Thursday, July 23, 2015

Look Deep Within Where Happiness Flows

with spirit as your guide look deep within where happiness flows and you will discover hidden truths and radiant healing energy that will lead you along a path of mystical moments and miraculous outcomes.

to expand your knowledge in a way that speaks to the heart of all you need to explore inner planes of power, higher sacred consciousness, the unseen world and extraterrestrial realities, for it is beyond our reach and outside our comfort zone where miracles await our arrival.

when we explore our inner truth we get a better sense of the sacred and our divine abilities are awakened that we may share freely with the universe our positive energy and vibrations.

you are something truly beautiful. a miracle of light a love. a blessing fashioned from spirit and soul. i honor and celebrate your glory and greatness.

you are a loving influence and every time you share the beauty of your true and sacred self you enlighten your soul. know that the light of your essence is a gift that touches hearts and changes lives.

open yourself to inspiration from higher realms and let their be the joy of love in every action as you embrace your true spiritual nature and raise your consciousness.

commune with spirit and connect with your true self. it is by accepting and acknowledging that it is a wonderful life that we open ourself to amazing revelations and higher plateaus of intuitive perception and universal love. celebrate you for you are miraculous and beautiful.

seek experiences that uplift for they will raise your vibration and lead you to a place of love and self empowerment where you will immerse yourself in the immortality of spirit as you open your heart and soul to the universe and beyond.

you have the ability to change. at any moment you can transform your life. you are the breath of life and the soul of humanity. you are beautiful. believe in the glory of who you are and live your life as a blessing. you have the ability to change.

the power of prayer is of great benefit for through prayer we open gateways to the divine which inspire us to expand our heart and evolve spiritually as we embrace the reality that we are sacred.

look deep within to the core of your being and listen closely for you will hear meaningful messages from your ancestral and angelic guides which will lead you to holistic pathways and sacred experiences.

to walk a path to enlightenment one must simply serve through spirit and embrace a life of purpose. we heal ourselves and others when we focus our intent on the positive and share our love with all humanity.

we reach a harmonious state when we connect soul to soul. may you touch souls in a way that caresses the world with transformational energy and may you light the way of love with a heightened awareness that inspires the mind and embraces the heart.

embrace the joy of being you and you expand your consciousness as the light within illuminates the essence of love and allows you to experience greater freedom as you manifest the positive.

you are a radiant force from the angelic realm placed on earth to light the world with your truth and beauty. believe in your magnificence and yours will be a path of love profound and joy divine.

to be a compassionate messenger is to accomplish the extraordinary. to share your love and kindness is to gift the world with blessings that make the soul sing. use your natural healing abilities to change your life and the lives of those around you. to give is to live.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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