentic life. open the doorway to the soul and experience the extraordinary.

joy and happiness are closer than you think. celebrate your greatness and open mind, body and soul to the sacred beauty of your true self. it is when we believe in ourself that transformation begins and life becomes a prayer of gratitude.

i offer you comfort and inspiration. i offer you hope and wonder. i offer you spiritual breakthroughs that are good for your heart. i offer you my love.

marvelous and mystical are those evolved souls who in service of the spirit transcend awareness and embrace the healing power of belief for they are the gardeners of heaven that plant seeds of happiness.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Truest Intentions

To Experience a New Life one must have the Truest of Intentions. To Experience a New Self one must act in ways that are Life Affirming and Positive. Share your Unique Gifts and you will Experience a time of Healing and Awakening. Engage in Higher Self Communication and you will Experience the Beauty of your True Soul. Life is to be an Experience of Heavenly Blessings. To Experience a New Tomorrow one must Manifest a Better Today.

fully express your life as a prayer of gratitude and walk towards your own light for their is wholeness within you and by giving thanks you will shine your brightest.

Life is a Matter of Choice and if we Choose to open the Gateway to the Inner Self and let in the Light of Truth we will Cultivate a Brighter Existence and Manifest a Greater Glory where Love is Everything and Everything is Love.

Let us Celebrate the Wonder of Life as we Live from Truth and Sacred Action. Let us Embrace our Divinity in a way that honours Mother Earth. Let us with True and Authentic Energy Manifest a Collective Transformation. Let us Gather in Grace and Glory as Global Citizens with Joy as our Objective. Let us Be the Message that will Change the World.

it is when our inner and outer realities are one in passion and purity that our blessed life becomes its most magickal and beautiful.

say yes to change. say yes to joy. say yes to peace. say yes to opportunity. say yes to happiness. say yes to enlightenment. say yes to love. say yes to life. say yes.

beautiful moments calm the heart. look in the mirror for it is when we see our true self that we see the beauty of the moment.

Flowing Freely within the Soul is a Stream of Positive Energy and that Energy is released whenever we Laugh. With every Guffaw we purge the negative and open ourselves to Joy. With every Chuckle we Heal old wounds. With every Chortle we Lift ourselves towards our Dreams. Children Laugh themselves Silly. Children Laugh themselves Sacred. Open your Mind, Heart and Soul to the Reality that Transformation is but a Laugh away.

Listen to your Spirit and yours will be a Bright Future. Listen to your Heart and yours will be a Life pulsating with Love. Listen to your Soul and yours will be a Journey of Miracles. Listen to the Voice of the Ancients and you will be at Peace with Heavens. Life improves when we Listen.

I awaken to the Cosmic Breath of Life and I am Blessed. I see the Sweet and Inspiring Smile of a Child and I am Blessed. I feel the Ecstasy of a Pure and Blossoming Love and I am Blessed. Life Transforms the Moment we Realize that We are Blessed. I am Blessed.

love yourself in ways that make you come alive. love yourself in ways that raise your spirit. love yourself in ways that inspire your soul. love yourself in every way possible.

We light the Path of others with pure Spirit when we Think and Act with Love in our Heart and Kindness in our Soul.

Live your Treasures. Live your Gifts. Live those things within that make you Unique. Live your Truth. Live your Greatness. Live every Moment as an Expression of your Love. Live your Dreams. Live your Joy. Live.

soulful people radiate the purest love. spiritual people glow with positive energy. sacred people vibrate with a passion guided by love. it is my glorious calling and divine purpose to be soulful, spiritual and sacred.

bathed in thoughts of spirit and inspiration i rejoice for i am sacred and alive.

live your higher self. love your true self. embrace your sacred self and believe in your evolving self. to be fully alive is to experience the miracle of who you are.

smile with positive intent as you blossom fully into joy as life becomes more beautiful with every act of kindness and more loving with every pure thought and purpose.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, September 13, 2013

Drink in the Beauty of the Sun

Drink in the Beauty of the Sun and its Healing Energy will fill your Soul with Insight and Inspiration.

Invite Miracles into your Life. Life is filled with Limitless Possibilities and Infinite Opportunities. Invite Joy into your Life. Ours is a World where Blessings abound. Invite Love into your Life. Transformation begins with Kindness. Greet this Day with a Smile and Know that Happiness is but an Invitation away.

an extraordinary life comes to us when we embrace the beauty of spirit. seek your higher self and you will discover an abundant source of inspiration. with a grateful heart immerse yourself in universal oneness as doing so will bathe your soul in the energies of love and compassion. you are beautiful. share your true beauty and celebrate your greatness.

look to the teachings of the past. look to the wisdom of the ancients. look to the knowledge of the elders. look to the purity of youth. look to the innocence of a child. look to the light in the eyes of an infant. look at your friends. look at your family. look into the soul of a stranger. look in a mirror. if you look hard enough you will be amazed at what you see. look!

Every day is filled with Miracles for those who see with Eyes of Compassion. Those who Live their Innate Kindness are Beings of Spiritual Insight whose Mystical and Metaphysical Essence is such as to Inspire growth of the Soul. Share the Beauty of who you are and every day will be a Profound Experience of Light and Love.

within each of us is a place where love resides. a spiritual plane of light that inspires a positive way of living. we are generously blessed by the energy of the universe. look within and free your true beauty.

honestly and fearlessly burst into a new reality where dreams and visions are the foundation of the house of love you are building and every moment is a beautiful experience.

If we Open our Mind to Positive Healing Thoughts the Soul will lift us to a Place of Boundless Love where Imagination and Creativity are the Fruits of Joy that Nourish our Sacredness.

as a psychic mine is a spiritual journey of radiance and resonance. it is a path of inspired wellness and deeply loving experiences. when i look at others i see the child within dancing in sacred oneness with ancients, ancestors, spirits and guides. i see that the soul has many faces and every one is smiling. as a psychic i am touched and enlightened by the beauty i see in every person i am blessed to meet on the road that leads home to me.

make a life of joy by living your true greatness. allow more love into your life and yours will be an angelic oasis where miracles abound. a new reality is waiting all you have to do is create it.

i have psychic flashes that mark my every moment. i meet a person and my soul takes a photograph and i can see their energy. i touch another being and their past lives course through my veins. i hold another person and luminous dreams of sacred events embrace my heart. i look into the eyes of another and i can see their life from birth to death. i have psychic flashes. smile that i may see your future.

Adventure into the Beyond. There is a World of Magick and Miracles in other Realms and Dimensions waiting for those Brave enough to Live outside the Boundaries. We as Beings of a Celestial Nature will Expand and Evolve by Embracing the Unknown. Life is simple really You can either Walk with the Wounded or Dance with the Faeries. May I have this Dance.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, September 06, 2013

Feel The Sacred Light Flowing Within You

feel the sacred light flowing within you. feel the higher vibration of your own truth. feel the uniquely distinctive essence of your spirit. feel the nurturing beauty of your soul. feel the love you have glowing with divine glory in your heart. feel the exultant joy and enlightening bliss that is your birthright. feel. feel. feel. feel. feel. feel....

to accomplish your sacred purpose and evolve to a higher level of spirit you must shine the light of love on all as you immerse yourself in pure positive energy and live an inspiring life where you experience the miraculous.

You are the Flower of Life and your Beauty is a Heavenly Gift which Nurtures and Empowers. Bless the Breath of Life that Graces this Existence with the Divine Essence of the Sacred Feminine.

Choose to Believe you are Blessed. Choose to Believe that within your Heart is Great Joy. Choose to Believe in Higher Spiritual States. Choose to Believe that Life is a Loving Prayer of Peace and Freedom. Choose to Believe in your Greatness. Choose to Believe in your Goodness. Choose to Believe. Choose...

spiritually pure are those whose song of love is a healing garden where you experience the sacred and bathe in heavenly light while faeries and spirits dance.

Bless You. Bless your Life. Bless your Radiant Goodness. Bless the Purity of your Heart. Bless the Beauty of your Soul. Bless the Kindness of your Purpose. Bless your Compassionate Spirit. Bless You. Bless your Life.

Honor Ancient Culture. Give Thanks and Praise to your Ancestors. Embrace your Elders. Life is an Experience to be Shared for every Moment provides us with Wisdom and Knowledge.

Listen to the Heartbeat of Mother Earth and you Experience the Divine. Sacredness is Alive in the Womb of our Mother and it Emerges in the form of Trees and Flowers. Listen with your Soul to your Mother as she is speaking to you in Whispers guiding you to Rise with the Morning Sun and Embrace the Sweetness of Life. Listen.

Its important to take your Dogma out to Play. Throw it a Bone of Pure Consciousness and Love. Nourish it with the Energy of Hope and let it Drink from the Well of Joy.

guided by inspiration the earthly soul shares the joy and beauty of its spirit as it radiates heavens healing energy for it knows that by harnessing the forces of light you illuminate a path to love.

I built a Temple of Light within my Heart to Help people Learn from Ancient Teachings that they may Step into their Greatness. The doors are always Open and All are Welcome in.

( MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )