Thursday, December 27, 2018
I Have A Passionate Positive Connection To Spirit
I have a passionate positive connection to spirit which inspires me to reach out to others with gentle loving energies that nurture and uplift.
as practitioner of spirit I have investigated otherworldly manifestations which have revealed to me beings of light who empowered and enriched my life. as a psychic and spiritual consultant I have through readings been able to help others with meaningful messages which give them divine clarity. as an experiencer and metaphysical counsellor I have been able to help abductees understand their experiences better and move forward in life. as a healer I have been able to use my sacred healing energies to touch people with the divine light of the universe in ways which ease their pain and suffering. I have through years of shamanic work helped many souls to blossom. know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that I am sending you love and light.
because of my background holidays are often triggers that reveal my scars. as I have matured I have learned to love. I have taught myself to celebrate life. I have faced my fears and used the knowledge gained from them to journey to the positive. this year because of my foreground the holidays are blessings that reveal my true sacred self.
ascend with me to a place of peace and serenity where love is the greatest joy and highest purpose.
we have healing energies within us which through kindness and compassion reveal themselves to the world thereby creating ripples of happiness and joy.
dedicated am I on my journey of the soul to walk a path of spiritual growth where I truly feel love and I share that blessing with the world.
it was when I stopped trying to live the life I always dreamed of that I began to have the life that is my true divine destiny.
beautiful blissful and strong are they who by living for the good of all raise vibrations and uncover blessings that inspire us to live in the light of a better tomorrow.
mental health - people hear the world mental and they make assumptions. they stigmatize people over something they do not understand. you have chronic arthritis - I am obsessive compulsive. you have diabetes - I have lifelong depression. you have a heart condition - I have post traumatic stress. you are not looked down upon for your illness. a person can smoke themselves into a cancerous state. a person cam drink themselves into alcoholism and kidney failure. a person can eat their way onto obesity until their heart explodes and nobody puts a scarlet letter on them and treats them with disdain. my brain is broken in many places but my heart is pure and my spirit is strong. healing begins for us all when we see the truth. if you are struggling with mental health issues know that my heart is with you. if this season is especially difficult for you know that you are loved and that you are not alone. my problems do not define me. they are just a small part of who I am. I am sending you all love, light and positive healing energy. bless you.
peace shines through me and my world overflows with love when I meet like minded souls of compassionate energy whose divine intentions impact my life in pure positive organic ways.
my home is built on a foundation of love and within its walls you will find the natural beauty and serenity of a family whose compassionate dedication to a higher purpose brings light to all who enter their world.
it is by living from the heart that we replenish the spirit and bring miracles into our lives.
with grace and beauty I share with you the compassionate truth that you are a glorious being of light whose smile heals and whose loving intentions change lives for the better.
listen to the heartbeat of your spirit and let its sacred rhythm make yours a dance of freedom that illuminates your path and elevates your purpose.
be sure when doing what you can to make others happy that you take the time to love yourself.
you are a gift to be cherished. you are a treasure to be celebrated. you are a blessing to be honoured. you are a caring compassionate soul to be loved. this is who you are. be who you are.
when you come from a toxic background its not only what you remember that haunts you its also those moments in the periphery of your memory that torment you. its the half remembered times, its those mental glimpses of incidents that make you ask is it real, imagined or is it altered by pain. if I could open any gift it would be my mind so I could see the whole truth and set it free.
the goodness of the soul is a blessing which when bestowed upon humanity cleanses our path with love that we may confidently venture forward to our unique spiritual destiny.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, December 20, 2018
My Intentions Are Pure
my intentions are pure and my expressions of love are sincere. these are the gifts I share with the world each and every day of my existence. through every struggle and heartache in my life I have managed to remain honest in my desire to be a better man. so believe me when I say that you are loved. believe when I say that I am sending you positive healing energy. believe me when I say that my thoughts and prayers are with you. merry every moment of every day of the rest of your life.
seek not the extraordinary in life for the truth is that the simplest moments are the most extraordinary gifts in the universe. I wish not to walk on the moon but rather to be embraced with acts of kindness and expressions of love for they are blessings which impact my existence in extraordinary ways.
build with me a house of hope filled with rooms of joy, happiness, beauty, light, wisdom, truth and love where we can in unity connect to the divine within us all.
when I feel like hell I look for ways to manifest heaven. when I am immersed in darkness I look for ways to manifest light. when I am confronted with hatred I look for ways to manifest love. mine is a path of inspiration, transformation and manifestation. what will you manifest today.
on this day I will set out with my purpose being to create a flow of love that inspires people to celebrate the joys and blessings in their lives.
even as a child I never liked people giving me gifts for I felt because of the way I was treated throughout my life that any show of affection was insincere. as an adult it has taken decades for me to not only find and experience love but to believe it was real. now I am in a place where I realize that I am worthy and that the gifts shared with me are sincere. life became beautiful when I allowed myself the freedom to be happy. thank you to all who have gifted me with there love and light. merry Christmas. happy holidays.
pure positive intentions generate moments of greater happiness which open us to life changing transformations that make ours a powerful path of healing.
I think this year I will give my depression the gift of hope and wrap it in the light of love.
make it your purpose to consciously manifest your dreams as doing so will change the energy around you.
there is a powerful light within our sacred heart which when shared with loving intent fills our path with blessings while showing us the way to the heaven that is our home.
I was walking toward greater awareness while celebrating spirit when the beauty embedded within my soul revealed itself to me and filled my path with wondrous moments and extraordinary experiences that transform.
my physical aches and pains were playing in the backyard of my soul with my mental scars and wounds when my past and future selves joined in and they all frolicked in celebration of the beauty of survival.
with a positive outlook you can create positive changes which invigorate your life with positive experiences that make your journey positively beautiful.
I hear and feel spirits throughout my day. they are my constant companions and when my struggles become too much to bear they remind me of the blessings in my life which gives me the strength to carry on.
when heart and soul merge with spirit life becomes a journey of sacred experiences.
for me every day is Christmas for each breath I take is a blessed gift which opens me to opportunities and possibilities that enhance and enrich my existence.
mine is a reality where strange is normal and normal is strange. it is a reality of beautifully crafted thoughts and intentions which open the gateway to gardens of divine creativity. it is a reality where life is an abstract work of art. mine is a reality where weird is normal and normal is weird.
I believe in miracles because the fact that I met my wife and we have been together 21 years is a miracle. I believe in miracles because the fact that I am sixty years old and the father of a brilliant beautiful eight year old is a miracle. I believe in miracles because the fact that I am alive when death has been my companion most of my life is a miracle. I believe in miracles because I am a miracle. if you are lost and struggling know that you too are a miracle and that when you believe this truth you will begin to transform. live the miracle that you are. I believe in miracles. I believe in you. you are a miracle.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Move Forward Into A Place Of Positive Energy
the clearer your direction the better able you will be to move forward into a place of positive energy and sacred illumination where you are blessed with gifts of spirit that enhance your divine existence.
no matter how down I have gotten in life my goal has always been the highest good.
ours is a destiny of our own creation. therefore I choose at this moment to venture out into the world with spirit as my guide and love as my goal.
I use metaphysical magnets to post miracles on my fridge. miracles such as a picture of my wife and son, a note reminding me to scatter seeds of love throughout my day and a reminder that I am a being of spirit worthy of joy and happiness.
I was listening to the song of my heart while filling my life with beautiful moments when I realized that by doing so I was coming alive in scared ways that enriched my world with love.
blessings are brilliantly beautiful gifts which when shared breathe light into our lives and love into our world.
look at life from a spiritual perspective and you will see landscapes of love, oceans of beauty, valleys of joy, mountains of bliss and rivers of divine passion and purpose.
I have been contacted by a healer and author this week as well as a shamanic spiritual mystic. one was to thank me for my words and the other was to ask for a reading. its at times like these when I am able to use my sacred gifts that I remember the joy which being of service brings. to all that I have helped over the years know that you have also helped me and for that I am eternally grateful.
beautifully craft for yourself a foundation of love upon which you can build a temple of divine purpose in which your spirit may grow and your soul may prosper.
we are sacred beings of light and if we follow our light it will take us in life affirming directions which lead us to greater joy and happiness.
I seem to manifest happiness whenever I nurture my spirituality for beliefs become blessings of bliss when they are loved.
know that each word you are reading at this moment resonates with energy that is profoundly loving and healing. each vowel and consonant carry with them a positive blessing. feel their radiance. see their light. embrace their love.
I am inspired by mystical visions that breathe life into my world which opens me to the sweetness of the sacred and the heaven in the heart of who I truly am.
we are blessed at birth with an innate goodness. no matter what struggles we have in the life that goodness remains within us. take the opportunity now to open yourself to the beauty within and release that goodness into your world.
open your heart to the reality that you have the ability to heal. by shining your light you cultivate healing. by loving and helping others you manifest healing. open your soul to the truth that you have the ability to miraculously change your life and the lives of those around you.
there is always a greater reality waiting for us to open the gateway and discover its sacred source of light and love.
within even the darkness there are dimensions of wellness which when explored can create a deep knowing that fills our life with healing and wholeness.
cancer is a constant in my life. as you know my parents died two days apart with my father dying on the day of my mothers funeral. I have grown tired of getting the news that yet another family member is on death row. there are far too many to mention here but its been like this since birth. in my family you basically just wait your turn. you know its coming you just don't know when. also it has no age restrictions. young or old it matters not. so embrace each moment while your here. give and receive as much love as possible. do things that make you happy. do things that make your soul sing. do things that make your spirit soar. enjoy the life you have while you have it.
it took a lot of suffering before I made the right changes. it took a lot of pain before I was able to see the light in the darkness. it took a lifetime of struggles before I was able to accept, acknowledge and embrace the beauty within my reach. look closely at what hurts you and see what has been hiding so that you can move forward and become the blissful being of love you were born to be.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, December 06, 2018
When We Are Born Our Heart, Soul And Spirit Are Pure
when we are born our heart, soul and spirit are pure. live your life in a charitable way and that purity will fill your days with wonders that bestow upon your life abundant blessings.
I am grateful for all those blessed beings who have taken the time to say thank you for the words I have shared. know that your words nourish my heart and inspire me to continue to walk a path of spirit.
I am mesmerized by the sacred beauty of those inspired beings of light who with kindness and compassion share their infinite love and wisdom with the world.
an open heart is a blessing of breathtaking beauty that shines throughout our life like a bright star guiding us to ethereal places of divine enlightenment.
when the seeds of your thoughts are positive and you with loving care plant them in sacred soil your life begins to blossom into a beautiful garden of spirit.
look in the mirror with the knowledge that you are in the presence of greatness. smile with appreciation at the divine goodness standing in front of you. celebrate the miracle and magnificence of who you truly are. align with these realities and yours will be an awakened path of infinite blessings.
you can change the world. the truth is without knowing it you change the world every day. one of the greatest joys in life is the discovery of spirit. it is that moment when you realize that simple sacred acts of love flow freely from one life to another in a never-ending parade of pure positive energy.
every kind gesture, compassionate action and loving intention creates a sacred healing moment that shines a light on the beauty of our true sacred self.
once when I had my new age shoppe I got a phone call in which the person said are you that bald headed freak who walks his dog barefoot in the snow. I replied why yes I am. they then said we are going to blow your place up. I responded by saying that its three o'clock, I close at five, you better hurry if you want to catch me.
I drink from the chalice of light for it stimulates within me a goodness that inspires positive actions which make mine a happier healthier path of spiritual growth and divine beauty.
nurture the spirit and you will blossom into a sacred butterfly of great beauty whose wings embrace the world love.
you are a beautiful being of light and when you share that sacred beauty with the world you create experiences that inspire the heart and align with the soul.
I used to own a spiritual shop a couple of decades ago and people would through garbage on my doorstep, insult me and I once even got a bomb threat. through it all I maintained my dignity and my sense of humour. I remember standing out front one day when an elderly woman walked by. I wished her a good morning and she said your the devil to which I replied no if I was the devil I wouldn't be wearing shoes because you just can't find a good shoe for a cloven hoof these days.
you are an inspirational force. every simple gesture of compassion and act of kindness helps others move forward in life. you are a divine soul whose positive essence opens gateways of light and portals of love. you are a spiritual force.
whenever I turn on the light of my soul I see clearly the beauty of my true sacred self and I am inspired to be a better man who makes better choices that create for me a better world.
in the darkness I will bring you light, in the madness I will bring you clarity, in the pain I will bring you healing, in the sadness I will bring you happiness and in the hate I will bring you love for throughout my life within my struggles there was always someone who without even knowing it would bring me hope.
I am touched and deeply transformed by those life experiences that are motivated by kindness and inspired by love.
I find meaning in the world by discovering the remarkable in every person I meet.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Go Beyond Negative Thoughts And Feelings
we always hear that good things are coming, the truth is that they are already here. we just have to go beyond negative thoughts and feelings to see clearly the glorious beauty of all greatness within our reach.
I sang a song of the self to the self which inspired me to free myself from myself and love myself in unselfish ways.
turn on the light of creation and let its radiance inspire you to build a healthy home of hope and happiness where miracles flow freely.
when I awoke this morning I began my day by opening the door to transformation and inviting my past, present and future selves in to discuss ways in which we could brighten my world with beauty and bliss.
use your unique gifts to communicate with others in soulful ways that manifest a higher vibration of love.
reflect deeply on the blessings of light and love in your life as doing so is a nurturing practice that affirms your sacred destiny.
you are worthy. you are deserving. you are unique. you are special. you are loving. you are kind. you are sacred. you are divine. you are all that is. you are all that ever will be. you are beautiful. you are blessed. live who you are. love who you are. be who you are!
thoughts have a life of their own and the more lovingly you treat yourself the more positive those thoughts are and the better and more beautiful your world becomes.
engage life with love and you embrace the world with a lightness of being that nurtures, nourishes and transforms.
I have bruises that are ready to heal and blossom. I have broken bits of past trauma that are ready to transform into butterflies of spirit. I have negative thoughts and feelings that are ready to shed their skin and become positive actions and intentions. I am ready to purge myself of all my baggage and venture home to my true sacred self.
when I encounter difficult times I dance to the music of my divinity and healing blessings profoundly guide me to breathtakingly beautiful gardens of heart and soul.
when you truly love yourself you create something beautiful inside that radiates a positive energy out into the world which brings joy and happiness to your journey.
I struggle every day with depression yet I survive because I have learned that life can change for the better by simply making more positive choices. today I choose to meet friends for coffee and talk about things that make us happy.
while out walking where miracles abound I heard a baby laughing and remembered how divinely beautiful life can be.
nurture me with kindness and I will nourish you with compassion and together we will make the world a better place.
bring life to the soul of who you are by opening your heart that all may see and experience the loving beauty of your true divine self.
when I fuel the fires of transformation I see visions of how beautiful life can be which inspires me to go out into the world with the intention of doing sacred things that benefit all.
what a beautiful gift is the ability to make people smile for a smile is light that brings joy into the heart of each and every soul it blesses.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Ground Yourself In Spirit
ground yourself in spirit as you plant seeds of kindness and yours will be a beautiful garden of luminous energy where love flowers and the sacred blossoms.
I was reaching for the higher truth when I found the book of life which upon reading enriched my world with words and deeds that awakened the heart and spirit of my true sacred self.
your life is a beautifully uplifting blueprint of inspiration that purifies the path you are on while serving as a transformational catalyst for others.
I know you are struggling. I am sending you love. I know you are hurting. I am sending you light. I know you are suffering. I am sending you positive energy. I know you. I am sending you the sacred within me.
make positive choices and empowering changes will occur that awaken your true spiritual nature and open your heart to the bountiful blessings of life.
love is your true purpose for love is a mission that inspires, a blessing that heals, a light that empowers and a belief that benefits humanity.
the more positive our beliefs and feelings are the more we grow and thrive as we move forward into a life of wonder and expanding love.
help me help you help others help themselves.
I saw the devil sitting on the side of the road crying so i stopped to say hello and to talk about why I cast him out. I told him that while he was inside of me my struggle to survive was great but that once I removed him from my life things began to improve. I wished him well and told him that I held no animosity towards him and that I was always available to talk. as I walked away I looked back and saw a tear in his eye which I wiped away with a smile of compassion.
immerse yourself in love and open yourself to its unique powers as you shine a light of absolute joy on each moment of your divine journey.
while on a path of transformation I came upon some inspiration that filled my soul with revelations which led me home to my true sacred self.
be aware no matter the energy that is present at the time that you have the power to change it. so if the universe is poking you with a stick today then take out a shovel, bury it and go forward with a smile on your soul.
yesterday I grew more alive when I did things that felt good for my soul. today I will become more alive by doing things that feel good for my spirit. tomorrow I will be life at its most sacred and beautiful.
a positive powerful purpose guides us to our highest destiny where we connect to the source as we cultivate feelings of love.
isolation and loneliness have been my companions throughout my life but they do not define me. they remind me of what pain and suffering can do and inspire me to venture into the world to find friendship and community.
there is glory in every day. there is greatness in every day. there is goodness in every day. open your heart and soul to the truths that exist every day and you will not only see the extraordinary you will be the extraordinary.
you are a light in the world and when you lovingly shine that light on others you facilitate spiritual wellbeing.
love is a power that transforms and truly beautiful are those who use that power to awaken the spirit and ignite the divine.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 15, 2018
There Is Goodness At The Core Of My Being
while I have been throughout my life severely broken I have also been profoundly blessed for there is goodness at the core of my being and greatness in the people that I share my life with.
be a bringer of light, be a messenger of love and be a cultivator of kindness for this is who you truly are.
we were at a wonderful little diner for lunch yesterday. the setting was lovely and family orientated. they had tvs with no sound just the picture and closed captioning. while the meals were great the stories on the news were all depressing. evil corporations, crazy politicians, sexist celebrities... there are days when this constant barrage of ignorance and stupidity takes its toll. when we went home my wife, eight year old son and myself put together a bookshelf from Ikea, made some pumpkin spice muffins and watched a sweet family show while cuddling on the couch. that is how we handled the madness. we just embraced the beauty of our family.
bathe in the holy waters of compassion and watch as your spirit comes alive and life becomes a blessing of greater happiness.
create with me a foundation of goodness on which we may build a house of happiness where life is a blessing of profound kindness and eternal love.
I awake each day with the desire to transform. I am dedicated to helping myself and others make the changes necessary to create for us a happier healthier existence.
I woke up happiness yesterday. we met for coffee and discussed ways that we could be in each others lives more.
whenever I listen closely to the heartbeat of my humanity it embraces me with a rhythm that makes my life a sacred dance that vibrates at the highest level.
my a.d.d taught me to explore as many different aspects of my existence as possible. my o.c.d gave a structure to my life that has helped me cope with my struggles. my p.t.s.d instilled within me a desire for more that was so intense it moved me forward from the darkness into the light. my mental health problems do not define me. my mental health problems inspire me to work harder to be better, live longer and love as much as possible.
vibrant, alive, empowering and infinite are the blessings that reside within the heart and soul of our true sacred self.
light the fire of love within by sharing your spiritual gifts in an all embracing manner that shows the world the pure positive power of your sacred purpose.
the highest and greatest good are friends of mine and together we seek to create a flow of spirit that will guide people to a place of pure love and light
my well being improved when I accepted the truth of my existence and dedicated my life to creating a new reality which moved me forward into the light.
we have in our lives unlimited love. look beyond your stress for it is there. remove your anxiety and you will find it there. see through your suffering for it is waiting for you there. we have unlimited love in our lives and when we remove those obstacles which cause us pain we see with greater beauty the blessings within our reach.
beautifully craft with me a sacred space of divine humanity where we may generate greater joy, bliss and happiness.
sacred self love when honest and true enriches our life with a deeply transformative energy that frees us from suffering.
I was searching beyond my realty for a truth that would connect me to something greater when a beautiful awakening occurred within that lifted me to a place of pure spiritual ecstasy.
we are each unique, authentic and original beings of divine love, light and energy whose remarkable gifts and abundant blessings make the world a better place.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 08, 2018
What Is The Soul Of Your Story
what is the soul of your story. mine is love. what is the spirit of your existence. mine is love. what is the heart of your journey mine is love. we are beings of love and by embracing this truth and living it fully we sew sacred threads of bliss into each and every step along the way.
I was sitting at a playground watching my son as he embraced the fullness of life with incredible beauty when I realized that joy is innate and happiness is a blessing we are gifted with in the womb.
I gave myself the gift of truth which liberated my spirit and illuminated my blessings which I then shared with others in uniquely inspiring ways.
people don't understand depression. I hear them say I was depressed and I could still work... when talking about depression look at it like you would others illnesses like autism. billy has autism and he is married, has a good job and is fully functional. Dave has autism and can't live alone, has trouble leaving the house and needs constant supervision. they are at different ends of the spectrum. depression works this way also. Debbie has depression and she is having a bad day and has chosen to stay in bed today. sheila has depression and she picked up a gun and shot herself in the head. they are at different ends of the spectrum. I understand depression because I have lived with it for sixty years.
how many churches have to be attacked, how many school shootings do there have to be, how many mass killings do we need to happen before we as compassionate human beings say no more. when do we stop playing politics and start taking care of each other. when do we throw out sexism, racism, homophobia and replace them with love and kindness. stop killing people because your country is the good country. stop killing people because your god is the real god. please stop.
you are a force of love with a beauty unfolding whose soul touches the eternal and whose life is a sacred source of inspiration.
allowing love into my life is what ultimately saved me. while I had many struggles along the way it was my punishing myself and denying myself that truly held me down. then one day i realized that I could rise at any time which inspired me to open the door to my heart and invite people in.
see yourself as worthy and live that truth as you align with your higher purpose for you are a light being born of love on a journey to divine happiness.
I was watching the tv looking for real honest decent compassionate kind loving people and when I couldn't find any I turned it off and opened the door to my Childs bedroom and watched him sleep with the knowledge that good people do still exist.
divine is the love that cultivates a higher purpose and inspires a path of light that leads us to greater happiness.
live your highest self, live your greatest purpose and live your best life as doing do will make yours a journey of positive personal growth and cleansing transformation that leads to true authentic joy.
miracles can happen when we love ourself and others in pure positive ways that open the heart and embrace the soul.
I was awakened this morning by the sound of hope singing a song of encouragement to my true sacred self.
I choose each day to empower myself by seeking encounters and experiences that elevate the heart and soul.
when anxiety overcomes me and I am having trouble breathing I listen to my sacred heartbeat and its rhythms calm me down to the point where I can see my path in a more positive light.
you are a beautifully designed divine being of pure poetic beauty whose very essence is an ethereal expression of love.
feel the vibrations of your soul and let their sacred message help you create a brighter future of significant change in which you reach true enlightenment.
live your divinity by walking your path with compassionate courage and self love while serving the highest and greatest good.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 01, 2018
Walk A Positive Path To A Higher Purpose
transcendent and transformational is the reality we are embraced with when we walk a positive path to a higher purpose that opens our heart and soul to greater experiences of love.
be yourself. be joy. be light. be positive. be divine. be kind. be spiritual. be compassionate. be radiant. be loving. be yourself.
I waited many years to be inspired by angels until I came to the realization that I am an angel here on earth and in that moment of awareness I began to inspire myself.
free yourself from the negativity of others by living more positively. positive choices, reactions, paths, purpose, connections, changes...
your true nature is to blossom into the unique and powerful being of beauty and light that is your divine destiny. live your true nature.
there are great benefits to loving yourself completely as doing so frees your soul, deepens your awareness and lights up your world with miraculous experiences.
mental health problems for me aren't a hidden illness because I share them with the world every day while explaining to people that my brain processes information differently than theirs and that to better handle my sacred existence I must frame each moment in a matter that my brain can accept. I am not ill I am challenged and I believe as I always have that I am up to the challenge.
smiles, hugs, handshakes, pats on the back and kind words are beneficial contributions to the betterment of all humanity.
yes you can. remember that time you stood up after you were knocked down. remember that time you thought you couldn't but you did. remember that time you believed it was never going to stop yet it did. remember that time you survived. yes you can because you have survived. yes you can because you are strong. yes you can because you are loved. the time has come to remember that throughout your life you have overcome many struggles. the time has come to remember that YES YOU CAN!
venture with me into greater freedom where together we shall embrace our blessings in beneficial ways that serve the greatest and highest good.
in my dreams I visit other worlds where spirits and angels guide me to places of cleansing awareness and boundless love where I am taught to live my dreams when I awaken.
there are treasures on every path which reveal themselves when we use our vibrant spirit to expand the hearts of those we encounter along the way.
love illuminates the bountiful blessings of life while helping us create a blueprint for happiness that honors the light and serves the soul.
each time anxiety attacks me I embrace the highest good for I know in my heart that my positive energy is stronger than any negative energy life can throw at me.
even if we don't realize it at the time every life experience opens the heart a little wider so that we can let more blessings in.
you are a living miracle and by accepting this truth you connect to higher realms where angels dance in heavenly light.
when I choose to make it my purpose to live from the soul I discover the way to the sacred where I awaken spiritually to the true beauty of my life.
I been this day with a smile. I leave the house with a song in my heart. I embrace each moment with love and I walk in the light of hope and happiness. this is my day and I choose to live it joyously.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Embrace The Divine With Infinite Love
make good spiritual choices and you elevate your life to a place where with great compassion you are able to connect with your true self as you embrace the divine with infinite love.
when I was a child they told me in school that I was difficult. they told me that I was distracting to other students and they told me that I was a problem child. the truth was that I had attention deficit and I suffered from depression... they may not have known what those things were back then but they knew what compassion and kindness were and they chose to ignore them. we as a people need to be more sensitive towards each other. walk not a mile in my shoes but spend a moment in my mind and you will see my struggle and know my pain. when I was an adult they told me......
i have aligned myself with divine truth which has connected me to the beauty of life which has led me to landscapes of love where miracles happen.
when anxiety attacks I cannot breathe and simple little things that are seemingly harmless destroy my world while darkness throws me to the ground and beats me mercilessly. yet I have become accustomed to this reality and I have managed to struggle through the darkness each and every time while rising up to embrace with gratitude the blessings of my life. I am a warrior of spirit with a purpose that is profound and a path that is positive.
look closely at your miraculous existence and recognize that your role is to embrace the beauty of your unique sacred self and share its blessings in ways that celebrate your spiritual destiny.
even when my heart is heavy it is grateful for it understands the struggles I have faced and it knows that my purpose has remained positive and my intent continues to be pure.
when I was a kid we didn't have cell phones and computers. we could walk to school on our own and we didn't have to lock our doors. we actually did things like play outside, talk to each other face to face and ventured into the world with hope not fear. I miss those days. I think I am going to leave the house today with my head up, a smile on my face and nothing electronic on me.
we heal the spirit when we serve others in simple ways that open doors to love, light, kindness and compassion.
life is difficult enough when something bad happens but for some of us its not that something bad has actually happened its the thought of it happening, the memory of it happening and the possibility of it happening that torments us. today I am going to think happy thoughts with the belief that something good is going to happen.
whenever I treat myself with kindness and compassion I flower on the inside and blossom on the outside which makes every moment a most rewarding experience.
open your mind, heart, body and soul to the divine reality that you have within you the power to make magic and manifest miracles.
truly loving yourself is a compassionate choice that frees the soul as it guides you into the light of a better tomorrow.
an awakened heart has powers beyond belief which when shared create rainbows of joy that open us to a beautiful new world of miracles.
it wasn't that I discovered my authentic self, it was that I began to accept, acknowledge and appreciate my authentic self which shaped my reality into something sacred and beautiful.
design your life in a way that helps and heals by creating moments which manifest greater life experiences of inspired ecstasy and ethereal bliss.
let us live for the greatest good. let us embrace our highest self. let us open our hearts to compassion as we immerse ourselves in sacredness. let us create more joy. let us be the beings of light and love we were born to be.
look at life differently today. make an effort to try and see those little treasures that the tree of life makes you miss most days. stop not just to smell the roses but to immerse yourself in their artistic ethereal beauty. there are blessings of sacred beauty at our feet and around every corner. see with your heart. see with your spirit. see with your soul. look at the world differently today.
I frame my life in a way that my brain can accept. what are pleasant experiences for some are triggers for me so I must find ways to accommodate my altered mind that allow me to function. I live moment to moment to moment. the more good moments I can manifest the better my day will be. they say if you want to know someone walk a mile in their shoes. if you want to know me spend an hour in my mind. my strength and my weaknesses are the same things. they are a two sided coin which I flip hoping that no matter which side it lands on I have enough to pay my destiny. fear not though because I just turned sixty recently and while I still struggle I am here and at times I am happy.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Breathe Joy Into Your life By Embracing The Greater Good
breathe joy into your life by embracing the greater good in ways that help you love yourself.
I was in a car accident once where I hit the windshield from the back seat and suffered a concussion. soon after that I had a dream where I lived a totally different life in a different place filled with different people. when I awoke I had a hard time figuring out which was my real life. was it my waking life, my dream life or both. I decided that it didn't matter for I had the same goal in both worlds which was to be good man and to live a good life.
once I realized that the darkness had made my brain process information differently than others I learned to think differently which filled my heart with hope while helping me see better the true beauty of life.
the removal of stress from our life encourages spiritual growth which helps us leap forward on our path toward the destiny we desire.
I was guided and directed by spirit to look deep within and discover the joy that is my birthright and my blessing.
know that you are touched by the light and that spirit is always present for this is a truth which if believed in will bless your life with bountiful sacred gifts.
my true soul self and my sacred spirit self offer me loving guidance which makes the path I am on a blissfully hopeful journey to the healing waters of enlightenment.
its not the end of the world. it is the beginning of a new world. it is the start of a new chapter in my life in which I will write with love as my guide. my story has been sad but I am writing new stories that liberate the soul. I am the author of my life and my book will have a happy ending.
what will you do on this day to help yourself. what actions will you take to better your life. what activities will you engage in that create a new reality. if you walk out the door and turn right that is your fate. if you walk out the door and turn left your destiny changes. we have within us the power to expand our horizons and enrich our future. what will you do on this day to change your world.
I am profoundly inspired in those moments when I with great respect love myself for it is that act of self compassion which brings forth bliss, beauty and blessings.
we achieve the greatest happiness when we look at life in positive ways that allow us to see with clarity the true sacred beauty of who we are.
first you imagine the possibilities, then you believe that dreams can come true and then you make it your mission in life to manifest miracles.
I accept who I was for I love who I am and it is this realization that has strengthened my spirit and inspired me to be a compassionate force of good.
profound change is facilitated by intensity of purpose, esoteric explorations and a true passion for making life better for all.
I share with you stories of sadness in my life not to evoke sympathy but to show you that I have survived. every dark tragic experience has made me stronger and more compassionate. every struggle has made me more appreciative of the blessings I have. my darkness is not meant to bring you down but to lift you up. I have courted death yet I am still alive. had I not been through hell I would never have found the heaven that my wife and son embrace me with every day. thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I am a good man with a good life and for that I am grateful. I am sending you all love, light and positive healing energy.
let us walk in the direction of the pure light of spirit for it is there that we will discover the life force energy necessary to live a more blissful and beautiful life.
there are spiritual benefits to being positive that enrich the mind, body and soul. so think positive, act positive, feel positive, live positive and love positive.
you are unique in the world. you are unique in the universe. wear your uniqueness proudly and yours will be an empowered life filled with treasures, truth and transformation.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, October 11, 2018
A Smile On My Soul And A Song In My Heart
with a smile on my soul and a song in my heart I serve to you the highest good with the intention of connecting you to the radiant light and love of your true sacred self.
depression no longer haunts me for I use it to transcend the darkness and raise myself to celestial realms that emit beautiful blessings and miraculous messages of light which enlighten my existence.
I wear my wounds proudly for each one was a lesson that taught me the value of life and inspired me to move from the darkness into the light that is my divine destiny.
it is by reaching into the heaven within my heart that I discover higher states of awareness that guide me along a path of life changing experiences which channel all that is sacred.
cradle each moment in the light of love and yours will be a brighter world that nurtures and inspires in beautifully powerful ways.
the heart has within it a beautiful energy which embraces and elevates the soul when shared with kindness, compassion, purpose and nurturing healing power.
by making a conscious effort to live your highest good you uplift sand empower yourself and others for it is the intention that inspires and the purpose that enlightens.
make soulful decisions that illuminate the way to love and healing energies that embrace the light of your divine self.
for those of us who suffer from mental health issues there is a part of us you will never know or understand. no matter how open we are and how much we share with you there will always be a part of our pain that is hidden. a part of our struggle that is ours and only ours. its not that we are not willing to let you in, its that it is just to hard to explain and even if we could you would not be able to understand the scope of it all. so when we are dark, when we are intense, when we are silent... know that we are not angry at you. we are just living a pain that is personal and private. I am writing this because I am alive which means even though I still suffer I have survived and that means I am blessed. sending love and light to all who suffer in silence.
there is a moment in our spiritual evolution when the truth appears and we are able to see beyond our boundaries into the beautiful reality that is our ethereal existence. open your eyes and let the truth embrace you.
it is my heart centered nature that has always lifted me from the darkness into the light and for that I am eternally grateful.
whenever I walk toward my true self I am immersed in blissful states of awareness that awaken and enliven the sacred beauty within me.
what will you add to the world today. will you add joy. will you add kindness. will you add wisdom. will you add light. will you add meaning. will you add inspiration. will you add love. what will you add to the world today.
mine is a loving path of boundless spirit in which I am constantly changing and evolving into a sacred being of light and love.
whenever I am happy I seek to enrich souls by sharing my feelings of joy and igniting the flame of spirit.
I appreciate being alive for it wasn't always my desire and had I not found my way out of the darkness I would have never experienced the divine beauty and sacred love of my wife and son.
within us is a wellspring of sacred knowledge which weaves its way into the world when we make it our purpose to live a meaningful authentic life in which we create harmony, happiness and wellness.
we are beautiful and unique beings of light who blossom in spirit when we help each other smile.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, October 04, 2018
When Our Actions Are Focused On Spirit We Serve Our Higher Purpose
when our actions are focused on spirit we serve our higher purpose and ours becomes a journey of joyous blessings and positive outcomes.
I saw a baby smile yesterday and my heart soared as my soul flourished and my spirit rejoiced in its simple sacred beauty.
may your happiest self help you transform and evolve into the sacred being of beauty and light that is your divine destiny.
the significance of positive thought is that it has a healing energy and a life changing impact.
a life lived and loved fully is a purifying blessing of inspiration that enriches the spirit while celebrating the divine glory of existence.
with meaning and purpose make the choice to truly love yourself as doing so will breathe fresh life into your world which will help you heal your way to happiness.
you are a truly original sacred being deeply connected to the heavens whose unique essence enhances and enriches the world we live in.
blessings within are awakened when I open myself to the extraordinary spiritual energy of the world around me. it is by looking at life with kindness and compassion that I see with clarity the true beauty and bliss of my divine existence.
the darkness gives me purpose. the madness of life motivates me. I am inspired by my struggles and empowered by my scars. when I am at my lowest I see within me the pure light and love that is my true sacred self and I embrace the highest good. my weaknesses are my strengths and my pain is my salvation. I survive because I believe in the goodness of my heart and greatness of my spirit.
every positive choice significantly improves our life by raising our vibration and filling our sacred path with love, light and blessings.
celebrate being you for by showing the world your unique beautiful self you elevate your spirit which opens gateways in the heavens that let light and love flow into your life.
the ordinary things in life inspire me and fill my world with joy. the sun in the morning. the cat sleeping at the foot of the bed. pancakes on a Sunday morning. my child at play. the warm embrace of the woman I love. these are the things that inspire me to live my sacred purpose. these are the things that make me happy.
I have a heart centered in awareness which is a magnificently beautiful gift from the heavens that radiates love and warms all aspects of my life like a ray of sunshine.
when darkness embraces me I look deep within for that sacred place of pure joy where the spirit of self love and acceptance shines a light and guides me back to the heaven that is my home.
fill your days with glory, greatness and gratitude as you radiate kindness and yours will be an extraordinary path of power and purpose where happiness is realized.
with positive interactions that integrate the spiritual into every aspect of our divine self we manifest an enriching life of deep satisfaction that heals and transforms.
cultivate and nurture the sacred garden within your soul and watch as your life blossoms into something beautiful beyond your imagination.
acts of kindness reveal to us realities of spiritual significance that enrich all aspects of our existence while accelerating our growth as beings of light.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, September 27, 2018
I Have Rainbow Visions That Show Me The Blessings In My Life
when I am suffering and in pain I have rainbow visions that show me the blessings in my life as well as the good things that are coming my way.
by letting life flow freely from a place of kindness and compassion we create an atmosphere of love that shapes our reality into something transcendently beautiful.
in moments of love miracles happen that inspire angels and touch the heavens with the glorious beauty of our existence.
I got in touch with my higher self yesterday and we discussed how I could best serve the greatest good and the answer was with a smile and an open heart.
in unity and oneness may we create a joyful pathway to the heavens where we as beautiful sacred beings blossom together.
we are messengers of light and by sharing a simple sincere smile we send a loving message that tells the world we are here to help humanity.
mine is a destiny shaped by the light of spirit which embraces the flower of life with loving energy and deep respect.
love is a blossoming gift that blesses our world and helps us to create a joyful life of kindness and compassion where dreams are nurtured.
by choosing to be positive we benefit ourselves and humanity.
with confidence live who you truly are for you are a bountiful being of light whose life is a miracle to be cherished and celebrated.
there are pockets of sweet sacred absolute purity within each soul that elevate us to the light when we open our mind and heart to the ethereal beauty of our glorious existence.
you are a blossoming butterfly whose life and work impact people in ways that enrich, empower and enlighten. I honor and celebrate the beauty of your true sacred self. bless you.
I remember being at deaths door and thinking what a crappy neighbourhood I believe its time i moved.
there are beautiful treasures within each soul that reveal themselves when we as sacred messengers embrace self worth as we ascend to a higher level being.
the time has come to unwrap your innate healing gifts and share them with the world as you transform your life into a blessed journey of enlightening experiences.
worship, praise, accept and love yourself. do these simple things and yours will be a path of profound change where goodness and kindness are your sacred companions.
in my heart the positive energy of love flows freely filling my being with pure intentions that awaken the truth and beauty of my authentic existence.
we experience the spiritual when we walk a positive path that embraces the light with dignity, honor and integrity.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Spirit Of The Earth Whispers Words Of Wisdom
wise is the soul that looks outside the self and sees the true sacred beauty that surrounds them.
I was learning to love when I began to live completely free which inspired me to make contact with my higher self who helped me blossom into beauty.
simple pleasures inspire me to engage in transformational experiences that light the heart and lift the spirit while embracing the soul of all beings.
thank god for the light divine. thank goddess for the love that is holy. life is a healing song of happiness for those who are truly thankful.
when darkness overcomes me the light of the world embraces me and reminds me that I am not alone and that the smiling eyes of spirit are always watching over me.
my world is kept alive by the love of my family. it is their love that kindles within me the flame of happiness and makes every day a blessing to be cherished.
I am sending you the light of my spirit. I giving you the joy within my soul. I am sharing with you the love within my heart.
I was soaring high beyond the limits of reality on the wings of spirit when I saw before me all the days of my life. I watched in awe the beauty and blessings that I had failed to see when immersed in the struggles of my daily existence. it was then that I decided to return home and look closely at every aspect of my life that I may see the goodness, glory and greatness that surrounds me.
the constant barrage of negativity in the media is at this time a plague on humanity. the failures of corporations, churches and governments are devastating. the madness, prejudice, misogyny and misanthropy that infects the internet is disgusting and destructive. we as sacred beings must demand better, we must believe that we can change our world, we must set a positive example for each other and work together to cleanse and purify our planet and its people. let us not sit around and do nothing. let us rise together and say no more. let us fill our days with honor, integrity, pride and dignity. let us fill our lives with kindness, compassion, love and light. at this moment on this day I vow to be a better man than I was yesterday and I will accomplish this today, tomorrow and forever.
beautiful and beneficial are those pure positive souls whose acts of love and kindness inspire goodness and encourage greatness.
beautiful are the blessings in our lives and by seeing those blessings with divine clarity we manifest miracles that flower in a celestial garden of our own creation.
my soul is empowered and my spirit is uplifted by the sacred blossoming beauty of those I love.
my wife is an extraordinary human being. she is a phd whose wisdom enlightens. she is a mother whose love is all embracing. she is a woman of kindness, caring and compassion whose very existence is a blessing. she is my friend. she is my partner. she is the mother of my child and the person I admire most in this world. she is my light and my love. my wife is an extraordinary sacred being.
love leaves a lasting imprint which enriches our life and illuminates our journey.
my son was about five and we were walking to school when he said to me you are a great dad, when I grow up I want to be a great dad like you, except that time you let me fall out of the tree, I wouldn't let my kid fall out of a tree.
the spirit of the earth whispers words of wisdom while the wind sings a song of hope and the sun warms my heart with heavenly light.
weave joy into who you are as this will liberate your soul and spirit which will nourish your life with positive personal freedom.
I nourish this day with peace and wisdom for they are medicines for the heart and ours is a world that needs healing.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, September 13, 2018
I Am Grateful For Every Breath
I am grateful for every breath. I am thankful for every day I am alive. I am blessed by the light of spirit and I am at peace in the heart of a sacred loving home.
there is love in my heart and it is that love which when shared has helped me to heal my way to happiness.
darkness is not my old friend it is in fact my family and over the years I have moved away from home and chosen those who live in the light as my friends.
be a bringer of peace and passion whose positive spirit gives birth to a new reality of revelation and transformation.
woven into my karmic journey are seeds of light from which sprout a diversity of beliefs that help me create a life of true authentic goodness.
I am alive with spirit and my sacred purpose is to live happily as I shine my light and share my love.
we meet the divine when we look in the mirror.
when I close my eyes and think only of the love in my life the gentle breeze of bliss blows beauty into my heart and soul which awakens me to the divine glory of my existence.
the past four years have been a constant battle. its actually been for me a lifetime of pain but its severity comes in waves and these past four years have been a tidal wave. it started with my parents deaths two days apart. this past year has been my wife fathers passing. she developed sciatica which she just found out is caused by osteoarthritis on the spine. its been a difficult period. usually the wave subsides and things improve. yesterday was another devastating blow. I can only hope that the cleansing waters of hope wash away the darkness. the good news is we have each other. our love is strong and our life at home is good. we have survived and we will thrive. today we walk our path with pride for we are people of honor and integrity who deserve all the happiness life has to offer.
life affirming choices fuel our journey with positive energies that make ours a world of true fulfillment and spiritual significance.
let us celebrate the sacred for within the sacred is a place of light where true love and happiness reside.
its a simple equation - more love and happiness improves the quality of life. why then is it so hard for people to do the math.
we can improve our world by looking at life with spiritual clarity and making it out purpose to walk a path of pure positive bliss.
my existence today is one of exultant happiness for not only have I found love but I opened my heart and invited it in.
it is when we accept and embrace the truth that ours is a sacred planet which makes the heart sing that we begin to experience happiness in every moment.
I believe that we can create a new way of life that benefits all by working with our angels, spirits and guides.
it was during may darkest days that I discovered that mine is a heart of goodness which best serves humanity when sending out messages of love.
love pours forth from mother earths inhabitants when they take the evolutionary leap into the glory and greatness of their true divine essence.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, September 06, 2018
A Greater Life Is Created By Simple Gestures Of Kindness
a better life is created by simple gestures of kindness and compassion that inspire the deepest joy.
when I look back at my childhood I see heartbreak. in every picture I can find of me I am not smiling. the memories I carry with me are dark and foreboding. the pictures themselves are few and far between. when I look back at my sons first eight years. I see joy and happiness. in every picture he is smiling, laughing, playing... I see through him what life is supposed to be like. god bless the child.
I awake every morning to the sound of my heart singing love songs to my spirit while my soul dances blissfully in the sunlight of a new day.
my spirit is inspired when I meet people with a sincere desire to help others whose very essence manifests positive change.
life is a beautiful dance of love for those who feel comfortable in their own shoes as they trip the light fantastic.
I opened the door to all that is sacred and was given a hug by spirit which inspired me to venture out into the world and share the light of my being.
I held the door open and heard the words thank you. I stood up on the bus and gave an elderly person my seat and was gifted with a smile. I retrieved a ball that was thrown across the road and returned it to a child who gifted me with a hug as he asked me if I would play catch with him. every moment of every day life is filled with simple sacred blessings that remind us of how special and beautiful this world can be.
you have treasures to share. you have gifts that touch the heart and soul. you are a blessing of sacred truth and beauty. love who you are for you are a miracle that enriches this world.
I remember lying on the bench of an outdoor chapel in Lilydale New York listening to the silence and thinking how fortunate I was to be a man pf spirit in a world of light where love is my path and purpose.
you are beautiful in every way and that is a blessing that satisfies the soul of every person who has had the privilege of experiencing your greatness.
I saw the truth standing under a light by the side of the road so I stopped to say hello and was given a message of inspiration that made me appreciate the beauty of my divine life.
I traveled to the state of inner freedom the other day and while there visited the city of no regrets where I let love flow through me as I embraced the sunshine of true happiness.
today I will enjoy breathing the air of aliveness as I live my purpose in a soul satisfying manner that brings to light the beauty of my true sacred self.
you are alive. you have struggled. you have fallen. you have been broken. you have been beaten. you have suffered. you are alive. you have risen. you have persevered. you have fought back. you have triumphed. you are alive. you are worthy. you are special. you are a miracle. you are alive. you are alive. you are alive...
it is my sincere desire to embrace humanity with a compassion shaped by spirit and a love created by a sacred heart.
positive actions scatter light throughout the darkness which enables us to see the road home to the heart of who we are as we love our way to happiness.
in the morning when I arise I awaken the sacred within and together we plan a day of crystal clarity and enchanted living that creatively facilitates rewarding experiences.
the kindness of others touches and transforms me in ways that liberate and illuminate my life.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Bring Forth The Love Within
by living with integrity we bring forth the love within and life becomes a blessing of deeper meaning that serves the highest good.
every day I find one thing that makes me fall in love with life all over again.
for much of my existence depression blocked the way to the pleasures of life.then one day I realized that while my way was blocked the darkness was in fact within my power to move. since then I have been able to open doorways to opportunity, gateways to possibilities and portals to places of pure positive energy.
I fill my well with songs, poems and prayers that quench my thirst for happiness and enrich my life with beauty and bliss.
joyful is the journey where positive change is the purpose and blessings are the reward.
I have climbed many mountains in my life but it was when I stopped long enough to really look at them that I saw their true beauty. now instead of climbing I look, love, experience, appreciate and celebrate what has been right in front of me all along.
awakened is the heart of those who give the gift of light and the blessing of love to everyone they meet.
when I take my son to the Y for swimming on Sundays he likes while waiting for his class to go where the babies are and sit on the floor outside the window and play with them. he puts his hands on the window, smiles, talks to them... he knows their names and looks forward to seeing them each week. when I grow up I want to be just like my son.
every day I work hard to do and be the best I can for great happiness takes great effort.
my breakfast each day consists of a glass of gratitude, a bowl of hope and a plate of happiness.
pure natural love brings awareness to the heart and strengthens the soul with a healing light that benefits this world in beautifully poetic ways.
today I will create a blissful reality of personal richness that paints my world with love.
allow your love to flow freely as this will harmonize and balance your life in ways that benefit yourself and others.
I have never been a political person. I look at all people the same and ask myself a simple question. is this a person I want around my wife or son. if the answer is no then I would not vote for them. I find today that there are far too many people in politics, religion, media... that I would not invite into my home.
in my dreams my outer self and my inner spirit seek ways to help me through my day and when I awake I feel their love guide me through each moment on waves of wisdom.
I opened the doorway to courage and stepped through into fields of awareness and landscapes of love where I claimed with confidence the pleasures of my earthly existence.
kind words from strangers help me grow in confidence. kind words from loved ones help me grow in spirit. today I will make it my purpose to help others grow.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, August 23, 2018
I Invited Happiness Into My Heart
I invited happiness into my heart and it brought with it good thoughts that made mine a more meaningful life in which I was able to reach out and embrace the love that is my birthright.
pure and divine are those who empower and inspire by living a compassionate existence that embraces people with a kindness which opens the heart to love.
once I realized that the wisdom of my pain could serve the higher good I been to change and grow in uniquely beautiful and divinely beneficial ways.
I was warmly embraced by the sun and kissed by the moon while the stars illuminated my path and the heavens welcomed me home.
wrapped within dreams are stories of triumph which fill our waking lives with tales of transformation when we believe that we have the ability to make those dreams come true.
my tree of life grows in a garden of love by a river of joy where bluebirds of the soul sing sacred songs of spirit.
within the burden of my mental health are pockets of beauty that inspire my creative self to transform pain into works of art and words of love that improve the quality of life.
the spirit whispers songs of light and when I listen closely my life becomes a dance of joy filled with sacred pleasures.
it is difficult when you are immersed in darkness and depression to see the blessings of life but if you stop looking and simply start believing not only in their existence but in your true self then they will begin to unfold along your path and yours will become a life of spiritual transformation.
it is possible if we try hard that we can become better people.
I am faithful to the earth for she is my inspiration and ours is a heart centered love that embraces each and every day with kindness and joy.
let us come together in friendship and create experiences that embrace the sacredness of life by bringing beauty to our world.
whenever you give someone a hug you awaken the life forces and touch the miraculous.
focus your energy on letting love lift you to your dreams where you can use them to shape your destiny into a divinely beautiful reality.
a good laugh has purpose, a loving embrace has meaning and you have within you the ability to make your life and the lives of those around you better and more beautiful.
I am imperfectly inspiring for it is my broken bits that have helped others see the light, it is my scars that have helped people heal and it is my rising from the ashes that has taught others how to light the fire within. let your shortcomings become your strengths and and your struggles become the building blocks of a destiny most profound.
I made peace with the heaven in my heart a long time ago and because of that today I am fully alive, awakened and aware.
one day I opened my heart which had been closed by darkness for so very long and I was touched by a love so beautiful that it transformed my whole world into one of light where I am living happily ever after.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Friday, August 17, 2018
See Clearly How Beautiful And Blessed You Truly Are
let love lift the veil that you may see clearly just how beautiful and blessed you truly are.
you are a survivor. you have had many struggles in life yet you are still here. you have been beaten and broken but through it all have managed to love others. you are stronger than you realize. you are here for a reason. know that you are not alone. know that we who have suffered and survived have within us greatness beyond imagination. I am sending you my light for your light has found its way to me. I am sending you my love for your love has embraced my heart and soul. you are appreciated. you are admired. you are a profound blessing of the highest good. you have survived for a reason and that reason is to be happy.
healing and harmony were walking hand in hand when they passed me on the road of life and I was inspired by the beauty of their love to change the way I walked my path.
every experience is transformative. how these experiences transform us is our choice. by choosing to use difficult times as a source of education and inspiration my world was transformed from one of darkness into one of light.
kindness is a loving act that helps us heal. it is a blessing we bestow upon each other that brings light to our world. it is a momentous act of divine inspiration that transforms life in ways profound. today let us walk our path with kindness.
loving yourself is a beautiful healing gift that awakens the sacred within while enriching every part of your journey greater happiness.
your true essence is love and if you embrace each moment with this reality yours will be a journey of joyful experiences in which you connect deeply with others.
when I share my true self with others I feel joy and pleasure which changes the quality of my life for the better.
enchant your soul with a higher purpose, enrich your spirit with a positive perspective, enlighten your heart with a profound passion and watch your world transform.
I carry with me at all times a box of post traumatic stress which I open when I am feeling down so that I can see what I have survived. this helps me to appreciate the miracle of my existence and know that no matter what knocks me to the ground I will rise up happier and stronger. I put my problems in their place and let them know that I am in control which for me makes all the difference in the world.
a baby laughing is a profound gift whose vibrations of love touch the heart with a joy most sacred and beautiful.
life evolves spiritually when we see its true beauty and open our heart and soul to its warm loving embrace.
my scars are benchmarks on the map of life that have shown me the way to the light that is my destiny.
a passionate heart serves humanity in soul inspiring and thought provoking ways that connect us to the sacred.
I was reaching beyond expectation when the energy of the divine filled me with love which helped me grow into a being of light.
I have never liked bullies. while I might walk away from an altercation myself I would always stand up for those who were being pushed around. my definition of a coward is one who who attacks and abuses those who are unable to defend themselves. it seems to be getting harder these days as their numbers are growing. its no longer the random few. today its people in power. its the people who are supposed to be helping you. its corporations, premiers and presidents. still I say to them you I fear you not for you are weak. I fear you not for you are cowards. I fear you not for you are monsters. knock me down and I will rise up. I am stronger than you for I am a good person. I have never liked bullies but I have always loved myself and others enough to stand my ground proudly. if you have been bullied know that you are loved.
every time I plant a seed of kindness I grow spiritually and every time I grow spiritually I realize that love is my sacred purpose.
loving actions create a flow of positive energy that shines a pure positive light on the beauty and miracle of life.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Friday, August 10, 2018
You Are One Of Lifes Greatest Joys
you are one of lifes greatest joys and the angels shine their light when you share that joy with the world.
aliveness and awareness when authentic ignite growth and facilitate healing while awakening all that is sacred and beautiful within.
by opening myself to love mine became a fully realized path of joy and bliss where I experienced the extraordinary beauty of a life that had always been there waiting for me to find my way home.
waves of joy and happiness wash over us when with an open heart we live and love fully.
love completely in meaningful ways that nurture the universe within yourself and others as this will elevate every aspect of your world.
have a compassionate soulful conversation with your true self and you will discover the greatness within which will help you to experience more love and light in your life.
inspire your world by opening all portals to love and letting in the light that all may see clearly the beauty and blessing of your sacred radiant self.
if you truly believed how uniquely special and amazingly beautiful you are yours would be an inspiring journey of transformation and unparalleled happiness.
I enjoy activities in which I experience life in compassionate ways that affirm my intentions and awaken the lightness of my being.
there is something amazing about you. there is something sacred, beautiful and brilliant about you. there is something sweet and gentle that touches the soul about you. there is something kind, caring and compassionate about you. I love everything about you.
pray with me at the altar of love for a world of light where we as sacred beings live happily in peaceful harmony.
I received a call from spirit asking me to use my blissful bountiful gifts to serve humanity and my answer was yes.
you are the essence of love and by believing this truth and immersing yourself in its beauty you create a unique vibration that opens gateways to joy and abundance.
I have chose to make uniquely beautiful karmic choices and have been rewarded in richly diverse ways that embrace the light and fill my life with love.
it is hard to take care of yourself when you are so busy taking care of others. today take the time to rest, relax and wrap yourself in grace and beauty. nourish your needs and nourish your desires. connect with your true self. let go if but for a moment of everybody's pain and use your loving energy to ease your own suffering. you are extraordinary your are having a positive lasting impact on the lives of others. the time has arrived to take care of you. I believe in you and my heart and soul are always with you. you have my love as I have yours. smile and love yourself as only you can.
open your mind, body and soul to your hearts true purpose which is a life in which every moment is blessed with a deep love that illuminates your ethereal essence.
make it your intention to open as many hearts as possible and yours will be a path immersed in love and nourished with happiness.
connect to the love that resides within your heart and soul by communicating its profound beauty and sharing its divine blessings.
while making my way through yesterday I opened the door for an elderly person, smiled at a stranger, stood up for a mother and child, gave my seat to a pregnant woman and gave my son a hug. life is what we make it so why not make it something beautiful.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, August 02, 2018
I Am Blessed And I Am Loved
I am blessed and I am loved. these two things are the keys to my survival. they are my inspiration. until I opened my heart and let them in my life was dark and depressing. the moment I said yes and invited them home everything changed. I am at this time in my life the happiest I have ever been for I am blessed and I am loved.
with guidance and wisdom from the heart I approach this day with love as my profoundly beautiful path and purpose.
make an effort today to be a better person. a better friend, a better partner, a better father and a better human being. let kindness, compassion, joy and happiness be your intention. sing, dance, smile and laugh. open your heart to the beauty of life. today make the choice to be a better person.
the light within is always on. the darkness you experience is but a manifestation of your fears, phobias and insecurities. let go of those negative influences and yours will be a sacred journey immersed in the sunshine of spirit.
spiritual friendships are gifts that open the heart to healing energies which enlighten our journey with love.
remember to love yourself today. take time to show yourself just how special you are. dance in the light of your miraculous beauty as you embrace the magnificence of your true sacred essence. remember to love yourself today.
we have within us compassionate energies which when shared builds bridges of spirit that lead us to places of pure positive love and happiness.
embody the sacred and yours will be a positive personal path that is filled with blessings of love and light.
we are higher dimensional beings whose true life purpose is to guide and inspire ourselves and others to be the love that is our divine destiny.
open the door to the house of self love and you will discover beauty beyond the ordinary that embraces your mystical journey with pure positive vibrations of happiness and bliss.
it is with divine intent that I share my light and it is with sacred purpose that I share my love for I am a unique and powerful messenger of spirit.
our heart carries within it beautiful messages of spirit which unfold into our lives whenever we hear and say the words I love you.
beautiful being of light you are a gift of spirit that touches the soul of humanity and you are loved.
you are worthy and if you see yourself as such you attract greater opportunities and possibilities into your life that help you evolve more effectively.
I opened the gateway to my natural self and ventured within where I discovered that mine was a remarkable life and I was truly blessed.
compassion has enormous benefits for it blesses us with waves of love that wash away worries and replace them with moments of hope and happiness.
beautifully inspiring are those precious moments when someones kindness reaches into the centre of your being and embraces you with love.
you are a blessing of celestial beauty whose powerful healing energy nurtures, nourishes and supports those fortunate enough to experience the miracle of your true sacred self.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
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