Thursday, July 30, 2015

Believe In Miracles

believe in miracles and the spirit of love will embrace your spirit and unravel your dreams that you may live with an open heart as you traverse mystical worlds and sacred dwelling places.

your true nature is a beautiful gift filled with sacred energy which if shared will inspire actions that empower and greater levels of happiness. live your true nature.

create a new you. build a better tomorrow. manifest your dreams. live your purpose. embrace each moment in spiritually liberating ways. construct a house of hope and happiness. you are the master of your fate and the god of your destiny. create a new you.

extraordinary is the beauty of your true and sacred self for it is a flower that blossoms in a garden whose uplifting voice of spirit speaks a language of universal prayer and love.

with peaceful independence express your inner wisdom in a way that celebrates life as doing so will inspire you and those whose soul you touch to live your prayers and purpose in a manner which manifests miraculous transformation.

awareness of your blessings allows you to explore your souls purest depths and live with greater compassion as you cast light on your life in a way that illuminates a path of love and leads you to gateways of empowerment and enlightenment.

the time for miracles is now. the time to celebrate the human spirit is here. the time to unite in freedom and flourish as beings of light is upon us. this is the time for greatness. this is the time for glory. this is your time to let your light shine. be sure to take the time to enjoy this time. this is your time.

truth is a gift of pure inspiration which frees us by letting us see our true beauty that we may serve the highest good as our life becomes a light filled reality of love.

dance with me on healing planes of infinite beauty where life is a song of bliss and every moment is a blessing that caresses the soul as it nurtures the heart.

we are light bearers on a diverse spiritual path of boundless possibilities and limitless opportunities where if we engage in positive activities we immerse ourself in uplifting experiences where we heal into happiness. we are love bearers...

the lightness and compassion within our soul are miracles of joy which when used become powerful and life changing tools that enable us to create a meaningful life of spirit and love.

our own spiritual path is made much brighter when we awaken to our beauty and realize that we are extraordinary people with the power to positively transform.

awaken to your purpose with the knowledge that you are a transformational being of love who is born of light and destined to touch hearts and souls in ways positive and profound.

the sheer beauty of your sacred self is a light that if embraced will illuminate a path of ascension that you may connect with angels, spirits and guides as you immerse yourself in the heart of inspiration and the soul of transformation.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Look Deep Within Where Happiness Flows

with spirit as your guide look deep within where happiness flows and you will discover hidden truths and radiant healing energy that will lead you along a path of mystical moments and miraculous outcomes.

to expand your knowledge in a way that speaks to the heart of all you need to explore inner planes of power, higher sacred consciousness, the unseen world and extraterrestrial realities, for it is beyond our reach and outside our comfort zone where miracles await our arrival.

when we explore our inner truth we get a better sense of the sacred and our divine abilities are awakened that we may share freely with the universe our positive energy and vibrations.

you are something truly beautiful. a miracle of light a love. a blessing fashioned from spirit and soul. i honor and celebrate your glory and greatness.

you are a loving influence and every time you share the beauty of your true and sacred self you enlighten your soul. know that the light of your essence is a gift that touches hearts and changes lives.

open yourself to inspiration from higher realms and let their be the joy of love in every action as you embrace your true spiritual nature and raise your consciousness.

commune with spirit and connect with your true self. it is by accepting and acknowledging that it is a wonderful life that we open ourself to amazing revelations and higher plateaus of intuitive perception and universal love. celebrate you for you are miraculous and beautiful.

seek experiences that uplift for they will raise your vibration and lead you to a place of love and self empowerment where you will immerse yourself in the immortality of spirit as you open your heart and soul to the universe and beyond.

you have the ability to change. at any moment you can transform your life. you are the breath of life and the soul of humanity. you are beautiful. believe in the glory of who you are and live your life as a blessing. you have the ability to change.

the power of prayer is of great benefit for through prayer we open gateways to the divine which inspire us to expand our heart and evolve spiritually as we embrace the reality that we are sacred.

look deep within to the core of your being and listen closely for you will hear meaningful messages from your ancestral and angelic guides which will lead you to holistic pathways and sacred experiences.

to walk a path to enlightenment one must simply serve through spirit and embrace a life of purpose. we heal ourselves and others when we focus our intent on the positive and share our love with all humanity.

we reach a harmonious state when we connect soul to soul. may you touch souls in a way that caresses the world with transformational energy and may you light the way of love with a heightened awareness that inspires the mind and embraces the heart.

embrace the joy of being you and you expand your consciousness as the light within illuminates the essence of love and allows you to experience greater freedom as you manifest the positive.

you are a radiant force from the angelic realm placed on earth to light the world with your truth and beauty. believe in your magnificence and yours will be a path of love profound and joy divine.

to be a compassionate messenger is to accomplish the extraordinary. to share your love and kindness is to gift the world with blessings that make the soul sing. use your natural healing abilities to change your life and the lives of those around you. to give is to live.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, July 17, 2015

Create A Flow Of Positive Energy

when you harvest the sacred you broaden your comfort zone and thus create a flow of positive energy which makes yours a mystical and metaphysical journey that projects joy into the world.

live more purposefully, live more passionately. live! love more purposefully. love more passionately. love. you are of divine origin and by living and loving more purposefully and passionately you open channels of spirit that create transformational experiences and make your cosmic evolution one that lights the world.

allow your intuitive sensibilities to ignite the divine flame within that all may experience the genuine glow of your true nature and sacred beauty.

with clarity and understanding of the sacred meaning of life breathe in the beauty of who you are as you unleash the healing vibrations embedded in your soul for this will make yours a mystical and powerful path of spiritual significance.

cultivate an appreciation for giving and receiving love and you will make your soul feel more alive as you align with the divine and experience the magick of your existence from a greater spiritual perspective.

you change everything you touch so with focused intent touch everything with love.

with purpose and intent release the powerful healing energy within. with love and compassion let your heart expand. with clarity of thought open your mind to new realities. with joy as your companion walk a path of light. our road is paved with miracles when we walk with greatness, glory and god as our guide.

live authentically and you will be divinely guided to treasures of the spirit where your inner fire will inspire you to dedicate your every step to the highest good of all.

be your happiest self by stepping joyfully into the path of who you truly are for it is when we live our destiny that we discover the beauty of life and happiness becomes the norm.

walk with me along the path of spirit where with every step love is imprinted on the soul and ours will be a life of mystical experiences and metaphysical wonders that lead us to the sacred.

within the heart of spirit are glorious things of the highest meaning which lead to a path of greater happiness where the soul blossoms. look within and embrace the beauty of your spirit and yours will be a happier healthier life where abundance flows and pure shining love lights your way.

positive thoughts create positive actions which create positive paths that create positive experiences which create positive communities of spirit that create a loving world. be positive.

the more passionate you are about helping others the more you will be able to help yourself. it is through love that we shine. it is through love that we rise. it is through love that we transform. when love is our purpose love is also our reward.

within you is a powerful source of knowledge, wisdom and ancient teachings. by reaching deep inside and releasing their glory you also set free your inner self that all may see the light of your beauty and know the depth of your magnificence.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, July 09, 2015

You Are A Beautiful Child Of The Universe

free your soul, liberate your spirit and open your heart for you are a beautiful child of the universe whose essence shines like a star and the more who experience your sacredness the better a world this will be.

begin this day with positive intent, live each moment with the highest good as your guide, embrace the glory of who you are and be the love that is your essence for these are the gifts that make life a beautiful and blessed journey.

love minded are those who accept that they are beings of light and live their life in a way that illuminates and inspires others. the pathway to happiness is one of positive intent where we celebrate our unique essence as we awaken our spirit and manifest our divine destiny.

sacred is your beauty and when you let your love shine through you bless the world for it is when we see the light in others that we are inspired to share our greatness and live our glory.

be passionate about everything you do and live with positive intent. passion leads to a life of love and positive intent cultivates kindness and inspires transformation.

you uplift when you nurture, you empower when you nourish, you inspire when you share, you transform when you love and you evolve when you enlighten. these are the things you do when you give freely of your true and beautiful self.

infinite is your beauty and limitless is the depth of your love. be grateful for your greatness and share your light with the world for you are a blessing. infinite is your light and endless is the depth of your divinity.

there is power within. it is a sacred power both visionary and enlightening. reach deeply towards your inner light and let its beauty and bliss embrace you heart and soul that you may heal yourself and the world around you.

i am alive with love and ready to share the beauty of my true and sacred self with those who are open to life changing experiences and willing to dance across the universe with clarity of heart and divine intent.

love is spiritual sustenance and the more we love ourself and embrace the beauty of those around us the more we fill our heart with light and live a life that satisfies the soul.

welcome to happiness. welcome to joy. welcome to beauty. welcome to bliss. welcome to peace. welcome to love. the door is open come on in. welcome home.

to feel fully alive is to feel fully the love and light within for we are at our most alive and awakened when we our living our truth and celebrating who we are.

positive thought, positive action and positive intent are gifts we give ourself that make ours a life worth living and sharing for the essence of spirit is alive in the heart and soul of all things positive.

be a catalyst for transformation by setting an example that inspires others to live beyond their expectations and imaginations. be a creator of positive thought by living your life in a way that motivates others to not only think outside the box but to live outside of it in peace and freedom. be the beautiful being of light you were born to be.

woven of spirit is the light of love within and those who share their light with the universe are the ones whose days are filled with beauty and whose nights are filled with bliss for they are angels of inspiration.

a life in service to the sacred is a transformational journey of extraordinary experiences and profound lessons for to serve the sacred is to live the love that is your destiny.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, July 03, 2015

Look Beyond Your Imagination

look beyond your imagination and beliefs for there are miracles waiting for you to see with clarity the joy and glory of other dimensions and alternate realities. the world is a magickal place for those courageous enough to leave their limitations and venture into the unknown.

fill your life with good intentions and meaningful experiences by being your true self and living your life in a manner befitting such a beautiful being of light. you are a blessing and your every breath is a gift to be shared and treasured.

i send you beautiful blessings of loving intent for it is my desire to make soulful connections of that foster change and inspire joyous purpose that all may see their true beauty and make a positive impact on the planet and its people.

positive purpose leads us down a passionate path of greater love that embraces the soul with heart centered bliss as it empowers and enriches our existence with self revelations that open our world to miraculous possibilities.

magickal is the place of self discovery within for it is there that the light of the sacred shines its brightest with illuminating messages of divine inspiration that bring out the love that is our destiny.

the heart smiles the moment you realize that you are an inspired being of beauty and light on an extraordinary journey of positive purpose and divine love.

smile and you experience more joy. laugh and you experience more happiness. dance and you experience more freedom. embrace and you experience more love. life is a series of experiences of our own making. let this be the day where everything you experience is beautiful.

explore the miraculous state of your being and replenish your spirit by embracing the highest vibrations of love and sharing them with each and every soul you meet.

listen and you will hear your life calling you home to your true path and purpose. listen and you will hear your heart calling you to live your love in ways divine. listen and you will hear your spirit calling you to walk in greatness and glory. listen and you will hear. listen.

deep is the love and respect i have for those brave enough to be their true self in spite of opposition. i celebrate the courage of those who live their uniqueness and authenticity with pride. life is a gift of great beauty to be shared and those who hold their head high as they embrace their freedom are the heroes whose hearts inspire and spirits transform.

live beyond your boundaries and express your greatness in a positive manner that all may appreciate your magnificence and bask in the glow of your innate gifts and sacred purpose for you are an angel on earth and the heavens smile whenever you spread your wings.

reach deep within your soul and you will find a love so great that you will experience the true beauty of your life in a way that cultivates kindness as it inspires the higher self to manifest miracles.

within us is heart centered wisdom, greater self awareness and profound truths waiting for us to discover their beauty and set them free that we may experience the sacred and become spiritual adventurers exploring fields of positive change.

life is a learning experience and those who are good students are the ones who facilitate well being and journey into wholeness. they are the ones who inspire, uplift and accomplish great things. they are the ones who teach by example. life is an education. what have you learned today.

( MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )