Friday, July 25, 2014

Experience your Sacredness

experience your sacredness and yours will be a deeper fuller richer life. explore the light of your spirit and yours will be a more beautiful blissful bountiful life. embrace the love rooted in your heart and yours will be a kinder happier more radiant life. experience, explore and embrace the miracle of who you truly are.

the world around you is alive and the more welcoming and open you are the more you will benefit all beings for it is when we share our light with the world that we open windows of opportunity and change lives.

explore through experience that place in your heart where love waits in silence for you to embrace your true self and live the life your soul intended.

journey to the self. explore your beauty. discover your greatness. live your life as a blessing. you are extraordinary. you are a miracle. journey to the self and i will meet you there with a smile on my soul for you are a joy and an inspiration.

more joy in life comes to those who are alive with spirit for they are the messengers of light warmed by the sunlight of all that is good who embrace the healing power of kindness and ignite the world with love.

transform your life today. Smile your heart open and embrace people of all paths as you journey to where beauty abounds. engage your spirit and celebrate the sacredness alive within. transform your life today.

every moment is an opportunity to accomplish something beautiful. every moment is an opportunity to journey into other realities. every moment is an opportunity to move into a higher spiritual realm. every moment is an opportunity to allow yourself the freedom to be authentic. every moment is an opportunity to share messages of hope. every moment is an opportunity to sing your heart open. every moment is an opportunity. what will you do with this moment.

empower yourself and others with thoughts that motivate and actions that inspire and you will discover unexpected enlightenment.

let us come together in a place of transcendence and transformation where vision and intuition connect for it is there that we may dance in fields of opportunity and voyage into oceans of possibility as we manifest a life to be admired and respected.

acceptance of yourself allows you to discover the divinity within and fills mind, body and soul with guidance and inspiration that you may experience the love and light of deep spiritual harmony.

they who have a reverence for the beauty of what resides within and appreciate the importance of the sacred self are they who blossom and grow in extraordinary ways.

listen from the heart and you will hear the call of spirit beckoning you to open the doorway to the soul that you may see and experience the beauty of your true and sacred self.

feel your sacred heartbeat and let it inspire you to give life to something beautiful. let it create within you greater awareness and purpose that you may know higher worlds and embrace the celestial presence of your true divine nature.

come with me on a guided expedition of continuous transformation where in every choice we answer the call of spirit and in every breath we experience the deepest love. we will call this journey life.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, July 18, 2014

Hold Softly Your Intentions

in kindness and gratitude hold softly your intentions as you create a transformational fire to warm the heart and help you heal your life. in supportive and caring ways show yourself the deepest compassion and yours will be a life divine. in love and light gift yourself with a sincere belief that you are worthy of great things. you are a miracle and how you treat yourself determines where your life will lead.

keep your heart open for an open heart is a receptacle for light and love. it is a wellspring of deep healing possibilities. it is a home for kindness and a sanctuary for the sweetness and beauty of the sacred self. keep your heart open and welcome yourself home.

a deep reverence for life and a sincere desire to cultivate kindness and compassion are the keys to manifesting miracles and creating an atmosphere of love that will change the world around you.

it is time for a new relationship with life. a relationship that honours all. a relationship that shines a magnificent light on everybody and everything. a relationship of loving grace which journeys into spirit. a relationship of positive intention. it is time for a new relationship with life.

be an empowering source of compassion and manifest a life of prayer and intention that serves both your soul and the soul of all humankind for it is through service to the self and others that we truly fulfill our destiny and become the angels we were born to be.

embrace your spirit self and embark on a journey of discovery for it is through exploration and experience that we come to see ourself as a beautiful being of light born for greatness.

deep within the spiritual self is a place of increased wholeness and limitless happiness waiting for you to discover its beauty, explore its greatness and learn from its wisdom. immerse yourself in the miracle of your spiritual self and yours will be a life of enriching relationships woven of positive energy which manifest as a life of joy.

answer the call of spirit and take responsibility for your life. answer the call of soul and manifest the life you desire. answer the call of heart and live a life that loves you back. listen closely and when called upon be sure to answer for it will change your life.

in fields of transformation where wholeness and well being grow let us plant seeds of beauty and bliss which we can nourish and nurture that they may blossom into expressions of love and light.

to grow upwards is to awaken your consciousness in a way that inspires you to love your life. climb with me the mountain of transformation and together we will create a beauty so profound that it will change our world and enrich our lives.

you are a spiritual seeker whose inner source of power facilitates personal healing. you are a sacred warrior whose true divine nature is to help others along their path. you are an angel on earth and i love you.

embrace your inner truth for it is there you will discover compassion for all beings and align with your souls purpose.

awaken the heart and release the life affirming energy within that its positive flow may bathe you in beauty as it cleanses your mind, body and soul.

the more open we are to love the more bliss and beauty we welcome into our lives for love expands awareness as it enhances and enriches every aspect of our sacred existence. the more open we are to love the more likely it is that ours will be a house of light and a place of inspiration where the spirit flies free as the soul dances in celebration. open yourself to love.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, July 11, 2014

A Nurturing Community of Love and Light

we all have higher truths. we all have the ability to change. immerse yourself in your dreams. venture into the core of who you are and unleash your natural beauty. aliveness and well being are gifts to give yourself. together we can create a nurturing community of love and light.

be an agent of positive change. begin your day with the intent to touch peoples lives in ways profound. let your purpose be to help others find their passion and purpose. do this with the knowledge that by seeking to guide others out of the darkness you immerse yourself in light. be an agent of positive change.

intuitive living and pure intentions create life changing transformation as they are the tools that provide us with the revelatory answers we need to manifest the life our soul intended.

i am extraordinary. yesterday my wife told me that she is with me because i am extraordinary. she said that she was single for so long because she always felt that she would be with somebody extraordinary. i am truly blessed. she is an amazing woman. she is in fact extraordinary. we have a four year old son who is wise and wonderful. he is an indigo child. he is extraordinary. it has been a difficult couple of years for me with no sign of things easing up. yet through darkness and depression i persevere. through madness and melancholy i persevere. through pain and suffering i persevere. i persevere because i am secure in the knowledge that no matter how bad things get, no matter how broken my mind and body are, no matter what the world beats me down with i will triumph for i am good, i am strong, i am wise and i am extraordinary.

clear and thoughtful are they who see the presence of the miraculous for they are the timeless beings of light whose flowering hearts and passion for helping others consciously manifest the life of their dreams.

deep exploration of the soul creates growth and fulfillment by inspiring us to use our pure spiritual strength to journey into healing that we may emerge wiser and ready to claim our bliss.

yours is a life full of blessings and a love that heals. believe in your blessings and immerse yourself in love for it is there that you will discover the greatest spiritual lessons, experience the most powerful light and create the most miraculous changes.

smile at yourself in the mirror and you generate more joy. believe you are worthy and you manifest profound personal transformation. love yourself with all your heart and you create a life of divine happiness.

by loving and appreciating yourself you are better able to help others and to move your life forward to its ultimate destiny of beauty and bliss.

rich self exploration is a wonderful gift you can give yourself for when we venture within we find limitless treasures which show us how truly magnificent we are. explore the light within and set the glory and greatness of your true self free that all may experience your beauty.

awareness of the sacred awakens the light of the soul and changes the atmosphere around you into positive energy which transforms your life in beautiful ways.

when we seek the good in people we smile from the inside and create a powerful healing path of bountiful opportunities and greater happiness.

a life filled with wondrous intent is a life filled with extraordinary experiences of transcendental possibility which open the mind and heart.

our lives are filled with moments that transform and those of us who truly see and embrace those moments are the ones who will inspire others to access their divine knowledge that they too may see the life changing beauty and magickal manifestations within their reach.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, July 04, 2014

Love and Believe in Yourself

your inherent beauty and the strength of your spirit are gifts that benefit others. if you love and believe in yourself you will transform your life in ways that are positive and profound.

ours is a character shaped by love and whenever we do something worthwhile we create a clear path to the exquisite divinity that is our destiny.

the spirit world is alive. empowering visions and sacred whispers caress me until i am overcome with joy. experiences of bliss and encounters with the light embrace me until i am immersed in ecstasy. the spirit world is alive.

you are a ray of light - magickal and wondrous. you are the soul of the earth - beautiful and inspiring. you are the embodiment of love and the breath of the divine. you are a miracle and i love you.

awaken to a new reality beyond your comprehension where the coming of angels guides you along the road to eternity where the ever expanding universe fills your heart and soul with love and laughter.

extraordinary and miraculous is the flow of positive energy within each of us and if we believe in its power and beauty we can create a future and personal spiritual journey of heavenly visions and inspired mindfulness where love is our liberation, transformation and destination.

may your purpose on this day be to open your heart and soul to the sunlight of spirit as you immerse yourself in the higher energy of kindness and cultivate a happier and more fulfilling life.

moments of joy come to those who delve deeply within and discover their blissful inner self. the vibration of the universe is within. the soul of happiness is within. the beauty of your sacred self is within. the magnificence of your essential spiritual nature is within. go within and immerse yourself in the grace and glory of who you truly are.

live from your soul and you will manifest meaningful change. the soul has amazing healing powers. the soul is filled with ancient wisdom. the soul is a reflection of your true self. the soul is all the answers to all the questions dancing together in the light of truth. live from your soul.

when there is joy in what you do you bring balance to your life. when there is joy in who you are you help yourself and others grow. when there is joy the evolving self smiles. live your joy.

connect to your deepest self for flowing through you is spiritual wisdom and sacred knowledge. by connecting with the beauty within you illuminate a path of healing as you discover the tools for happier living.

the most profound answers are the ones we give ourselves. they are the answers we see in a smile, they are the answers we feel in a warm embrace, they are the answers we hear in laughter and they are the answers we create with love and kindness. take the time to truly appreciate and acknowledge the answers you give yourself.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )