Thursday, November 22, 2018

Ground Yourself In Spirit

ground yourself in spirit as you plant seeds of kindness and yours will be a beautiful garden of luminous energy where love flowers and the sacred blossoms.

I was reaching for the higher truth when I found the book of life which upon reading enriched my world with words and deeds that awakened the heart and spirit of my true sacred self.

your life is a beautifully uplifting blueprint of inspiration that purifies the path you are on while serving as a transformational catalyst for others.

I know you are struggling. I am sending you love. I know you are hurting. I am sending you light. I know you are suffering. I am sending you positive energy. I know you. I am sending you the sacred within me.

make positive choices and empowering changes will occur that awaken your true spiritual nature and open your heart to the bountiful blessings of life.

love is your true purpose for love is a mission that inspires, a blessing that heals, a light that empowers and a belief that benefits humanity.

the more positive our beliefs and feelings are the more we grow and thrive as we move forward into a life of wonder and expanding love.

help me help you help others help themselves.

I saw the devil sitting on the side of the road crying so i stopped to say hello and to talk about why I cast him out. I told him that while he was inside of me my struggle to survive was great but that once I removed him from my life things began to improve. I wished him well and told him that I held no animosity towards him and that I was always available to talk. as I walked away I looked back and saw a tear in his eye which I wiped away with a smile of compassion.

immerse yourself in love and open yourself to its unique powers as you shine a light of absolute joy on each moment of your divine journey.

while on a path of transformation I came upon some inspiration that filled my soul with revelations which led me home to my true sacred self.

be aware no matter the energy that is present at the time that you have the power to change it. so if the universe is poking you with a stick today then take out a shovel, bury it and go forward with a smile on your soul.

yesterday I grew more alive when I did things that felt good for my soul. today I will become more alive by doing things that feel good for my spirit. tomorrow I will be life at its most sacred and beautiful.

a positive powerful purpose guides us to our highest destiny where we connect to the source as we cultivate feelings of love.

isolation and loneliness have been my companions throughout my life but they do not define me. they remind me of what pain and suffering can do and inspire me to venture into the world to find friendship and community.

there is glory in every day. there is greatness in every day. there is goodness in every day. open your heart and soul to the truths that exist every day and you will not only see the extraordinary you will be the extraordinary.

you are a light in the world and when you lovingly shine that light on others you facilitate spiritual wellbeing.

love is a power that transforms and truly beautiful are those who use that power to awaken the spirit and ignite the divine.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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