Thursday, November 29, 2018

Go Beyond Negative Thoughts And Feelings

we always hear that good things are coming, the truth is that they are already here. we just have to go beyond negative thoughts and feelings to see clearly the glorious beauty of all greatness within our reach.

I sang a song of the self to the self which inspired me to free myself from myself and love myself in unselfish ways.

turn on the light of creation and let its radiance inspire you to build a healthy home of hope and happiness where miracles flow freely.

when I awoke this morning I began my day by opening the door to transformation and inviting my past, present and future selves in to discuss ways in which we could brighten my world with beauty and bliss.

use your unique gifts to communicate with others in soulful ways that manifest a higher vibration of love.

reflect deeply on the blessings of light and love in your life as doing so is a nurturing practice that affirms your sacred destiny.

you are worthy. you are deserving. you are unique. you are special. you are loving. you are kind. you are sacred. you are divine. you are all that is. you are all that ever will be. you are beautiful. you are blessed. live who you are. love who you are. be who you are!

thoughts have a life of their own and the more lovingly you treat yourself the more positive those thoughts are and the better and more beautiful your world becomes.

engage life with love and you embrace the world with a lightness of being that nurtures, nourishes and transforms.

I have bruises that are ready to heal and blossom. I have broken bits of past trauma that are ready to transform into butterflies of spirit. I have negative thoughts and feelings that are ready to shed their skin and become positive actions and intentions. I am ready to purge myself of all my baggage and venture home to my true sacred self.

when I encounter difficult times I dance to the music of my divinity and healing blessings profoundly guide me to breathtakingly beautiful gardens of heart and soul.

when you truly love yourself you create something beautiful inside that radiates a positive energy out into the world which brings joy and happiness to your journey.

I struggle every day with depression yet I survive because I have learned that life can change for the better by simply making more positive choices. today I choose to meet friends for coffee and talk about things that make us happy.

while out walking where miracles abound I heard a baby laughing and remembered how divinely beautiful life can be.

nurture me with kindness and I will nourish you with compassion and together we will make the world a better place.

bring life to the soul of who you are by opening your heart that all may see and experience the loving beauty of your true divine self.

when I fuel the fires of transformation I see visions of how beautiful life can be which inspires me to go out into the world with the intention of doing sacred things that benefit all.

what a beautiful gift is the ability to make people smile for a smile is light that brings joy into the heart of each and every soul it blesses.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Ground Yourself In Spirit

ground yourself in spirit as you plant seeds of kindness and yours will be a beautiful garden of luminous energy where love flowers and the sacred blossoms.

I was reaching for the higher truth when I found the book of life which upon reading enriched my world with words and deeds that awakened the heart and spirit of my true sacred self.

your life is a beautifully uplifting blueprint of inspiration that purifies the path you are on while serving as a transformational catalyst for others.

I know you are struggling. I am sending you love. I know you are hurting. I am sending you light. I know you are suffering. I am sending you positive energy. I know you. I am sending you the sacred within me.

make positive choices and empowering changes will occur that awaken your true spiritual nature and open your heart to the bountiful blessings of life.

love is your true purpose for love is a mission that inspires, a blessing that heals, a light that empowers and a belief that benefits humanity.

the more positive our beliefs and feelings are the more we grow and thrive as we move forward into a life of wonder and expanding love.

help me help you help others help themselves.

I saw the devil sitting on the side of the road crying so i stopped to say hello and to talk about why I cast him out. I told him that while he was inside of me my struggle to survive was great but that once I removed him from my life things began to improve. I wished him well and told him that I held no animosity towards him and that I was always available to talk. as I walked away I looked back and saw a tear in his eye which I wiped away with a smile of compassion.

immerse yourself in love and open yourself to its unique powers as you shine a light of absolute joy on each moment of your divine journey.

while on a path of transformation I came upon some inspiration that filled my soul with revelations which led me home to my true sacred self.

be aware no matter the energy that is present at the time that you have the power to change it. so if the universe is poking you with a stick today then take out a shovel, bury it and go forward with a smile on your soul.

yesterday I grew more alive when I did things that felt good for my soul. today I will become more alive by doing things that feel good for my spirit. tomorrow I will be life at its most sacred and beautiful.

a positive powerful purpose guides us to our highest destiny where we connect to the source as we cultivate feelings of love.

isolation and loneliness have been my companions throughout my life but they do not define me. they remind me of what pain and suffering can do and inspire me to venture into the world to find friendship and community.

there is glory in every day. there is greatness in every day. there is goodness in every day. open your heart and soul to the truths that exist every day and you will not only see the extraordinary you will be the extraordinary.

you are a light in the world and when you lovingly shine that light on others you facilitate spiritual wellbeing.

love is a power that transforms and truly beautiful are those who use that power to awaken the spirit and ignite the divine.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 15, 2018

There Is Goodness At The Core Of My Being

while I have been throughout my life severely broken I have also been profoundly blessed for there is goodness at the core of my being and greatness in the people that I share my life with.

be a bringer of light, be a messenger of love and be a cultivator of kindness for this is who you truly are.

we were at a wonderful little diner for lunch yesterday. the setting was lovely and family orientated. they had tvs with no sound just the picture and closed captioning. while the meals were great the stories on the news were all depressing. evil corporations, crazy politicians, sexist celebrities... there are days when this constant barrage of ignorance and stupidity takes its toll. when we went home my wife, eight year old son and myself put together a bookshelf from Ikea, made some pumpkin spice muffins and watched a sweet family show while cuddling on the couch. that is how we handled the madness. we just embraced the beauty of our family.

bathe in the holy waters of compassion and watch as your spirit comes alive and life becomes a blessing of greater happiness.

create with me a foundation of goodness on which we may build a house of happiness where life is a blessing of profound kindness and eternal love.

I awake each day with the desire to transform. I am dedicated to helping myself and others make the changes necessary to create for us a happier healthier existence.

I woke up happiness yesterday. we met for coffee and discussed ways that we could be in each others lives more.

whenever I listen closely to the heartbeat of my humanity it embraces me with a rhythm that makes my life a sacred dance that vibrates at the highest level.

my a.d.d taught me to explore as many different aspects of my existence as possible. my o.c.d gave a structure to my life that has helped me cope with my struggles. my p.t.s.d instilled within me a desire for more that was so intense it moved me forward from the darkness into the light. my mental health problems do not define me. my mental health problems inspire me to work harder to be better, live longer and love as much as possible.

vibrant, alive, empowering and infinite are the blessings that reside within the heart and soul of our true sacred self.

light the fire of love within by sharing your spiritual gifts in an all embracing manner that shows the world the pure positive power of your sacred purpose.

the highest and greatest good are friends of mine and together we seek to create a flow of spirit that will guide people to a place of pure love and light

my well being improved when I accepted the truth of my existence and dedicated my life to creating a new reality which moved me forward into the light.

we have in our lives unlimited love. look beyond your stress for it is there. remove your anxiety and you will find it there. see through your suffering for it is waiting for you there. we have unlimited love in our lives and when we remove those obstacles which cause us pain we see with greater beauty the blessings within our reach.

beautifully craft with me a sacred space of divine humanity where we may generate greater joy, bliss and happiness.

sacred self love when honest and true enriches our life with a deeply transformative energy that frees us from suffering.

I was searching beyond my realty for a truth that would connect me to something greater when a beautiful awakening occurred within that lifted me to a place of pure spiritual ecstasy.

we are each unique, authentic and original beings of divine love, light and energy whose remarkable gifts and abundant blessings make the world a better place.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 08, 2018

What Is The Soul Of Your Story

what is the soul of your story. mine is love. what is the spirit of your existence. mine is love. what is the heart of your journey mine is love. we are beings of love and by embracing this truth and living it fully we sew sacred threads of bliss into each and every step along the way.

I was sitting at a playground watching my son as he embraced the fullness of life with incredible beauty when I realized that joy is innate and happiness is a blessing we are gifted with in the womb.

I gave myself the gift of truth which liberated my spirit and illuminated my blessings which I then shared with others in uniquely inspiring ways.

people don't understand depression. I hear them say I was depressed and I could still work... when talking about depression look at it like you would others illnesses like autism. billy has autism and he is married, has a good job and is fully functional. Dave has autism and can't live alone, has trouble leaving the house and needs constant supervision. they are at different ends of the spectrum. depression works this way also. Debbie has depression and she is having a bad day and has chosen to stay in bed today. sheila has depression and she picked up a gun and shot herself in the head. they are at different ends of the spectrum. I understand depression because I have lived with it for sixty years.

how many churches have to be attacked, how many school shootings do there have to be, how many mass killings do we need to happen before we as compassionate human beings say no more. when do we stop playing politics and start taking care of each other. when do we throw out sexism, racism, homophobia and replace them with love and kindness. stop killing people because your country is the good country. stop killing people because your god is the real god. please stop.

you are a force of love with a beauty unfolding whose soul touches the eternal and whose life is a sacred source of inspiration.

allowing love into my life is what ultimately saved me. while I had many struggles along the way it was my punishing myself and denying myself that truly held me down. then one day i realized that I could rise at any time which inspired me to open the door to my heart and invite people in.

see yourself as worthy and live that truth as you align with your higher purpose for you are a light being born of love on a journey to divine happiness.

I was watching the tv looking for real honest decent compassionate kind loving people and when I couldn't find any I turned it off and opened the door to my Childs bedroom and watched him sleep with the knowledge that good people do still exist.

divine is the love that cultivates a higher purpose and inspires a path of light that leads us to greater happiness.

live your highest self, live your greatest purpose and live your best life as doing do will make yours a journey of positive personal growth and cleansing transformation that leads to true authentic joy.

miracles can happen when we love ourself and others in pure positive ways that open the heart and embrace the soul.

I was awakened this morning by the sound of hope singing a song of encouragement to my true sacred self.

I choose each day to empower myself by seeking encounters and experiences that elevate the heart and soul.

when anxiety overcomes me and I am having trouble breathing I listen to my sacred heartbeat and its rhythms calm me down to the point where I can see my path in a more positive light.

you are a beautifully designed divine being of pure poetic beauty whose very essence is an ethereal expression of love.

feel the vibrations of your soul and let their sacred message help you create a brighter future of significant change in which you reach true enlightenment.

live your divinity by walking your path with compassionate courage and self love while serving the highest and greatest good.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Walk A Positive Path To A Higher Purpose

transcendent and transformational is the reality we are embraced with when we walk a positive path to a higher purpose that opens our heart and soul to greater experiences of love.

be yourself. be joy. be light. be positive. be divine. be kind. be spiritual. be compassionate. be radiant. be loving. be yourself.

I waited many years to be inspired by angels until I came to the realization that I am an angel here on earth and in that moment of awareness I began to inspire myself.

free yourself from the negativity of others by living more positively. positive choices, reactions, paths, purpose, connections, changes...

your true nature is to blossom into the unique and powerful being of beauty and light that is your divine destiny. live your true nature.

there are great benefits to loving yourself completely as doing so frees your soul, deepens your awareness and lights up your world with miraculous experiences.

mental health problems for me aren't a hidden illness because I share them with the world every day while explaining to people that my brain processes information differently than theirs and that to better handle my sacred existence I must frame each moment in a matter that my brain can accept. I am not ill I am challenged and I believe as I always have that I am up to the challenge.

smiles, hugs, handshakes, pats on the back and kind words are beneficial contributions to the betterment of all humanity.

yes you can. remember that time you stood up after you were knocked down. remember that time you thought you couldn't but you did. remember that time you believed it was never going to stop yet it did. remember that time you survived. yes you can because you have survived. yes you can because you are strong. yes you can because you are loved. the time has come to remember that throughout your life you have overcome many struggles. the time has come to remember that YES YOU CAN!

venture with me into greater freedom where together we shall embrace our blessings in beneficial ways that serve the greatest and highest good.

in my dreams I visit other worlds where spirits and angels guide me to places of cleansing awareness and boundless love where I am taught to live my dreams when I awaken.

there are treasures on every path which reveal themselves when we use our vibrant spirit to expand the hearts of those we encounter along the way.

love illuminates the bountiful blessings of life while helping us create a blueprint for happiness that honors the light and serves the soul.

each time anxiety attacks me I embrace the highest good for I know in my heart that my positive energy is stronger than any negative energy life can throw at me.

even if we don't realize it at the time every life experience opens the heart a little wider so that we can let more blessings in.

you are a living miracle and by accepting this truth you connect to higher realms where angels dance in heavenly light.

when I choose to make it my purpose to live from the soul I discover the way to the sacred where I awaken spiritually to the true beauty of my life.

I been this day with a smile. I leave the house with a song in my heart. I embrace each moment with love and I walk in the light of hope and happiness. this is my day and I choose to live it joyously.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One