Thursday, June 25, 2015
Celebrate Your Life
celebrate your life by spreading joy and happiness not only to those within your reach but beyond to every living soul for it is when we act in selfless ways with positive intent that we connect to the divine and ours becomes a life of love.
this moment you have the opportunity to heal. with every moment comes opportunity. holistic well being and everlasting happiness comes to those who embrace those opportunities as inspiration to manifest their desires and live their dreams.
when we share the light of who we are with others something extraordinary happens that illuminates and inspires both giver and receiver that together they may see the beauty of their existence and travel within to that place of perfect harmony and balance.
love and respect make a difference. inherent goodness makes a difference. positive intention makes a difference. you make a difference.
open the soul to receive the joy of living. open the mind to receive the blessings of knowledge. open the spirit to receive the glory of your angels and guides. open your heart to receive the gift of love. wonderful and miraculous things walk into our life the more open we are.
follow your heart and you will discover just how extraordinary you are. if you remain true to yourself and make spirit based choices your heart will create wonderful outcomes that manifest as divine acts of love. follow your heart for it leads home to you.
a highly evolved spirit is one of pure intentions that embrace the life energy force with love and leave you feeling uplifted. open yourself to spirit that you may experience the glory of your greatness and the beauty of your sacred self.
within the heart is a place of pure bliss and it is when we visit this place that we experience something greater and our life is made richer.
when you believe in yourself you change your life for the better and yours becomes a path of greatness. when you love yourself you change the world for the better and yours becomes a path of divine light. believe in and love who you are.
open yourself up to spirit and you will experience a higher vibration that fills you with wonder and inspires you to unfold your wings that you may fly to the heavens and see with clarity the glory in everyone and everything.
wherever you are is a place of sacred energy for you are a being of divine inspiration whose life is a gift that enriches those blessed to experience the beauty of who you are.
positive actions, intentions and a commitment to spiritual growth creates an extraordinary awakening as it illuminates your path and inspires you to travel through life at the speed of love.
to inspire others we need not climb mountains we need only to smile and reach out a hand with the intention to share those things which make us beautiful.
to evolve you must be happy with yourself. you must believe in yourself and love who you are. it is when we give ourself the kindness and compassion we deserve that we discover how truly miraculous life is. begin this day by giving yourself a hug and saying i love you.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Be Kind With Yourself
be kind with yourself and every step will be positive. be compassionate with yourself and every choice will be transformational. love yourself and and you will discover an inner peace and beauty that will lead you home to your true and miraculous self. how we treat ourself dictates our destiny.
bring others to the light and you will be embraced by a truth greater than yourself that will inspire you to discover the spirit within and immerse yourself in the glory of the sacred.
true spiritual progress comes to those whose intent is to live with great joy for positive thought and action are the tools of transformation which accelerate our ascension and inspire us to explore rich realms of experience.
life loves you. life wants you to be happy. life is a blessing. life is a gift. life knows the real you. life wants you to be joyful. life is a treasure to be cherished. life is a miracle. life loves you.
we open ourself to profound opportunities when we realize that life loves us and live that truth in a manner befitting a being of light. it is acceptance, recognition and belief in our true and sacred self that will lead us to a place of holistic well being where we may be who we were born to be.
love is a transformative gift of divine inspiration which guides us on an experiential journey of light and beauty where we are grateful for every breath.
love yourself completely and the healing power of spirit will embrace the celestial in your heart and guide you on a truly transformative journey of life changing experiences and miracles of love.
cultivate compassion for it is through kindness that our essence is revealed and ours becomes a path of personal revelations that lead us into a world of spirit where every moment is fresh and alive with hope and happiness.
there are planes of existence where prayer and intention are gifts of spirit given to us by our angels and guides that we may discover the heaven within and live our divinity as we create something beautiful.
breathe in the soothing vibrations of the soul and take a positive course of action as you channel the wisdom from the heavens into an encouraging message of hope that transforms your life and illuminates your path with love.
we are eternal beings. we are living expressions of the divine. we are beauty in its purest form. we are the light of a brighter tomorrow. we are miracles in the making and masters of our destiny. we are the answers we have been waiting for. we are gods and goddesses. this is who we are.
deep within your being are profound spiritual truths waiting to burst into lightness that you may create a new reality and travel into higher dimensions.
your authentic self is a beautiful being of purpose and meaning filled with spiritual truths that inspire and empower. be your authentic self.
let us gather as one and use our collective consciousness to transmit powerful transformational energy to the entire universe that all may sail blissful seas of spirit that make them feel joyful and uplifted.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Breathe New Life Into Your Existence
greater spiritual awareness inspires love and light to blossom within you and breathe new life into your existence.
each moment in life is an opportunity to make better choices and create new and wondrous realities that enrich our lives and the lives of others.
treasure forever those moments which make you smile for they are the glimpses of heaven that touch the heart and inspire change.
the sacred truth is that you are a being of light capable of creating miracles and it is belief in your magnificence that will ignite the spark within that you may make positive changes and facilitate greater happiness.
look within and you will discover a place of self fulfillment where enlightening experiences will inspire your free and loving spirit to embrace a life of joyous living with love as your intention.
open your heart to spirit and pray at the temple of the soul that you may transmit divine energy as you contribute to the awakening of others and yours becomes a unique and sacred path of light filled with endless possibilities and miraculous moments.
blessed by the light are they who foster self love for they are beings of deeper awareness on a path of well being whose engaging essence and authentic truth create more joy and change lives in ways that are enriching and beneficial.
pour love into everything. let it wash over your life and cleanse your mind, body and soul. allow it to totally transform your world. to love is to embrace the extraordinary. pour love into everything.
you have the power to heal. the power to heal both yourself and others. you have within you abilities far beyond your imagination. believe in the glory and greatness of your true self and know that you have the tools to transform lives. you are a being of light.
look upwards for inspiration and manifest positive energy as you embrace a higher vibration and embark on a path of life changing experiences.
open yourself to the unknown that yours may be a spiritual odyssey that explores other dimensions, different realities, alternate truths and magickal realms for within the darkness there is light.
i believe in love. i believe to love is to create a better life. i believe love is a magickal healing experience. i believe to love is to open us up to a new world of possibilities. i believe love is the most unique and beautiful life expression. i believe that you are love. i believe that i am love. i believe in love. empower your life with love.
a passion for helping others makes a positive difference in their lives and yours while changing both futures for the better.
your life is an empowering story filled with divine teachings guided by loving spirits. believe in the miracle of who you are that you may accept and appreciate the beautiful blessed journey you are on.
a holistic and spiritual approach to life opens doors to other dimensions and allows us to see more clearly our magnificence.
journey inward to the sacred and you will discover that you are an enlightened being capable of great things whose beauty and truth can inspire others to spiritually progress and evolve.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
Thursday, June 04, 2015
Immerse Yourself In The Light Of Spirit
to immerse yourself in the light of spirit is to awaken the love within and create extraordinary experiences that take us to higher dimensions and otherworldly joy.
look closely and you will discover that yours is a life filled with miracles. it is when we see with clarity the beauty and truth of our existence that we embark on a path of positive transformation.
believe there is something greater within your grasp. believe that beyond your imagination there is infinite beauty. believe that you are the greatest gift of life. believe in the lightness of your being. miracles are manifestations of belief. believe that you are amazing.
when we actively seek to create a good life we awaken something beautiful within and ours becomes a journey of truth where we discover how miraculous we are as we grow in kindness and blossom in love.
let the light of your spirit guide you to true self acceptance that you may open your heart and show the world your glory, greatness, beauty and magnificence.
a richer and more fulfilling spiritual life is the reward for those who follow a path of self love and selfless service for when we truly love ourself we are better able to love others in ways that have a positive inspiring impact.
we improve the quality of our lives when we listen to the voice of hope and allow ourselves to be inspired by angels for it is acceptance of our divinity that inspires evolutionary transformation and creates a path of spiritual emergence and positive results.
within you is a transformative power and cosmic vibration infused with love and by opening yourself to this reality and sharing its beauty you shine the light of heaven in your heart in a way that all the world may see your true and sacred essence.
may you live and grow spiritually as you explore your inner beauty and may you dream yourself awake as you embrace a deeper understanding and live a life of mystical experiences.
profound and powerful are we who explore the universe within and set free its light and love that we may uplift and empower others as we embark on a glorious journey of wellness and joy.
you can change lives for you are gifted in many ways. you can transform lives for you are a miracle of truth and beauty. you are a sacred soul with the ability to move mountains. live your magnificence.
to celebrate the sacred is to be spiritually inspired in a way that awakens the soul and makes you feel more alive.
experience yourself fully and yours will be a growing awareness that satisfies the soul and fills your days with life affirming messages that inspire greatness.
heaven has no gates for it is a place within and when we realize the truth and beauty of our sacredness something phenomenal emerges and we become beings of divine essence spreading love and light to all.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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