Thursday, November 15, 2018

There Is Goodness At The Core Of My Being

while I have been throughout my life severely broken I have also been profoundly blessed for there is goodness at the core of my being and greatness in the people that I share my life with.

be a bringer of light, be a messenger of love and be a cultivator of kindness for this is who you truly are.

we were at a wonderful little diner for lunch yesterday. the setting was lovely and family orientated. they had tvs with no sound just the picture and closed captioning. while the meals were great the stories on the news were all depressing. evil corporations, crazy politicians, sexist celebrities... there are days when this constant barrage of ignorance and stupidity takes its toll. when we went home my wife, eight year old son and myself put together a bookshelf from Ikea, made some pumpkin spice muffins and watched a sweet family show while cuddling on the couch. that is how we handled the madness. we just embraced the beauty of our family.

bathe in the holy waters of compassion and watch as your spirit comes alive and life becomes a blessing of greater happiness.

create with me a foundation of goodness on which we may build a house of happiness where life is a blessing of profound kindness and eternal love.

I awake each day with the desire to transform. I am dedicated to helping myself and others make the changes necessary to create for us a happier healthier existence.

I woke up happiness yesterday. we met for coffee and discussed ways that we could be in each others lives more.

whenever I listen closely to the heartbeat of my humanity it embraces me with a rhythm that makes my life a sacred dance that vibrates at the highest level.

my a.d.d taught me to explore as many different aspects of my existence as possible. my o.c.d gave a structure to my life that has helped me cope with my struggles. my p.t.s.d instilled within me a desire for more that was so intense it moved me forward from the darkness into the light. my mental health problems do not define me. my mental health problems inspire me to work harder to be better, live longer and love as much as possible.

vibrant, alive, empowering and infinite are the blessings that reside within the heart and soul of our true sacred self.

light the fire of love within by sharing your spiritual gifts in an all embracing manner that shows the world the pure positive power of your sacred purpose.

the highest and greatest good are friends of mine and together we seek to create a flow of spirit that will guide people to a place of pure love and light

my well being improved when I accepted the truth of my existence and dedicated my life to creating a new reality which moved me forward into the light.

we have in our lives unlimited love. look beyond your stress for it is there. remove your anxiety and you will find it there. see through your suffering for it is waiting for you there. we have unlimited love in our lives and when we remove those obstacles which cause us pain we see with greater beauty the blessings within our reach.

beautifully craft with me a sacred space of divine humanity where we may generate greater joy, bliss and happiness.

sacred self love when honest and true enriches our life with a deeply transformative energy that frees us from suffering.

I was searching beyond my realty for a truth that would connect me to something greater when a beautiful awakening occurred within that lifted me to a place of pure spiritual ecstasy.

we are each unique, authentic and original beings of divine love, light and energy whose remarkable gifts and abundant blessings make the world a better place.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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