Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Fulfilling Evolutionary Path Of Light

when we set our intentions to being in harmony with all life we experience personal healing which makes ours a fulfilling evolutionary path of light and love.

with clear intention awaken your awareness as this will open your life to the divine making yours a path of ethereal experiences and sacred encounters.

we are divine vibrational beings and within us are profound sacred discoveries and transforming possibilities waiting to be set free that we may lead a life that reaches far beyond our expectations.

the forces of the universe are waiting for you to open the windows of perception that you may see clearly how unique and extraordinary your life is for it is at that moment in which they will lead you to a place of higher guidance, light and love.

we are all teachers of spirit born to expand and enhance the lives of those we love in ways that nurture growth and open hearts to the sacred and divine.

the right things happen when we use our innate intuitive gifts and transformational tools to connect to our spirit in the hopes of creating a better tomorrow.

sacred self empowerment and spiritual unfoldment are blessings we gift ourself with when we believe in who we are. these are treasures that engage the soul and lead us to profound experiences of joyful wonder. the time has come for you to believe.

beyond your awareness is a sanctuary of divine angelic guidance and healing vibrations waiting for you to awaken to your wisdom and make your way home.

openly and lovingly immerse yourself in the light you bring with you everywhere you go as this will release the true power within and guide you toward a place of well being where hearts are open and every encounter is beautiful and soulful.

you are worthy of self love and radical self acceptance for you are a blessing of beauty whose essence inspires. believe that you are worthy and let the light of love embrace your heart and soul.

there is a shift upon us which is so powerful as to benefit the well being of all humanity. we must open ourselves to receive its gifts by making kindness, compassion, love and light our intent and purpose. the shift is upon us and those who transform will be the ones who open their arms and say yes.

listen to the voice of the divine and it will tell you just how exceptionally gifted you are which will uplift and inspire the soul making yours an illuminated path of beauty and bliss.

the more confident and free you feel the more likely you are to live the life you truly desire.

when you truly connect to your sacred self you are awakened, healed and loved for it is by knowing that we are something so amazing which opens the heavens and beckons us home.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Choose The Highest Good

life is about choices and when we choose the highest good we feel a sacred sense of aliveness which opens us to wondrous opportunities that allow us to experience more happiness as we share our light with the world.

live a compassionate life of evolved metaphysics and you will encounter kindred souls who see the beautiful light within you and celebrate your greatness.

reach beyond this earthly realm for when we believe in and explore other realms, realities and dimensions we cultivate and nurture a life of love, light and divine beauty.

let us develop and mature spiritually that we may walk a path of divine universal energy to a soulful sanctuary of light where happiness is realized.

all aspects of existence are filled with glory and by living this truth joyfully and peacefully we become cosmic explorers of power and presence who make a difference in the world.

we are exquisitely beautiful and precious beings. when we acknowledge and embrace our own magnificence we begin to see and experience a spiritual wave of divine light and sacred love.

share what you learn along the way and yours will be a compassionate world that awakens the magick within as it serves the highest good of all.

meaningful purpose creates greater satisfaction in life by making ours a journey of divine passion embraced by the most rewarding experiences.

an ecstatic state of bliss is what we are blessed with when we use our tremendous healing powers to change lives and transform our world.

by leading a luminous life we vibrate at the highest frequency which helps raise consciousness and makes ours a more compassionate, fulfilling and wondrous adventure.

walk a path of positive affirmation in a way that empowers and you will elevate your spirit as you heal and grow.

a determination to heal connects us to source energy and we begin to make positive changes that are spiritually inspired. it is the commitment to love ourself in ways that enliven and encourage which cleanses the soul and guides us to all things ethereal.

let us hold the light for each other for each of us is truly a blessing and by supporting one another through spirit we create a more aware and nurturing environment.

we are born with extraordinary spiritual gifts and when we learn to revere and cherish this truth it empowers us all and we find peace and comfort as we are embraced by the light.

a life of pure bliss is what we are blessed with when we listen to our higher self for our higher self sees who we truly are and guides us to our own truth and beauty.

with the help of spirit we can serve others through prayer for prayer is the catalyst for positive action. by making the effort to focus our love and attention on others we open our heart which motivates us to help change lives in profound ways. let us pray and then let us act upon those prayers. bless you all.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Nurturing and Nourishing your Sacred Self

you are extraordinary and by nurturing and nourishing your sacred self you open the door to the beauty of life and the bliss of your true divine essence.

look for lightness wherever you may go as lightness is a powerful force that creates liberating experiences which will illuminate your path with love.

strengthen the soul by approaching life with ethereal confidence and a passion to inspire as this will connect you to your true self and guide you to your divine destiny.

born of wisdom and delivered with love are those who embrace higher levels of energy as they live the hearts true purpose.

you are a source of inspiration. you are a beautiful vessel of light who makes others feel free and alive. you are an angel on earth. this is who you are and i love you.

give thanks to spirit by expanding your experience of life with gentle honesty as this will open many hearts and create a better way of being.

step into your sacred essence. walk happily in the direction of your dreams. live in clarity with the knowledge that you are a blessing of pure love and light. leap joyously into your destiny.

may yours be a whole hearted life of beauty where you honor your extraordinary spiritual gifts by sharing your pure soul essence in your own unique way.

let yours be a life of spirit centered actions inspired by angels as you are an ethereal being and within you is a sanctuary of light where beauty, bliss and love are waiting to welcome you home.

be deeply grateful for within you is a life force vibration of uplifting healing energy which if believed in and embraced will serve the highest good.

listen to the call of your spirit and your journey will be an illuminated and awakened message of hope that empowers your life as it creates miracles that uplift and inspire.

awaken your spirituality by living your souls sacred purpose as you venture down an evolving path of awareness and accomplishment.

may spirit guide you in compassionate ways which enrich your experience with the energy of the higher self and inspire you to serve yourself and others in a meaningful manner that radiates love and blessings.

a life formulated by spirit is one of sacred realities and divine dimensions that enrich and enlighten. all life is formulated by spirit. live this this truth and yours will be a world of breathtaking beauty and joyful bliss.

blessings await you. gifts of spirit are within your heart. embrace the innate treasures the universe has given you by making karmic choices which inspire, elevate, motivate and transform.

you are a lovingly created being of unique vibratory energy and by walking a grounded path of spirit you will create a wonderful life of transformational opportunities that inspire greatness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, June 09, 2016

A Smile of Acceptance and a Passion for Life

a smile of acceptance and a passion for life are beautiful gifts we give to the world when we embody the divine and surrender to love.

awaken inspired by the knowledge that you are a servant of spirit whose soul mission is to engage and enlighten while on a blossoming journey of love divine.

soul knowledge creates lightness of being which sparks the energy within and changes our life forever.

a life filled with joy begins with radical self acceptance. believe in yourself. embrace your divine essence. love who you are. a life filled with light begins with compassion and wisdom.

reverence for the path reveals our deepest spiritual gifts which opens us to a life of healing and wellness which cleanses and blesses.

lead with spirit as you reach beyond your reality as this will allow you to discover your truth that you may dwell in the beauty of your sacred self.

radical self love gives us greater insight and clarity that we may see before us shamanic pathways which lead to spiritual and emotional health and inspire us to create positive change in the world.

warm yourself by the fire within and let its light inspire in you a love of the beautiful as this will guide you toward a destiny of divine revelations that lead to more vibrant living.

you are blessed with wisdom and empowering energies which will change your life when you truly believe in yourself. let the first words you speak this morning be to yourself and let them be - I believe in you!

authentic self expression illuminates the shadows that we may see our true beauty and step into our purpose.

positive thought if unleashed inspires sacred actions which create life changing opportunities where you see your own light as you experience deep healing.

explore your true essence and you will discover within a spiritually uplifting place of beauty and power that will transform your life.

you have the power to transform. you have within you universal life energy. yours is a life designed to benefit the spirit. awaken into life. be aware of the positive vibrations within. you have the power to transform. change is a choice. what are you waiting for - choose!

the person who has the most powerful impact on your life is you. set a positive example by being the best you possible. to live your highest self is to truly love yourself.

live in the light of the hearts wisdom as this will breathe spirit into your life allowing your divine essence to flow freely in realms of loving bliss.

we are constantly evolving and when we acknowledge the sacred as our guide we venture inwards to a place of deeper knowing where we learn the truth of just how beautiful a being of love and light we are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Blessings of Great Happiness and Ethereal Brilliance

blessings of great happiness and ethereal brilliance are the reward for acts of inspiration which serve the highest good.

listen to your angels and spirit guides for the message they are sharing is that you are something special and that by believing this truth your life will become a sacred gift of great spiritual beauty.

intense devotion and a desire to serve in a wise and loving way creates a conversation with the soul that enriches our life and changes our world.

let the light within lead you to breathtaking landscapes of love where you may be divinely guided to explore your destiny through extraordinary experiences that empower and transform.

yours is a life designed to lift the spirit and by living compassionately with kindness as your guide the path you are on becomes a positive affirmation which allows you to discover the sacred within.

believe in possibility as this will open you to uplifting and inspirational experiences which help you evolve and ascend.

explore and experience the true source of power within as you peacefully and joyfully gift the world with empowering expressions of light and love for yours is a soul embedded in the fabric of the universe which is a blessing to be shared.

there is beauty around you. there is beauty within you. life is a blessing of beauty. you are a miracle of beauty. live your beauty. share your beauty. love your beauty. there is beauty...

you have extraordinary metaphysical gifts and by believing in them you open yourself to transformative knowing and spiritual awakening. the biggest rewards come to those who know their truth and use its blessings lovingly.

the heavens gift us with an angelic embrace whenever we make heart centered choices that celebrate the miracle of life.

there is joy in connection for when we bond in sacred beauty with another we create a luminous energy field which embraces, enhances and enriches us mind, body, spirit and soul.

believe you are a blessing and walk towards your true self as this will create a more positive outlook and yours will be a loving compassionate path of bliss.

accept the help and love of your spirit as this will bring forth clarity and guide you to a positive lifestyle of growth and transformation where the healing energies of the soul leave you feeling more empowered and enlightened.

the universe has a song for your soul and if you listen closely you will hear the beauty of its melody and life will become a dance of mystical experiences and sensational spiritual gifts.

explore inner realms and you will experience the amazing for you are a magickal being of light whose essence enchants and the world is a better place with you in it.

joy resides within and by living from the heart you balance your energies which honors your sacred journey and makes life a gift of beauty you give yourself.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One