Thursday, July 28, 2016

Discover The Divinity That Is Your Birthright

discover the divinity that is your birthright and let its beauty and power help you create a positive healing environment of profound experiences where universal compassion and kindness are gifts we bless every moment with.

deep inside you is sacred information and by immersing yourself in this ancient wisdom you unleash the essence of joy within creating pathways to pleasure which inspire and energize the heart, soul and spirit.

you are a blessing. a magnificent gift of love and light whose beauty and truth serve the greater good of humanity. be, live and embrace the angel that you are.

give birth to your dreams for it is by making our dreams realities that we change our lives in truly miraculous ways.

today is a day of tremendous opportunities. it is a day in which you can choose to strengthen your spirit. it is a day where you can call on higher wisdom. it is a day in which every expression if wished may be an expression of love. it is your day to shape any way you like. every day is a day of tremendous opportunities.

we are all spiritual artists on a personal journey of growth and ours is a sacred beauty that shines brightly making life a magickal and mystical experience where with every smile we create a work of art.

listen to your highest spiritual guide, listen to the voice of the sacred and listen to your heart as these are beneficial actions that create a stronger awareness and lead us along a divinely inspired path of total aliveness and greater happiness.

do that which speaks to your heart and your soul will thank you by making yours a life embraced by miracles.

know this truth that you are a uniquely beautiful and enlightened being with positive spiritual energies and that loving and believing in your magnificence will open your heart and soul allowing your gifts and blessings to embrace you and the world around you.

smile with your soul and use the positive qualities inherent within as this will make yours a spirit filled life of love, light and compassion which nourishes your visions and creates happiness.

communicate with your guides as their wisdom and insight will take you to higher levels of spiritual growth which will help you heal yourself and others .

you are an inspiration and by shining your light on others you awaken to who you truly are and life takes you to mystical dimensions of sacred beauty and divine transformation.

true expressions of love uplift the human spirit that we may live more fully in inspired and liberated ways.

soulful reflection allows us to become more aware that we have the power to make our personal life journey one of miracles and inspiration.

it is when we let our light shine through that life becomes an inspiring celebration of positive affirmations that embodies our sacred beauty and transforms our divine soul.

embrace the vibrant flow of energy within and you will be immersed in the waters of spiritual purification giving you greater wisdom and purpose by opening you to the deeper meaning of life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Inspired Imagination and Soulful Transformation

we are spiritually oriented people on a path to wholeness and by embracing this truth ours becomes an enlivening and extraordinary adventure of inspired imagination and soulful transformation where the flow of life leads us to labyrinths of light and love.

release your spiritual sweetness that it may nourish the soul of all blessed to experience the powerful and impactful beauty of your true and sacred self.

know that you without even knowing it are making monumental contributions to life that help others grow.

communicate with higher realms and you will discover an exquisite awareness that awakens you to an evolutionary path of immense power where you may live and love for the good of all.

immerse your mind and spirit in honest self reflection as you courageously explore the light of grace within for this will guide you down a marvelously inspiring path of beauty to a goldmine of soulful sweetness and profound glory.

when we express profound love we bring forth the sacred and life becomes a cherished gift of great joy and fulfillment.

may the presence of the divine within guide you to a place of loving spiritual energy where you can be who and what you were born to be.

deep within us is a quiet joyfulness to be treasured for when we discover and open this blessing its sacred beauty inspires us to live and love fully and completely.

use your inner gifts and exquisite ancestral wisdom to open gateways of understanding as this will reveal your true sac red self that all the world may see and experience the glorious beauty of who you are .

when we speak a language of compassion we give wings to our words that they may soar to higher vibrations of love making life an ethereal garden of divine light and sacred beauty.

those beautiful souls who are passionate about helping others are transcendent works of art who facilitate spiritual growth and make us come alive.

when we embrace our higher nature we activate our true essence and we create a nourishing life of spiritually enhancing experiences which awaken our divine purpose.

wonderful and uplifting are those poetic souls who realize that they are a work of art and their life is a beautiful tapestry of love to be cherished and celebrated.

you are a beautifully conceived celestial being whose generosity of spirit is a valuable contribution to humanity which opens hearts and changes lives. believe in and embrace the true divine glory of your sacred self.

a deeper sense of the spiritual will lead you to encounters with angels where magickal truths will be revealed which open the door to transformation.

may yours be a comforting, contemplative and empowering journey where your every action is a life affirming message of love that opens the heart to the sacred light of the universe and beyond.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Purity of Thought and Positive Intent

purity of thought and positive intent allow us to express our divine beauty in a way that leads us to live an awakened life where we experience miraculous change as we live our scared purpose.

life is lived for the benefit of all when we see the beauty around us and allow our loving presence to embrace it with light.

when we seek the divine we enrich our journey and ours becomes a life that radiates light and love.

connect more deeply with yourself and others as this will give you an empowered sense of self and change your life forever.

clarity, self acceptance, deep love and gratitude are gifts of nourishment and profound healing inspiration which we give ourselves when we live the beauty of our existence as a blessing of spirit.

your divine essence is a blessing of love which if you honor and celebrate its truth will wrap you in a sacred embrace making yours a beautiful life of mystical experiences.

you are a vessel of pure love and by deeply immersing yourself in oceans of spirit you reveal the truth of who you are in an incredibly powerful way that transforms your life and the world around you.

let the flow of life illuminate your essence with sacred sweetness and lead you to gardens of ethereal beauty overflowing with bliss where you may live your destiny with a smile on your soul.

devotion and dedication strengthen the soul and expand the heart making you feel more alive and guiding you to a place of divine bliss.

a positive sense of self worth is a gift to yourself and the world for when you love and believe in who you are life becomes a richly blessed thing of beauty.

live your true purpose and yours will be a radiant life where the light of inspiration creates for you a world where miracles flow.

cherish every encounter for each one is a sacred experience of magickal exploration with possibilities in every moment.

close your eyes, breathe in deeply the presence of the sacred and yours will be a spiritually fulfilling life of divine experiences.

experience the healing energy of empowered living for it is when we believe in ourself and our sacred abilities that we find greater depth and meaning which nurtures, nourishes and soothes mind, body and soul.

rest awhile in the womb of spirituality and you will emerge richer, happier and more connected to gaia.

walk with me through energetic vibrations of spirit and sacred dimensions of bliss where we through self exploration and transformation we may discover our precious gifts and become true lovers of life.

this moment is a powerful opportunity to celebrate the sacred and live in your love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Lift The Spirit To Angelic Realms

look in your heart and you will find messages of positive energy and compassion that ignite the soul and lift the spirit to angelic realms.

express your true essence by doing what you truly love as this will make you feel more directed on your path and lead to illuminating experiences of beauty and bliss.

destiny changes with every step we take. every turn adds something new to our existence. positive thoughts and actions manifest a more rewarding future. destiny is not something you wait for, its something you create.

within you are gifts of clarity and insight which if listened to speak a language of light that will guide yo to a more purposeful life of positive choices that provide comfort and greater well being.

know that you have beautiful energy and extraordinary gifts that are healing and nourishing for you are a messenger of light and love on a sacred path of divine purpose.

are you ready to transform, are you ready to expand your awareness, are you ready to go beyond reality and create miracles, then let us begin this wondrous journey to a better and more beautiful tomorrow.

these can be times of tremendous joy if you share your unique natural beauty and soulful expression in a way that embraces others with love, light and blessings.

you significantly improve your life by using your empowering spiritual tools to guide you on an exciting adventure of breathtaking beauty where you live your sacred purpose.

we as ethereal beings have empathic abilities and divinatory powers which when used to make positive choices lead us along angelic pathways to a sacred garden where we may live our light.

live more fully with positive intent and you will acelerate your spiritual growth as you become profoundly empowered by the sacred temple of light within.

we live more fully when we are able to find inspiration in the ordinary for it is within the simple things that the seeds of miracles are to be found.

celebrate being different for you are uniquely beautiful and by believing in yourself and dancing freely in the sunlight of your glorious existence yours becomes a richly orchestrated symphony of joy and happiness.

ask your higher self to help you discover your truth as this will heal and empower you by spiritually guiding you to the beauty of your sacred essence where you will experience the miracle of transformation.

within you are the sacred light of healing and a universal life force energy which are meant to be shared with both yourself and the world.

make empathic connections as this will create more meaningful relationships which embrace your humanity and divinity.

raise your vibration as this will take you to a caring and generous place of angelic encouragement that will fill your heart and soul with divine nourishment and heavenly joy.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One