Friday, February 28, 2014

A Place of Loving Kindness

it has always been and will always be my desire to live a spirit filled life in service to others. if my words have touched your soul than i have accomplished something positive and profound. if my ever evolving self has inspired you to move forward to a place of loving kindness than i have done something miraculous. if i have served in a manner that puts a smile on your face than i have experienced greatness. bless you all and know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. you are loved.

are you ready for miracles. the time has come to open mind, body and soul to joyful alternatives. the moment has arrived to create your own reality. become self aware and love yourself in ways that empower and inspire. help yourself heal by believing you are worthy of all the beauty life has to offer. everything you desire is within your reach. the only question is - are you ready for miracles.

you are a vessel of divine love and by sharing that love you open your heart to the glory of sacred connections and eternal ecstasy. we are born to love. claim your birthright and live in the beauty of your blissful destiny.

the more you listen to your inner guidance the more opportunities you will have to live joyfully for wisdom is a gift we are all born with and the time has come to open that gift and share its beauty with the universe.

deep within the ocean of your souls potential is a place of love and light where greater spiritual awareness creates a sacred desire to heal and empower. dive in the water is beautiful.

a spiritually guided life lived in a gentle loving way creates a higher vibration which opens doors of possibility and windows of opportunity that we may connect with our higher self as we find our true purpose.

join me on my mission to deliver empowering messages and bring love and compassion to all humanity for we are one and together we can help all people create a life of joy.

a wholesome holistic approach to life is the first step on the path to creating heaven on earth. a positive attitude and belief system are the keys to spiritual evolution. believe you are divine and every choice becomes a sacred act.

a love and reverence for humanity and your true self will guide you to dive deep into your souls potential where you will awaken to the awareness that you are a vessel of divine love and it is that revelation that will inspire you to live joyfully.

within every soul is a place of love and light where greater awareness and a desire to heal and empower reside. go within and immerse yourself in the beauty of your soul that your true self may emerge and illuminate your path.

to grow and thrive we must be intelligent and thoughtful. we must embrace common sense and compassion. we must immerse ourself in what is truly important and manifest what will make us great and powerful beings. to evolve we must enrich, empower, educate and enlighten ourselves and others. this is what we must do.

live in the light of love and make sublime spiritual connections. immerse yourself in the energy of love and enter into karmic relationships that make you whole and complete. see truths that illuminate and wisdom that inspires as you look at life from different perspectives. the changes you seek are within for you are the change. let the transformation begin.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, February 21, 2014

A Truly Open Heart

a truly open heart connects with other hearts and radiates a peaceful healing energy of radical empathy and sacred love. an open heart is a most precious resource and its strength and beauty can and will change the world.

in the depths of the soul is an extraordinarily powerful positive vision of a love that transforms. look within and see the true beauty beauty of life that you may live your souls vision.

the moment you begin to love yourself the spiritual life force lights the flame of inspiration within and gives you the courage to take risks and the wings to fly.

words of comfort can completely transform a life. a simple act of kindness can change everything. let compassion overflow. let love fly free. positive thought and action can create a blissful state of being. when we live simply, we love greatly and we make the world a better place.

while others took a leap of faith i took a leap of love. it was when i opened myself to love that my world whole changed. it was the greatest gift i have ever given myself and it inspired me to share my heart and soul with others. everything i have is because i said yes to love. i am truly blessed. let others take a leap of faith i will always take a leap of love.

make the right choices and you will find your way to joy. be your higher self and yours will be a journey of transformational blessings and heavenly bliss. life is a continuing miracle and by seeking inspiration and sharing the beauty of what we have learned we enliven and empower ourself and others. make positive choices and you will find your way to the real you.

i have seen the darkness and chosen the healing light of love. my life is a blessing of small gifts and everyday graces. i have changed my world and my world has changed me. i am something more. i am something beautiful.

we are all unique and beautiful. i am wonderful. you are amazing. we are exceptional. believe in your greatness. live the glory of your true self. know that yours is a life of meaning and significance. we are all beings of light and love.

create what you desire. create a life that expands the human spirit. it is our world to create and we can shape it in any way we please. create something beautiful.

be in love with your life and you will live in the light of empowerment and inspiration as you walk a path of self discovery, growth and transformation.

life is a soulful journey of spiritual exploration and with gentle guidance and compassionate listening we can create a peaceful paradise where all connect lovingly.

live with greater intention. live with divine purpose. live with sacred passion. live with a smile on your soul and gratitude in your heart. live with happiness as your constant companion. live with the light of inspiration as your guide. live with a positive attitude. how you live determines how your life will be. live with kindness. live with compassion. live with hope. live with joy. live with beauty. love with greater intention...

