Thursday, August 06, 2015

Discover Your Radiant Essence

to believe in who you are is to enhance your life and discover your radiant essence. yours is an enlightened soul and when you immerse yourself in its beauty you receive profound benefits that impact positively. love yourself mind, body, spirit and soul for doing so will elevate and liberate. to love who you are is to celebrate your life and discover your glorious sacred essence.

when we guide others on their path we create an amazing life of joyful and meaningful experiences.

believe in who you are for it is when we love and honor our greatness that we shine brilliantly and beautifully. be the angel you were born to be and yours will be a life of miracles and positive spiritual experiences.

rich and diverse are the beliefs within for they are gifts from the heavens which enlighten and empower. listen to the voice of spirit. listen to the messages of your soul. connect to your higher self and live your miracle. you are the creator of your own existence.

embrace love and the joy it brings you with a smile on your soul for you are an emissary of love and when you immerse yourself in its beauty you become a beacon of light that inspires lives and changes worlds.

today is a day of transformation. a day to be truly awakened. a day to celebrate the divine by living an empowered spiritual life. a positive and compassionate day of soul exploration. a day to love and be loved. this is your day. live it well.

the light within when unleashed will guide you along a pathway of joy where guidance and blessings bring transformative change for it is a light of miraculous visions and spiritual epiphanies meant to manifest love and make your dreams come true.

when we allow ourself to flow and bloom we connect to something greater which better enables us to be of service to humanity and embrace the highest good of all.

connect with your divinity by listening to the voice of your soul. the message your soul brings forth is one of esoteric guidance that will inspire you to live an empowered life where you cultivate love and open gateways to spiritual growth.

divinely inspired are they who speak words of love that heal for they are angelic messengers of light that see the sacred in every moment and seek to share its bliss and beauty.

when you give from your heart you improve the quality of your life for it is through sharing our love that we walk angelic pathways and help heal the world.

live from the heart for within the heart is a place of spiritual upliftment and divine beauty where a positive point of focus will guide you to openness and acceptance that you may embrace your light and the light of others with love.

live with sacred purpose and you will experience love in a way that makes yours a path of infinite possibilities and awakening experiences for it is through the divine that we discover our true self and ours becomes a journey of loving guidance and a rich banquet of soul embracing light.

let the blessings of light and harmony within your soul inspire natural healing that you may live your greatness and create the life you want.

your soul journey is one of evolutionary change and by seeing every moment as an opportunity to learn and grow you will have more meaningful experiences that take you to higher dimensions where the beauty and miracle of who you are may blossom and shine brightly.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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