Friday, September 27, 2013

Move Into Bliss

make your life vision a reality. move into bliss and embrace your true power. create a caring community where the richness of love is shared freely and joyously. if we envision it we can create it. let us come together and make this world the oasis of beauty and happiness it is meant to be.

evolutionary and revolutionary change comes from touching the heart of humanity with generosity of spirit and the light of love. beautiful are they who realize that a life of greater meaning is a life of greater love.

We enjoy Greater Harmony when we Acknowledge and Serve the Feelings and Needs of Others. The more Passionate and Caring we are the more Love and Light we bring into our Lives.

be kind to yourself and you become more fully alive for love of self creates a spiritual portal that leads to bliss.

there is a place of deep connection within where the whispers of ancestral spirits create a rhythm for life that when truly listened to awakens the heart and embraces mind, body and soul with powerful healing energy. listen!

We have within us the ability to Dive Deeply into Love and Create a Vibrant Community of Kindness and Compassion where we Cultivate what brings Joy and Live our Highest Purpose.

the purifying flow of love and the unity of all existence are eternal and infinite. to cultivate lasting transformation we must live our eternity and love our infinity with happiness as our companion and joy as our intent.

if we approach the journey of self discovery playfully and poetically we acquire a greater awareness and inner sense of knowing which will lead us to illuminating power and emotional well being.

It is when we become more Compassionate toward Ourself that the Breath of Love guides us to Moments of Awakening that foster Spiritual Growth.

cleanse the heart and your life becomes more empowered and purposeful. open the heart and you create miracles that lovingly embrace mind, body and soul.

experiment and explore the transformative healing powers of love. we are empathically connected and by embracing the innate wisdom of the heart we experience divine blessings in life transforming ways. we are the embodiment of love and when we live our true self life becomes and eternal love affair of ecstasy and bliss.

open the doorway to spirit and step into love. wonders await those brave enough to live an authentic life. open the doorway to the soul and experience the extraordinary.

joy and happiness are closer than you think. celebrate your greatness and open mind, body and soul to the sacred beauty of your true self. it is when we believe in ourself that transformation begins and life becomes a prayer of gratitude.

i offer you comfort and inspiration. i offer you hope and wonder. i offer you spiritual breakthroughs that are good for your heart. i offer you my love.

marvelous and mystical are those evolved souls who in service of the spirit transcend awareness and embrace the healing power of belief for they are the gardeners of heaven that plant seeds of happiness.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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