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, February 14, 2014

There is Beauty in the Human Spirit

their is beauty in the human spirit. the human spirit is where adventures begin. it is a positive vibration within that fills the soul with empowering life wellness inspired by angels. it is a place of compassionate understanding where kindness blossoms. it is a fountain of wisdom, comfort and support. immerse yourself in the human spirit and embrace a higher sense of self. there is beauty in the human spirit.

a rich and joyous life is the reward for those who live mindfully and take personal responsibility for their destiny.

when you love and appreciate yourself you become more spiritual and you allow more joy and serenity into your life. To love yourself is the greatest gift you can give to the world for by loving yourself you inspire others to love each other and themselves.

those who walk a metaphysical path are able to receive guidance. those who walk a spiritual path are able to receive light. those who walk a path of kindness and compassion are able to receive love. the path we walk is ours to choose.

i am in love with the universe. i know that the universe loves me. i know that the universe is guiding me. i know that the universe wants only what's good for me. i know that the universe is within me. i am in love with the universe.

you can heal yourself from within. you can bring out the joy and happiness and share it with the world. believe that you are filled with miracles and yours will be a life divine.

every moment is a meaningful experience when you are in harmony with the world around you. you can facilitate your own transformation by allowing the light of creation to uplift you spiritually and guide you along the divine path of the soul. a blissful state of being is yours the moment you believe in your greatness. every breath is a sacred gift when you love who you are.

mindful nourishment of the self and soul will create a positive transformation that inspires healing and happiness as it guides one along a path of deeper awareness.

in a field of love i am embraced by flowers of beauty and spirit which inspire my heart and soul to live every dream and manifest every desire that i may truly know the miracle that is life.

embrace a new way of seeing. look at life through eyes of spirit. by seeing beauty in all things we open our lives to more joy. look at the world in a loving way and you will be blessed with divine gifts that transform.

listen to your soul with heartfelt intention and let its wisdom cleanse and purify your sacred self that you may walk this earth in beauty and light.

walk with me through angelic realms of light where we will discover our higher purpose . dive deeply into awareness that you may immerse yourself in the beauty of your true self. dance with me in celebration of the light of love that is your essence. soar with me through heavenly dimensions of joy where we will realize our true greatness.

connect with yourself in ways spirited and soulful. live joyfully and authentically as you journey to a place of sacred thought and inspired action. awaken to the life of beauty that is your birthright. to truly know yourself is to know happiness. to truly know yourself is to know love.

what inspires you on your path. does a playful atmosphere move you to embrace freedom. does a profound catharsis open you to infinite possibilities. does a kind gesture motivate you to experience greater aliveness. does self liberation and purification give you the strength to live joyfully and authentically. discover what inspires you on your path and live its truth and beauty.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, February 07, 2014

The Realm of Angels

selfless service to others leads us to the realm of angels. it is by giving freely of our heart and soul that we voyage into worlds of spirit where our life is illuminated by profound and powerful experiences that transform. look within to the beauty of your true self and share that beauty with the entire universe.

by following a spiritual path toward greater clarity you awaken the sacred heart and discover the most miraculous things. clarity brings with it an awareness which transforms the soul and inspires a life embraced by love and light.

all you can be is who you are. all i can be is who i am. if we do this together we can be something beautiful. together we can make a difference. together we can change the world. be who you are. be who you are.

on the edge of understanding and at the doorway to other dimensions are deep spiritual experiences waiting for those courageous enough to live each moment fully.

with every act of kindness we grow in spirit. with every warm embrace we blossom as beings of light. with every smile we elevate the soul. we have the ability to do great things with simple gestures. what else is left to say except i love you.

live fearlessly, generate great compassion and seek to create a place of spiritual generosity where miracles happen for at our core this is who we are.

a life of intention in which you savor the little things and take positive action is a life of joyful gifts and extraordinary achie

i honor the fullness of you. i respect and admire your intelligence and compassion. i acknowledge your significant contribution to humanity. i love who you are and who you are becoming. you are beautiful. bless you.

i overheard a conversation between my heart and soul about the path i was on and realized that no matter where i am in life there is within me wisdom, knowledge, caring, compassion and kindness waiting to be set free.

in admiration and gratitude embrace that which is greater than you for when we accept that there is something more and that it is miraculous we become divine messengers of light.

reach beyond your limits and you will find deeper meaning in life. Soar beyond your limitations and you will find yourself immersed in greater understanding. explore other dimensions and realities for within their truth are profound blessings. live your life as an adventure and you will discover treasures of spirit and soul which open the gateway to bliss.

give yourself permission to be happy. immerse yourself in that place between thought and reality where your divine essence journeys joyfully towards greater good. dance with your higher soul self in celebration of your blessings. give yourself permission to love and be loved.

live with clarity and your pure vibrational essence will connect in friendship and create a holistic unity that energizes the soul and lifts the spirit.

at every moment of our existence there is an enlightened sphere of harmonious reality and greater levels of awareness that encompass our sacred self and when we accept and acknowledge this truth we manifest a positively charged life of creativity and passion in which we experience miracles as we venture forth on spirit centered explorations.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )