Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Beauty and Blessing that is Love


I can feel my heart and soul expand in those moments when I venture beyond thought and allow myself to fully experience the beauty and blessing that is love.

I was talking to heaven who was talking to hell about how they could reconcile their differences and we could all live in a better world free of conflict and filled with compassion.

when we base our reality on love we awaken to a life of spirit that connects to something greater and more glorious.

before bed each night I fill my dreams with simple prayers. a prayer for peace, a prayer for freedom, a prayer for compassion, a prayer for respect, a prayer for healing, a prayer for happiness, a prayer for kindness and a prayer for love. every morning I awake with the intention of making my prayers and dreams come true.

let yourself blossom and yours will be a life that ascends to a place of glory and gratitude where you experience inner and outer peace.

greater happiness was given to me as a gift the day I started to believe in and love myself.

if everything we did was for the benefit of all ours would be a blissful world of sacred beauty where blessings abound.

my unique purpose is one that soothes and heals. it is one that nurtures a healthy spirit. it is one nurtures the spirit. it one that connects with the cosmos. it is one that allows me to be exactly who I was born to be which is me. what is your unique purpose.

I had for breakfast one morning a taste of awakening and a sip of the sacred which nourished me throughout the day with thoughts and feelings that placed peace in my heart and brought light to my world.

I am encouraged every day by my wife and son to breathe in love and embrace the flower of humanity.

when I speak my truth in a heartfelt loving manner it gives birth to new realities that serve me in sacred ways.

we bring about change when we widen our perceptions, expand our boundaries and let go of our limitations.

the sincerity of a smile and the laughter of a child are positive life affirming blessings that for me facilitate profound change.

every time I reach a new level of spirituality I am able to make better choices which help me be a better person who lives a better life.

the song within my heart echoes with sounds of the sacred that help me experience more fully the true beauty of life.

I draw inspiration from spirits, guides, ancients, ancestors and angels.

do things that bring people closer together and you will feel the healing vibrations of the divine touch of spirit.

I find it easier to move forward in life when I hear the truth for it matters not if the truth is good or bad as long as my reaction to it is something positive.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, February 17, 2022

An Open Mind, Heart and Soul


wishes come to fruition when we come to faith with an open mind, heart and soul.

a sincere smile from an open heart brings forth the beauty within and shines a light on the true blessing and beauty that is life.

I come to you in healing and wholeness warmed by the sacred light of love with the intention of celebrating your goodness, greatness and glory.

assertive communications that express a positive belief and purpose create a divine spark within which lights the way to a sacred garden of compassion and contentment.

I like to open my mind to the light of spirit as this is a simple act of self love that helps me to live my highest truth and be the man I was born to be.

kindness and compassion have a transforming power that inspires our imagination and raises our spiritual energy.

the struggles of the past two years have sometimes made it difficult to think and act positively yet I have managed for the most part to do just that because I have within my home two people who I think are profoundly positive.

we grow into our dreams when we give freely to the world with gratitude and generosity our true unique authentic sacred self.

weave your path with experiences of freedom and you will find along the way pockets of joy and moments of happiness that touch the heart and soul of who you are like a kiss from heaven.

the day love became comforting and familiar was the day I began to rise from the darkness into the light.

with generosity of spirit and an open heart birth into being something profoundly positive and share it freely with the world.

make your own happiness by doing things that replenish your spirit, liberate your soul and embrace your heart.

I gather each morning with my true self, my real self, my authentic self, my ancient self, my highest self and my sacred self to discuss how we can make the best of our day.

I did not yell I whispered softly, I. did not wave a sign I reached out a hand, I did not hurl insults I shared words of wisdom, I did not upset the cart I inspired the community, I did not inflict my anger I shared my love.

relax nurture yourself and focus on being happy each and every day.

I approach each day with guidance from spirits and a sincere desire to truly make a difference.

it is the intention to be a better person that has contributed the most to my being able to live a better life.

when I am honest I liberate myself, when I am true I liberate myself, when I am positive I liberate myself, when I am happy I liberate myself, when I am compassionate I liberate myself, when I am free I liberate myself, when I am peaceful I liberate myself and when I am loving I liberate myself. what a blessing it is to be alive, awake, aware and liberated.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, February 10, 2022

You are an Emissary of Light


live and love your true nature for you are an emissary of light and yours is a path of miracles.

let it be your intention to make every moment positive. our intentions have healing powers. the greater our intentions the more glorious our path will be. my intention for today is to listen, learn and love. what is yours.

a kind word and a simple smile embrace me with positive loving energies that illuminate my soul and facilitate healing while initiating happiness.

I try with compassionate wisdom to positively impact others with actions blessed by light that embrace the highest good.

it was a beautiful weekend. The sun was shining and reflecting off the snow. we ventured out. it was just errands but it was nice to get out and see the world around us. the past couple of years while being a struggle have also been a reminder of how fortunate we are to have each other, to live where we live and to love who we love. we are truly blessed.

I feel the love of my family in every breath and realize that ours is a spiritually directed and destiny driven life of joy and happiness which even during the darkest of times remains blessed beyond belief.

I used to dream and now I do. I used to think and now I act. I used to imagine and now I create. I have become used to doing things I am used to and turning them into things I can use to make my life a little bit better each day.

pure and peaceful is the loving oasis within my heart where I go in times of need to be nourished and nurtured.

the higher my state of being the happier I am and the happier I am the higher my state of being.

while walking toward wholeness I came upon wisdom who was wandering toward wonder who had discovered wellness who was waiting to show us the true beauty and blessings of our world.

I heard within my mind one day an angel praying for me and my family to have a life of peace, freedom, hope, happiness, love and light which inspired me to do my best to make that prayer a reality which is exactly what I have done.

live and love morally, meaningfully and mindfully with goodness and truth as your guides and happiness as your destination.

devotion to self, spirit and all that is sacred has helped me get through dark times and find my way to the light.

with purpose and intent open your heart and soul to the true beauty of your sacred self by engaging in peaceful positive activities that point the way to paradise.

be alive in the moment, be aware in the moment, be awake in the moment and you will arise and ascend to an alternative reality where moments are miracles.

my life is wonderfully impacted by the courage, strength, intelligence and love of my wife. my life is profoundly blessed by the innocence, sweetness, intelligence and love of my son. my life is wonderfully and profoundly impacted and blessed by my family.

I grow into my true sacred self whenever I live and love what matters most.

approach each day in inspiring ways and you will find that you are nourishing the greater good while embracing what is blessed and beautiful in life.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Each Day We are Blessed


each day we are blessed with the opportunity to live and love well. take advantage of your opportunities.

I Love You is a positive mantra that is repeated many times each day in our home. I would like to share that mantra with you. I Love You. I Love You. I Love You...

angels, ancients, masters and mystics fill my dreams with visions of light that awaken the sacred in me so that when I arise in the morning I am prepared to greet the day with kindness and compassion.

may yours be a pilgrimage to a higher conscious where you gather with other compassionates souls in collective transformation as you invite happiness into your lives.

within the heart is a sacred temple where every day I go to pray for it is a temple of truth, transcendence and transformation shaped by love.

I believe. I believe in a better tomorrow. I believe in a better future. I believe in my wife. I believe in my son. I believe in myself. I believe.

I was bathing in the depths of sacred truths when a feeling of peace came over me which from stream to river to lake to ocean put me in harmony with the heavens and the earth.

I am looking forward to the future for there are miracles ahead watching and waiting for us to embrace and experience their joyfully inspirational blessings.

I went through my childhood in the sixties and my adolescence in the seventies. I believe in freedom. I believe in the right to peaceful protest. However what happened in the truckers protest I dont believe in. Defacing a statue of Terry Fox, dancing on the grave of the unknown soldier, theses things are despicable, deplorable and criminal. That is not protest that is an ignorance and that is evil. speak your mind but speak it in a way that is heartfelt not hateful. share your thoughts but share them in a way that is truthful not toxic. we all need to do our best to be better people. my wish is for all to be happy and healthy. instead of spitting on graves let us embrace goodness. instead of closing our minds lets open our hearts. I am going to do my best to be my best in the hope that by doing so it will help things get better.

today I will clear my heart and mind of negative thoughts and feelings so that I can grow and evolve as a light upon sacred mother earth.

a blessing freely given is a glorious light that nurtures all that is good within us.

life is an incredible journey of humanity and divinity meant to be enjoyed by all which is why its so important that we shine our light and share our love.

instead of carrying a sign and protesting I choose to carry myself with dignity and integrity thereby letting my actions be my billboard and my blessing.

creativity and spirituality flow through me scattering profound revelations that help me to weave a life of positive intention and profound peace.

go to your destiny it is awaiting your arrival home with open arms.

the past couple of years have been at times unnerving, upsetting, unacceptable and unnatural and I have survived by being truthful, honest, compassionate and loving.

make your home a place of serenity and yours will be a clear and open path directed by positive intent that like a romantic poem flows and overflows with love.

I will hold my head high and face whatever life has in store for me for I know that there is greatness in every day and glory in every night.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One